art deco interior design hk

art deco interior design hk

tell me your name okay and tell us what you gonna do what willyou make is a, i don't know how you say.... is it a swan ? seasoning. spanish it's seasoning. make it and then we'll know....(laughter) so you...tell us what you doing to talk to theenglish people you're rolling you're rolling, you got to the half-point you'rerolling you rolled all the way on the left hand and the right hand. like this...

so you have to tell us what you're doing. there's a swan !!! (wife in background) "well that's pretty" that is a swan, now, we will do a little fold in the front...oh, she's doing the accordian. now, she's doing like that... and she's going to half fold that she's taken the front part of yours looks prettier that mine !! (wife in background) oh that is pretty that's beautiful

very nice (thank you) now i will tell you this. that yesterday... i did this back part with a pair of my wife's the back... (laughing...picturing underwear as wings) i'm joking...i'm joking but that's beautiful. (wife says: that is pretty, that spread) but you did your, you did this different than me. the... (wife says) oh to make it up like high ? okay

so to all the haters who leave comments on this video do me a favor and at least spell things correctly. is that asking too much of your angry ass ??

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