minimalist homepage design

hey guys it's me karen and welcome back i asked you guys to vote whether you guys want to see a lookbook first or online shop set you must see on us chose this video so i'm gonna hop right into this immediately okay so the first shop i want to share with you guys is called echo clubhouse and they are a la base brand their style is very 90s eccentric
and it's just all the basics that you would imagine and 90s girl needs one of my favorite places to shop at because their things are quite affordable and the shipping is really on time the second shop i want to share with you guys is called spoiled ecomme you might have seen me showcase spoiled e items before on this channel and also on
instagram but since i've never gave them a proper shoutout i do want to give them a shout out and they aren't also la base it's owned by a girl named haruna barbie girl on instagram so you can feel free to check it out i will link all these stores in the description box below i think spoiled lee is a bit more japanese influence with a bit of all-american
girl mixed into the bits it's one of my favorite places to shop at so definitely go check it out they have great pieces and the quality is a on point so the third one is called mix mix underscores usa mix mix is actually a korean brand that sell to korea it's kind of like style nanda they do shit to america i honestly have never purchased from there
before because i just found out about it not too long ago as i was doing research for this video when i saw the instagram page and i saw the website i was like oh my god how did i not find about this earlier so i'm definitely gonna be ordering from them soon and when i do i'll be sharing it with you guys and let you know what my experiences but so far
from the website it looks very promising so i recommend you guys to check it out so the fourth one is called glint shop so this store is a little bit different because it's a little bit less girl next door as the stores that i shared previously the stores i've shared before it's d pg in my opinion and it's not super
wacky and it's not super out there where it might be difficult to find basics so this one is definitely a little bit more wacky i want to say it's like late 90s to early 2000s that's what this store is heavily inspired by and it has a lot of niche high-end brands from the internet i would consider them to high-end but they're not as cheap as like echo
clubhouse to some degree like this stuff is a little bit more rare per se they're still really unique really different pieces i'm very vintage so i would definitely give this shop ago if you want to have like some graphic tees that are really really wacky or some really wacky boots check it out okay so the next shop is called coco pi underscore
shop now this is a really small instagram online shop which i haven't personally shopped at but i looked at the stuff and i thought it was super duper cute it seems like they have a pretty decent following so i'm just going to assume that their customer service and the product line is fairly decent for them to have a following like
this seems like they've been around for a little bit for an internet shop definitely check it out i want to say koko pi underscore shop has more like of the quintessential cutesy bb hood style so the next couple of stores i want to show you guys our street wear stores there a little bit similar to petals and peacocks and unep if you guys are
familiar with those brands so the first one is called mary jane gecko now i'm not sure if i'm saying that right or wrong so you feel free to correct me if you guys know so she does a lot of designs that's borrowed from other brands like netflix she would have like a netflix mobile but it will say something up another popular one is a
thresher fire but she'll use it as something else like on a cell phone case and whatnot so i really really like marriage in echo similar to like petals and peacocks i love those brands now the second one i want to share with you guys and these are really small instagram brands they probably like one person at home like
myself making these things and shipping it out this one is called pleasures now calm and it's just pleasures dot now on instagram very heavily kanye west the life of pablo album employees his stuff is all printed on t-shirts and you'll notice designs are heavily barred from that i really really like that album the life of pablo some when i saw this shop
i was like i don't recall kanye ever releasing any t-shirts that have like the album art so this guide is a pretty good rendition of it so i would definitely check it out now the next one it's called alzheimer's they have really really interesting graphic tees that are very like 80s inspired graphics which i am obsessed with this guy doesn't have a
lot of graphics on his website i think he's a pretty small guy his art direction is what my aesthetics align with so when i saw and i was like i got to share it with you guys now these are stores where you cannot purchase and they do not ship to america now let's say you live in japan or korea you guys are in love and so the first one is
called speak under voice don't quote me on this but i think it's a sister company of cell no no because that's how i found out about this friend i am really obsessed with the way they layer clothes it's really different from what i've seen before and i like the direction that they're going in mixing a bit of 70s element with a bit of 80s
like super girly elements they do wear their pants and also really funky color boots but the accessories that they pair it with is a lot softer like something borrowed from the 80s and we're lacey wear see through more gentle what's like maybe roses and pearls i just feel like it's a really interesting mixture of style lots of
style inspiration from speak under boys i actually went to the store when i was in japan it's called bubbles it's a bit of speak under voices style mix with street style and also mix it with a bit of japanese style it's really interesting it looks aesthetic is great i would just recommend you to check it out these are great websites for you to
kind of get layering inspiration yeah all right this is a really long video i hope you guys enjoy these shops that i'm sharing with you guys please make sure to click this description box below because all of these links and all the stores that i shared with you guys will be listed down there hope you guys enjoyed these videos if you like these i
will try to make them like once a month gather some stores for you guys and share them with you guys just leave a comment below let me know just say like paula or yes if you like it before i go on the next video that i'm going to shoot is a 90s back-to-school lookbooks so keep your eyes peeled for that and also have a klop coming out with sydney
it's a look book and it's going to be a really good look book so keep your eyes peeled for that i got some fashion coming out for you guys some makeup videos alright i'm excited i'll see you guys back on snapchat back on instagram back on twitter and peace for now bye all right guys it is now wednesday um gosh i say this all the time but i am
running late again i'm getting my hair retouched so there's not so much yellow brassiness