modern interior design kolkata
the experience was extraordinary, it was a constructive collaboration. the team, i would say, is based on a management that is mastered by marian. the attitude of this boy is... of great character to what he does because he is dedicated, he is totally involved.
marian has a very strong personality; he is a very ambitious artist who puts in value ... his ingenuity, emphasizes people, their desires, their preferences, and tries to make a perfect harmony between style, preferences, human personality and beauty . all of this are reflected in the project,
the final result... being his personality, along with the personality of the client, reaveled in an interior. i trusted him the first day i met him, because he is a very punctual person, qualitative in what he wants to do. he is a person who gives time to his work, to small details –
(he is my client, whom i met, having many clients, but...he bought me, with his ideas and with ... the solutions he found,regardless of the budget you have. the solutions he found, regardless of the budget you have. design is everything that surrounds us, and the entourage defines us. whether we are talking about norms, ergonomy, route or function, all these are found in the technical project,
which has the role of explaining the constructive steps of a design project. the beauty of style is his discretion, and comfort will always be fashionable. design solutions makes your dream come true, with modern technologies help and our professionalism. aesthetic, complicated or simple but always practical.
very professional, very easy to work with, comunication point of view is also very easy. especially for a foreigner, who is not from moldova, it was very easy to work with the local company, and to speak, to work in english, it was very easy. the result exceeded our expectations i would characterize the design solutions team very simple professionalism, responsibility, creativity
and cooperation with all customers a team of specialists who know their job well, partners whom i can recommend with confidence. it does not matter, it's day or evening ... ...he feels bad, he always ... ...answers to the phone, he always has, as i said, an attitude that struck me .... .... and having ... an rich experience in past through
various collaborations, i would say that it is one of the most fruitful, he left me a positive energy. what he does, he does with soul, with involvement, with dedication, a little thing - but in depth. he is very brave, very bold, keeps doing what he proposed, he gets the paper project into reality
the reality the way he wants to see it. he is a successful person. attitude, perseverance, progress, style and comfort are the priorities of my team.