modern interior design new york city

hey, i’m alyssa coscarelli, and these aremy sweet digs. subscribe below before i let you in. i hope you brought a snack because i do notcook at all. i live in a junior one bedroom in the eastvillage, and i pay $2000 a month in rent. i don’t have laundry, i don’t have anelevator, i’m on the fourth floor of a walk up building. i’m really paying for the location, andfor the fact that i live alone, and it’s blissful. i love the east village, it’s one of myfavorite neighborhoods in all of new york city.
it’s packed with culture and restaurants. overall it just has a certain new york charm to it. here we are in my kitchen area. it’s definitely more of a kitchenette. but it’s totally fine because the truthis i do not cook at all, i have not used this little stove one time, as embarrassing as that is. i totally survive on take-out, and other littlegroceries and snacks. my favorite take-out spot is sugar fish. i order sushi probably, at least once a week.
since the stove doesn’t get much use, ihave this drying rack here, that i can place my dishes on to dry. and i also have a little trey, just for knickknacks and keys, and i can put my drink down here if i need to. so it’s kinda just a little catch-all area. really all that’s in my fridge is just somekombucha, some water, wine, and beer, and i actually keep my cereals in here, weirdly enough. i like to keep my cereal in the fridge becausei don’t have a pantry, number one. and number two i just feel like it betterprotects against cockroaches and mice, that
i’m terrified of. this fridge takes up so much room, i’veactually considered seeing if my building management will remove it so that i coulddownsize to a mini-fridge. what do you guys think? should i toss it? should i downsize? let me know what you think in the comments below. walking over here into my little breakfast nook. it’s just a good little spot to hang out.
especially since before i had this i was eatingall my meals on my couch or my bed. and that’s just not something anyone shouldprobably do on a regular basis. so here off of the kitchenette area is mybathroom. so let’s go on in. my favorite thing about the bathroom is theblack and white checkered tiles. i think they’re so old school and adorable. i like to call this the toilet tunnel. it’s kinda like a funny little hallwaysleading to the toilet. but it is good for privacy purposes.
but i do try to warn some tall people, becausei have had friends hit their head. it feels pretty spacious for a new york citybathroom. my previous bathroom was pretty much the sizeof a stall. it’s nice to have some space to walk around. it does the job. why don’t we check out the living space. as you can see my living room also doublesas a closet. i work in fashion, i’m an editor, and iknew i always wanted to be in the fashion industry somehow.
instead of getting a tv and a tv stand likeany normal person would, i decided to use this wall for a shoe display. and i love it. clearly i have a thing for shoes, and clothes,and jackets. so that’s why i love what i do, becauseit’s just is in line with my passions. i got these shelves at ikea, and measuredthem all out myself, put them up myself, and i’m still crossing my fingers that i’mnot gonna come home one day and find them all on the ground. my favorite pair of shoes, they have to bethis red leather boot by a brand called by far.
this particular pair is sold out, i believe,still to this day. it sucks when people ask me where they’refrom because i have to break the news to them that they can’t buy them. but i kinda love that about them at the sametime. and since it’s winter i have all my jacketsout. i like that i can see them all. and i can kinda just grab whichever one iwant on my way out the door. over here i have my main kinda chill area. i have my couch.
it’s really comfy, it can fit about liketwo to three people, depending. instead of a normal coffee table i found thislittle side table from cb2. but i like that it doesn’t take up too muchspace, and i can kinda move it around easily. in my next apartment, or my dream apartment,i would really like a doorman. because i order a lot online, and i get senta lot of packages, and they’ve gotten stolen from the lobby, they’ve gotten opened andrummaged through. so it would be nice to have someone to behere. that would be a dream. if you want to take a peak inside of my closet.
that’s as far as it opens. this is basically my dresses and skirts closet. it’s hard to sift through, but what i dois keep a few selects kinda hanging in the front, of stuff that i want to wear soon. this closet holds a lot, but somehow neverenough at the same time. above the two closets there’s a little cupboardfor extra storage. as you can see it’s very full. honestly, i don’t even know what else isback there. we can wander over into the bedroom now.
over here is my other closet. this comes in handy for all my tops and jeans. again it’s kinda tight. a literal disaster inside the closet, butthis system works for me. i think this needs another cleanup soon, becauseit’s getting kinda out of control. my favorite part about the apartment is definitelymy bedroom. it gets amazing natural light, which is soimportant to me. and i now have a queen bed, it’s an upgradefrom my last apartment when i had a twin bed. it still feels extremely luxurious to me.
i found this headboard at cb2, and i reallyhaven’t seen anyone else with it. i find it to be pretty unique and special,and it’s also the most expensive piece in my apartment so far. the bed was $1200, i believe. over here i have candles and perfumes, andalso some sage, i love sage. my apartment pet peeve would have to be badsmells or food smells. so i always have at least one candle burning. if my apartment was a pop culture icon, itwould probably be the olsen twins. it’s boho, meets vintage, meets modern,and also i think you can see a bit of a fashion
influence in it. i’ve lived in this apartment for about 6months. i absolutely love living alone. i will admit i was a little bit nervous tokinda take the plunge. and i do miss my roommate, but i really likebeing able to just decorate the way i want to decorate, i can make a mess if i want to. obviously $2000 a month is a lot of money forsomeone to spend, and despite so many people trying to talk me out of it, like my mom andall my best friends, saying, “no just stay put, just stay with your roommates.â€
i really stuck with my guns and went for it,and i don’t regret it one bit. i think it’s one of the better decisionsi’ve made in the past few years. for people that want to move to new york,i would say save up your money, it’s as expensive as everyone says it is. at the same time i would say go with yourgut. if you know new york is where you should be,and where you want to be, then go for it. no matter what anyone tells you, just makeit happen. what’s something that you’ve done foryourself, where you really stuck to your guns despite people trying to talk you out of it.
let me know in the comments. thank you so much for watching my sweet digs. to watch more videos click here, and to subscribeclick here.