art deco influence on interior design

art deco influence on interior design

there were a number of prominent architectswho worked in melbourne in the art deco era. one of them as prominent was harry norris,who designed mitchell house in elizabeth street, but is best known for his domestic commissionat sherbrooke called 'burnham beeches', which is a classic example of what's known as nauticalmoderne styling. so it has ship's railings and it has portholesand it's a large property. it's currently being restored. another prominent architect was marcus barlow,and he designed primarily commercial buildings, and probably two of his most prominent onesare manchester unity and the century building in swanson street, commonly known as the 'barlowbookends'.

another prominent architect was ig anderson,and he was mainly responsible for blocks of flats around the city, and he was very popularwith developers. he worked fast and he worked... not cheap,but he kept to a budget. and he's responsible for some notable blocksaround, such as ostend on the beach at brighton and also an enclave called 'garden court'in east melbourne, a whole fully retained little cul-de-sac full of art deco blocksof flats. probably another one that had a major influencewas norman seabrook, and he was responsible for the design of macrob girls in south melbourne,which really set the scene for a lot of public buildings and factories for the next decade.

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