minimalist home office design ideas

a lot of the stuff i have in my home officeis from ikea. with their modern designs and cost effectivepricing; ikea desks, chairs, decoration, and trinkets have pretty much become staples forany computer setup but which ones are the most popular? hi i’m david and these are what i thinkare the most popular ikea products for the home office. so starting off with the biggest piece offurniture for the office, the desk. and ikea has a lot of popular options andcolors to choose from. looking for a super budget option?
most people will look at the linnmon and adilsdesk combo. starting from just $25 and stays well undera $100 even for larger combinations, pretty much everyone starts here. or if you’re looking for something moredurable and adjustable the professional bekant series is available as a motorized sit standdesk or i also really like their adjustable sitting desk for improved ergonomics. and there are definitely a lot of other optionsthat are just as popular but the most popular ikea desk in my opinion isn’t even a deskbut an innovative hack of putting together a kitchen counter top and some drawer units.
(1 part kitchen + 1 part drawer) specificallythe combo of the karlby countertop and the alex drawers is my front runner. the karlby countertop is available in 74 or98 inches long, and available in different stains over the walnut veneer. and throw that on top of a couple alex drawersand adils legs and you’ve got yourself a great looking, super large, and very solidlyconstructed desk for a decent price. next up the chair, which is probably the mostimportant piece of furniture in your office since most of us are sitting all day long. the most desirable office chairs are easilythe likes of models from high end companies
like herman miller or steelcase but not everyonecan afford to spend over a grand on a chair. and while i think the ikea volmar is a goodconsideration as a highly adjustable budget pick, the markus is clearly the most popularchoice. with a super solid build construction, comfortablemesh back and headrest, and a price tag under $200. it’s the universal budget pick for officechairs. so after taking care of the major pieces offurniture for the office next let’s look at the accessories to dress up the desk setup. and i think the key to a great looking computersetup is great cable management or at least
finding ways to hide them. some simple ways to hide them are to throwthem inside something like a kvissle cable management box or for a more high tech optionthe romma box with the wireless charging pad on top. but the most popular accessory is the oneyou often don’t even see, the signum rack quietly hides underneath many peoples desksand neatly stores all those cables and power adapters away from sight. cheap, simple and highly effective. it’s a go to cable management solution forpretty much any desk setup.
one of the reasons i really enjoy shoppingat ikea isn’t just for the big products but also all the little accessories and optionsthey offer, which opens up so many ikea hacking possibilities. but the most popular ikea hack for the officeis a simple monitor stand, combining a shelf and some capita legs and voila better monitorergonomics. and thanks to ikea’s extensive product lineup you can customize this build to variety of colors, sizes and leg designs to matchpretty much any desk design. and finally some decoration. the simplest way to dress up the office isby adding some artwork or photos in some ribba
picture frame on the wall. or if you aren’t artistically talented justgrab a ready made piece of art. looking to add some extra flare to your setup,the dioders work in a pinch to add colorful ambient lighting, but the most popular pieceof ikea decoration is the ikea fejka, an artificial plant. while this may seem like an odd choice, thiszen like plant, adds a little color and warmth to any modern setup, and there’s no wateringnecessary, which is perfect for me. so those are what i think are the most popularikea products for the home office. but do you agree with my choices?
let me know in the comments below. but hope you guys enjoyed this one. you know what to do and i’ll see you inthe next video.