modern interior design london

the style is all melissa's yeah, tchaik doesn't do... he doesn't even likedoing doorknobs really he likes structure i'm tchaik chassay, and my wife melissa we've lived here for over 40 years it's pretty much, to this day,what i designed for david hockney my taste, you can see,is very mixed and bright i had this room painted greenfor one of tchaik's birthdays
it's just kind of a bit like dressing you kind of put all the bits together and then it looks fabulous there's david hockney's palette up there this is a portrait of me by david hockney and i'm wearing a fair isle cardigan that my mother knitted for me,lovingly knitted and he tried to show that but he ran out of patience
he bought the neighbouring flats and asked me to join them up and make a single flat out of the two so we were able to take down the wallseparating the two apartments creating this vista, going throughto the mews at the back his love affair broke up he felt horrified to live here,and we bought the flat of course the flat was designedfor a gay bachelor but nevertheless,it's been a very efficient kitchen
to bring up a family the doors are like a fridge door above the kitchen cabinets, a garden,an indoor garden nurtured by melissa,and helped by the compost that i make on the little balcony over there tchaik's very proud of composting i would probably, had i not met melissa ended up in a white roomwith one avocado plant and a mattress on the floor
that is very beautiful, isn't it? the thing he really hates is the books the books just accumulate this pile is usually "to be read" there's a nasty pile of booksbehind the chair hiding from tchaik books on the windowsill,which i've mostly read here is where i do my workwhen i'm at home surrounded by books
they just pile up my great aunt made her livingcopying paintings so she used to go to people's houseswho were bankrupt like in the twenties, particularly,and paint the ancestors so she copied our ancestor,but made it much smaller and i must tell you it's not as good as the van dyckin the national gallery well, when you're converting a building you're really trying to find ways
of making the bestof the space that exists and to find ways of moving throughfrom one space to another in a gracious way that's by a rather famous americancalled tina barney everybody thinksmy son is snorting cocaine but actually he's got terrible sinuses and he's sniffling we've been here so long,and somehow it sort of fits our lifestyle at different stages of our life,perfectly well
this table could speak, absolutely!>from proust on! so they say, from proust on... i never imagined i'd be here forever but it looks like it! okay and off we go! i'm sure you're bored to deathin here by now