japanese color schemes interior design
i wanna give you some tips on sun gardening,if you got a really bright, sunny place. we're out here in a garden center, and the sun isso bright i'm gonna wear my sunglasses. and i'm gonna take you around, and we're gonnafocus on a single color family, and there's some incredible options. i wanna focus onplants that love a lot of sun but that also have a certain color: burgundy. you know,that sort reddish, purplish color that you see in nature. well, we're gonna go throughthe trees, the shrubs, the perennials, the bulbs and the annuals. and i'm gonna giveyou some examples of all of those that have purple, dark foliage or blooms. and a fewcompanions that i think you'll find interesting. so let's start with trees. come on, let meshow you one of my favorites. this nursery
is really busy this time of year, but they'vegot some great examples. for instance, take a look at this redbud tree: it's called forestpansy, and it has a gorgeous red leaf to it. in the spring, it has an outstanding purpleflower. so you get both: you get the burgundy leaf, i was telling you about, and a bloom.this also looks awesome with cherries, with their blooms. because they bloom about thesame time these leaves come out. and take a look at this plant over here: this is actuallya flowering plum, called a purple leaf plum. look at those dark, purple leaves on it. anotherone to think about, of course, is the red leaf japanese maple. but i recommend it onlyget, well, morning light, no afternoon sun and really hot parts of the country. becauseit just doesn't like too much sun. okay, now,
let's take a look at some examples of shrubs,with that purply leaf. now this is 'shrubland', so there's several options that i wanna pointout. for instance, this is the purple leaf ninebark. now this will grow up to about 10feet tall. beautiful bronzy foliage. gorgeous with roses. think about, for instance, a roselike this knockout. just how it works with a really hot pink like that. great combination.and then there's laurel pendulum, or chinese witch hazel– has a beautiful purple leaf,and a gorgeous pink flower in the early spring. and then there are some plants, well, thefirst growth they put out, for instance, like this nandena is red or has that purple hue.these are gorgeous with those pink supertunias, vista bubblegum pink. and if you're lookingfor those red leaf plants in the perennial
or bulb category, that can take full sun,try these cannas. just look at the color of that leaf. this has a red flower on it. andtake a look at this penstemon, with its burgundy foliage and pink flower. it's a natural withthis gaura. okay, now, let's take a look at some more over here. you get over into thisannual area– there some many examples of burgundy foliage plants. and then we get intothe burgundy flowers. so, you can see, you can create something really special with thiscolor palate. look at this coleus called, dark star. and look at this one, this is colorblazekingswood torch. i've grown it for years. gorgeous colors. and you can take one singleleaf, for these bits of purple and pink and orange in it, and build out an entire colorbed. it's really spectacular, and a great
way to design a garden. let me show you aplant over here that was one that my grandmother used to use in hanging baskets. this plantis called, purple heat. and this particularly variety has some variegation in the leaf.i remember her rooting this in jars in the window sill in the kitchen. it's really agreat plant, both for the flower bed, for containers, and, as i mentioned, hanging baskets.and just look at it in combination with this wonderful little cleome. now this one's called,well, the common name for cleome is cat whiskers. it loves the hot sun. and this one's calledsenorita rosalita, and i grow it every year. then there are other things to consider, likethis old fashioned joseph's coat, which has lots of different ranges of purple in it.and then here we have: the purple leafed oxalis.
and one of my favorites that i can't imaginethem not having --okay they have the chartreuse sweet potato vine-- ahha, here's the purplesweet potato vine. this will grow all over the place. loves the heat. the hotter it gets,the more it grows. as you can see, a lot of these are foliage plants, but when combinethe foliage plant with some of these bloomers, you can get some outstanding combinations,just by sticking with a single color: burgundy. so, as you can see, out here in the plantworld, you can start with one color family and paint a beautiful picture. if you're enjoyingthese ideas on style, check in with us regularly. and make sure you subscribe to ehow home.