japanese word for interior design

japanese word for interior design

all right well hello and welcome all right well hello and welcometo another edition to another edition to another editionoh but my life in japan well oh but my life in japan well oh but my life in japan welltoday today todaymaybe you can guess what this is maybe you can guess what this is

maybe you can guess what this isthis is a barbecue grill today this is a barbecue grill today this is a barbecue grill todaywe are having a yakiniku people we are having a yakiniku people we are having a yakiniku peopleup they were getting a drink up they were getting a drink up they were getting a drinkcoming soon coming soon coming soonyou lied to you

you lied to you you lied to youthis is no different this is no different this is no differentsubmission holds get up to submission holds get up to submission holds get up toi didn't know you could already i didn't know you could already i didn't know you could alreadyhave that was awful have that was awful

have that was awfulnow ya get through in the last now ya get through in the last now ya get through in the lastvideo i mentioned briefly video i mentioned briefly video i mentioned brieflytakoyaki and again as the takoyaki and again as the takoyaki and again as theyankees just to cook something yankees just to cook something yankees just to cook somethingnew is neat and then

new is neat and then new is neat and thenwe have to cook meat wagon so we have to cook meat wagon so we have to cook meat wagon sousually when you come to a usually when you come to a usually when you come to ayankee placers different yankee placers different yankee placers differentvarieties but usually they don't varieties but usually they don't

varieties but usually they don'thave a top a cold i which is have a top a cold i which is have a top a cold i which isjust all you can eat just all you can eat just all you can eatso we have you know we've got so we have you know we've got so we have you know we've gotsome beef and pork and chicken some beef and pork and chicken some beef and pork and chickenand some other side thing you

and some other side thing you and some other side thing youknow things like salad and know things like salad and know things like salad anddessert soup as well dessert soup as well dessert soup as welland usually when you first start and usually when you first start and usually when you first startthey bring you a morning hace they bring you a morning hace

they bring you a morning hacewhich is a just a collection of which is a just a collection of which is a just a collection ofyou know the usual you know the usual you know the usualthe things that they have most the things that they have most the things that they have mostplaces they want you to start places they want you to start places they want you to startout with a certain kind of thing

out with a certain kind of thing out with a certain kind of thingand then you can choose whatever and then you can choose whatever and then you can choose whateveryou want to order after that you want to order after that you want to order after thatso we're going to ask you know so we're going to ask you know so we're going to ask you knowone thing i've talked about this one thing i've talked about this

one thing i've talked about thisbefore and videos but when i was before and videos but when i was before and videos but when i wasfirst learning japanese i would first learning japanese i would first learning japanese i wouldgo out and i would practice the go out and i would practice the go out and i would practice thesame thing over and over and same thing over and over and same thing over and over andover again in different places

over again in different places over again in different placesso today we will practice also so today we will practice also so today we will practice alsono 19 no 19 no 19stop now this is something i use stop now this is something i use stop now this is something i usecasually and i can use it casually and i can use it

casually and i can use itwithout thinking now without thinking now without thinking nowbut again it's just something i but again it's just something i but again it's just something iasked so after he brings out the asked so after he brings out the asked so after he brings out thefirst a.m. that morning i lost first a.m. that morning i lost first a.m. that morning i lostin that collection of meat will

in that collection of meat will in that collection of meat willgrill that up we'll give that a grill that up we'll give that a grill that up we'll give that atry and then we'll ask him what try and then we'll ask him what try and then we'll ask him whathe recommends off on the menu he recommends off on the menu he recommends off on the menuothers others

otherslike not so now before we get like not so now before we get like not so now before we getall the the meat already we've all the the meat already we've all the the meat already we'vegot to prepare our sauces got to prepare our sauces got to prepare our saucesusually you've got lots of great usually you've got lots of great usually you've got lots of greatthings we've got let's sit over

things we've got let's sit over things we've got let's sit overhere here hereget in there get in there get in therethis is the tonic so this is this is the tonic so this is this is the tonic so this isjust a basic you got some it's just a basic you got some it's

just a basic you got some it'skind of like a barbecue sauce kind of like a barbecue sauce kind of like a barbecue saucereally know each country really know each country really know each countryespecially in americans quite especially in americans quite especially in americans quitedifferent it's a bit more tangy different it's a bit more tangy different it's a bit more tangyout here the flavor is a little

out here the flavor is a little out here the flavor is a littlebit difficult to describe but bit difficult to describe but bit difficult to describe butreally really delicious really really delicious really really delicioushow many places will have a how many places will have a how many places will have asweeter variety of sauce and sweeter variety of sauce and

sweeter variety of sauce andthen you also have kind of a then you also have kind of a then you also have kind of aspicier one and then some other spicier one and then some other spicier one and then some otherthings to put down so we get one things to put down so we get one things to put down so we get oneof our little trays over here of our little trays over here of our little trays over hereoff of still all just the feel

off of still all just the feel off of still all just the feelof the grill i love the smell of the grill i love the smell of the grill i love the smellback back backso we've got this usually got so we've got this usually got so we've got this usually gotsome lemon some lemon

some lemonyes this is limit yes this is limit yes this is limitand some other things that you and some other things that you and some other things that youcan put on meat can put on meat can put on meatsee we got here a little bit of see we got here a little bit of see we got here a little bit ofblack pepper and other seasoning

black pepper and other seasoning black pepper and other seasoningthat you can put on if you'd that you can put on if you'd that you can put on if you'dlike to have more seasoning like to have more seasoning like to have more seasoningsometimes you need it will have sometimes you need it will have sometimes you need it will haveseasoning on it already seasoning on it already

seasoning on it alreadyyou will have been marinated or you will have been marinated or you will have been marinated orso in some kind of seasoning but so in some kind of seasoning but so in some kind of seasoning buta lot of it you'll see probably a lot of it you'll see probably a lot of it you'll see probablyboth times when they bring it both times when they bring it both times when they bring itover here it will just be the

over here it will just be the over here it will just be theregular meat and then you can regular meat and then you can regular meat and then you cankeep at it at whatever sauce you keep at it at whatever sauce you keep at it at whatever sauce youlike like likenow a lot of places where you go now a lot of places where you go

now a lot of places where you goto japanese restaurants now it's to japanese restaurants now it's to japanese restaurants now it'squite automated so you can just quite automated so you can just quite automated so you can justpush a button and the waiter push a button and the waiter push a button and the waiterwhere the waitress will come and where the waitress will come and where the waitress will come andyou know deliver whatever it is

you know deliver whatever it is you know deliver whatever it isyou're asking for a little bit you're asking for a little bit you're asking for a little bitmore there will take your order more there will take your order more there will take your orderanother thing that they have another thing that they have another thing that they haveespecially in newer restaurants especially in newer restaurants

especially in newer restaurantsthey have they have they haveit's kind of a little ordering it's kind of a little ordering it's kind of a little orderingcomputer kind of thing so you computer kind of thing so you computer kind of thing so youcan put the ordering and it can put the ordering and it can put the ordering and itsends everything back to

sends everything back to sends everything back tothe kitchen and they can make it the kitchen and they can make it the kitchen and they can make itin a great athlete in a great athlete in a great athletethe service culture is quite the service culture is quite the service culture is quitedifferent out here you don't tip different out here you don't tip

different out here you don't tipanything when you go to a anything when you go to a anything when you go to ajapanese restaurant user that japanese restaurant user that japanese restaurant user thatgratuity is already included gratuity is already included gratuity is already includedtipping culture is not out here tipping culture is not out here tipping culture is not out hereso you don't have to worry about

so you don't have to worry about so you don't have to worry aboutyou know whatever your bill is you know whatever your bill is you know whatever your bill ishaving to have anything on top having to have anything on top having to have anything on topof that so we're all prepared of that so we're all prepared of that so we're all preparedand now we're just waiting for and now we're just waiting for

and now we're just waiting forthe first round of me to crack the first round of me to crack the first round of me to crackhave fun of all right about up have fun of all right about up have fun of all right about upnot that not that not thatthe more than myself , don't the more than myself , don't the more than myself , don'tknow how to put it together

know how to put it together know how to put it togetheri thought in your mind what you i thought in your mind what you i thought in your mind what youwant anybody else smell off not want anybody else smell off not want anybody else smell off notjust hop on and take off - no just hop on and take off - no just hop on and take off - noyou're not you're not

you're notfrom sunday my match from sunday my match from sunday my matchall right let's put the food on all right let's put the food on all right let's put the food onthe grill the grill the grillso we've got we've got a little so we've got we've got a little so we've got we've got a littlebit of chicken support some

bit of chicken support some bit of chicken support somewieners which are quite popular wieners which are quite popular wieners which are quite popularout here in japan sausage out here in japan sausage out here in japan sausagewe've got a green pepper as well we've got a green pepper as well we've got a green pepper as wellyou'll get some vegetables as you'll get some vegetables as

you'll get some vegetables aswell as meat usually this looks well as meat usually this looks well as meat usually this lookslike some rosemary like some rosemary like some rosemaryi don't believe it is maybe we i don't believe it is maybe we i don't believe it is maybe wecan drill that up a little can drill that up a little can drill that up a littleand then we've got some pumpkin

and then we've got some pumpkin and then we've got some pumpkinover here over here over herenow this is something now this is something now this is somethinginteresting i noticed when i interesting i noticed when i interesting i noticed when icame to japan for the first time came to japan for the first time

came to japan for the first timethey do celebrate halloween over they do celebrate halloween over they do celebrate halloween overhere it's come from america but here it's come from america but here it's come from america butthey usually have the kind of they usually have the kind of they usually have the kind ofsmaller green pumpkins into and smaller green pumpkins into and smaller green pumpkins into andso the pumpkins look a little

so the pumpkins look a little so the pumpkins look a littlebit different so i get some bit different so i get some bit different so i get somevegetables on here because we vegetables on here because we vegetables on here because wewant to have a nice healthy meal want to have a nice healthy meal want to have a nice healthy mealoff and then we'll get some of off and then we'll get some of

off and then we'll get some ofthis lovely meet this lovely meet this lovely meetso as i mentioned before this so as i mentioned before this so as i mentioned before thisyou can see is already marinated you can see is already marinated you can see is already marinateda little bit a little bit a little bitthis pork has just a little bit

this pork has just a little bit this pork has just a little bitof black pepper a little bit of of black pepper a little bit of of black pepper a little bit ofseasoning on it seasoning on it seasoning on itand the chicken is well it's got and the chicken is well it's got and the chicken is well it's gotkind of some onions and you have kind of some onions and you have

kind of some onions and you haveto be careful when you're to be careful when you're to be careful when you'recooking this stuff the chicken cooking this stuff the chicken cooking this stuff the chickenwill take quite a long time and will take quite a long time and will take quite a long time andyou really want to make sure you you really want to make sure you you really want to make sure youcook it well i went to a

cook it well i went to a cook it well i went to arestaurant one time and that restaurant one time and that restaurant one time and thatat 40 sashimi so 20 is like a at 40 sashimi so 20 is like a at 40 sashimi so 20 is like abird or chicken and sashimi is bird or chicken and sashimi is bird or chicken and sashimi isjust like the regular fish it's just like the regular fish it's

just like the regular fish it'sthe raw meat without the rice the raw meat without the rice the raw meat without the riceunder it so if you've got sushi under it so if you've got sushi under it so if you've got sushiusually that's the fish with the usually that's the fish with the usually that's the fish with therice on it but this uh she is rice on it but this uh she is rice on it but this uh she isjust the piece of fish by itself

just the piece of fish by itself just the piece of fish by itselfso i ate some raw chicken i have so i ate some raw chicken i have so i ate some raw chicken i havea bunch of raw chicken and i was a bunch of raw chicken and i was a bunch of raw chicken and i wasmy stomach was just messed up my stomach was just messed up my stomach was just messed upfor right for right

for rightthree days it was awful we're three days it was awful we're three days it was awful we'rejust getting you can see these just getting you can see these just getting you can see thesepieces of cook to cook quite pieces of cook to cook quite pieces of cook to cook quitequickly especially when the fire quickly especially when the fire quickly especially when the firegets going and we got a lot of

gets going and we got a lot of gets going and we got a lot ofthe grease coming down there as the grease coming down there as the grease coming down there asan extra flavor an extra flavor an extra flavoralright so we've got some more alright so we've got some more alright so we've got some morefood coming over here we have a food coming over here we have a

food coming over here we have acaesar salad caesar salad caesar saladwar movie there's no doubt that war movie there's no doubt that war movie there's no doubt thatanyone i was like i did not see anyone i was like i did not see anyone i was like i did not seehow well no you have to be how well no you have to be how well no you have to becareful about this you don't

careful about this you don't careful about this you don'twant to get too much of this want to get too much of this want to get too much of thisblack part on here you don't black part on here you don't black part on here you don'twant to track but the vegetables want to track but the vegetables want to track but the vegetablesusually cook pretty quickly usually cook pretty quickly

usually cook pretty quicklyprepare some prepare some prepare somevegetables over here vegetables over here vegetables over hereall right no no no all right no no no all right no no nofor my rosemary for my rosemary for my rosemaryi got our love the chopsticks

i got our love the chopsticks i got our love the chopsticksover here and we're going to over here and we're going to over here and we're going totrack where i put all this in track where i put all this in track where i put all this inthe lemon over here which is ok the lemon over here which is ok the lemon over here which is okbut we'll put some of this in but we'll put some of this in

but we'll put some of this inthe sauce the sauce the saucelet it cool down a little bit let it cool down a little bit let it cool down a little biti'm going to try the pork over i'm going to try the pork over i'm going to try the pork overhere a little bit of lemon here a little bit of lemon here a little bit of lemonoff

off offyeah yeah yeahmy oh my my oh my my oh myyou watch this on tv a lot you watch this on tv a lot you watch this on tv a lotthere's the big my which is like there's the big my which is like

there's the big my which is likehot delicious hot delicious hot deliciousthe basic word for delicious is the basic word for delicious is the basic word for delicious isjust voicing which is beautiful just voicing which is beautiful just voicing which is beautifulflavor but mine is much more flavor but mine is much more flavor but mine is much morekind of excited when you say

kind of excited when you say kind of excited when you saywhen you eat especially popular when you eat especially popular when you eat especially popularon tv a lot of tv personalities on tv a lot of tv personalities on tv a lot of tv personalitiesthat you back that you back that you backyou're enjoying this business up you're enjoying this business up

you're enjoying this business upbeautiful feet from japan beautiful feet from japan beautiful feet from japanso the word for be his keep so so the word for be his keep so so the word for be his keep sothis is why you this is why you this is why youand why's this like talking and why's this like talking and why's this like talkingabout japan's of japanese eat

about japan's of japanese eat about japan's of japanese eatvery delicious very delicious very deliciouswe're going to order some more we're going to order some more we're going to order some moreof it right now push my little of it right now push my little of it right now push my littlebutton over here button over here

button over hereyou know so let's see here you know so let's see here you know so let's see hereso we're going to order so we're going to order so we're going to orderthis one up here oh my gosh this one up here oh my gosh this one up here oh my goshabout that part of the world about that part of the world about that part of the worldstarts to look at your phone

starts to look at your phone starts to look at your phonecall or you can see those days i call or you can see those days i call or you can see those days istarted to work on my you can started to work on my you can started to work on my you canyou get that money before i you get that money before i you get that money before idon't know what to the bbq don't know what to the bbq

don't know what to the bbqtomorrow you're gonna move tomorrow you're gonna move tomorrow you're gonna moveno time to talk why don't you no time to talk why don't you no time to talk why don't yougotta talk about your problem gotta talk about your problem gotta talk about your problemand no no money on and no no money on and no no money onyeah i asked dr. metrology get

yeah i asked dr. metrology get yeah i asked dr. metrology getoff get off to a good way to off get off to a good way to off get off to a good way toemily to get about it get me emily to get about it get me emily to get about it get meecon to show what's happened you econ to show what's happened you econ to show what's happened youhave mariano bbq are we doing have mariano bbq are we doing

have mariano bbq are we doingabout it but i - no other about it but i - no other about it but i - no otherpopular that you like it will be popular that you like it will be popular that you like it will bedoubled doubled doublednow as you're trying to practice now as you're trying to practice now as you're trying to practiceyour english especially if

your english especially if your english especially ifyou're living in an you're living in an you're living in anenglish-speaking country but the english-speaking country but the english-speaking country but themore you can do that the more more you can do that the more more you can do that the moreyou're going to not only you're going to not only

you're going to not onlypractice your english but meet practice your english but meet practice your english but meetother people that are interested other people that are interested other people that are interestedin speaking with you in speaking with you in speaking with youso you know we're asking so you know we're asking so you know we're askingquestions about him and he

questions about him and he questions about him and hestarts asking questions about us starts asking questions about us starts asking questions about usand what we are doing and how and what we are doing and how and what we are doing and howlong have been in japan and what long have been in japan and what long have been in japan and whati'm doing out here have been to i'm doing out here have been to

i'm doing out here have been toany other yakiniku restaurants any other yakiniku restaurants any other yakiniku restaurantsand there are lots of them out and there are lots of them out and there are lots of them outhere lots of places they maybe here lots of places they maybe here lots of places they maybethey'll specialize in their own they'll specialize in their own they'll specialize in their ownyou know particular kind of

you know particular kind of you know particular kind oftoday that sauce today that sauce today that sauceit's the same thing with bbq in it's the same thing with bbq in it's the same thing with bbq inamerican places so we were just american places so we were just american places so we were justtalking about how in america talking about how in america

talking about how in americausually we don't sit around and usually we don't sit around and usually we don't sit around andhave a kind of like reeling have a kind of like reeling have a kind of like reelingthing like this inside out thing like this inside out thing like this inside outgo out bbq and go out bbq and go out bbq andlike a summertime thing or nice

like a summertime thing or nice like a summertime thing or niceweather we have a lot of meat weather we have a lot of meat weather we have a lot of meatoutside outside outsidethese are looking very delicious these are looking very delicious these are looking very deliciousthough oh really grateful to us though oh really grateful to us

though oh really grateful to usi don't give up i don't give up i don't give upall right let's put a model hd all right let's put a model hd all right let's put a model hdlike this no money that is it like this no money that is it like this no money that is itsold like usually shop it sold like usually shop it sold like usually shop itso like i said before we've got

so like i said before we've got so like i said before we've gottwo three different written two three different written two three different writtencharacters if you look at this characters if you look at this characters if you look at thisup here you can see the mixture up here you can see the mixture up here you can see the mixtureso these are the borrowed like so these are the borrowed like

so these are the borrowed likethis is the the kanji for kudal this is the the kanji for kudal this is the the kanji for kudalso this is black and you can see so this is black and you can see so this is black and you can seethat this is like there's a lot that this is like there's a lot that this is like there's a lotgoing on here and it's actually going on here and it's actually going on here and it's actuallya mix of a couple of different

a mix of a couple of different a mix of a couple of differentcharacters or radicals which are characters or radicals which are characters or radicals which arethe pieces of each individual the pieces of each individual the pieces of each individualkanji character and then over kanji character and then over kanji character and then overhere this is the katakana so here this is the katakana so

here this is the katakana sothis is usually for borrowed this is usually for borrowed this is usually for borrowedwords that i mentioned before words that i mentioned before words that i mentioned beforelike this is hot meat like this is hot meat like this is hot meatso we move down here and this is so we move down here and this is so we move down here and this isfor that des i don't so it's the

for that des i don't so it's the for that des i don't so it's thesame word for dessert same word for dessert same word for dessertbut they kind of change it into but they kind of change it into but they kind of change it intothe japanese phonetic update na the japanese phonetic update na the japanese phonetic update napo and we've got only two po and we've got only two

po and we've got only twodifferent desserts here and it's different desserts here and it's different desserts here and it'sone per person one per person one per personso bonnie . i soup and use a so bonnie . i soup and use a so bonnie . i soup and use ashop at don't shop at don't shop at don'tso this is actually one of the

so this is actually one of the so this is actually one of thekind of trickier things for me kind of trickier things for me kind of trickier things for mewhen i was first learning when i was first learning when i was first learningjapanese and even now it's japanese and even now it's japanese and even now it'sdifficult for me to understand difficult for me to understand

difficult for me to understandthe katakana and the reason that the katakana and the reason that the katakana and the reason thatis is because it's a bar on word is is because it's a bar on word is is because it's a bar on wordlike sherbet or sorbet or a like sherbet or sorbet or a like sherbet or sorbet or adifferent word like that and different word like that and different word like that andthen they take it and it put it

then they take it and it put it then they take it and it put itinto that japanese into that japanese into that japanesefound and try to write it like found and try to write it like found and try to write it likethis so sometimes i'll hear this so sometimes i'll hear this so sometimes i'll heardifferent word like cattle gate different word like cattle gate

different word like cattle gatewhich becomes karaoke in english which becomes karaoke in english which becomes karaoke in englishand even that is kind of our own and even that is kind of our own and even that is kind of our ownwords from english as well so it words from english as well so it words from english as well so itcan be a little bit difficult to can be a little bit difficult to can be a little bit difficult tounderstand but after you get the

understand but after you get the understand but after you get thehang of it you study it a little hang of it you study it a little hang of it you study it a littlebit bit bitit's pretty easy to figure out it's pretty easy to figure out it's pretty easy to figure outso we're going to get our last so we're going to get our last

so we're going to get our lastlittle bit of desert here and little bit of desert here and little bit of desert here andalso just wanted to show you if also just wanted to show you if also just wanted to show you ifyou can kind of like show around you can kind of like show around you can kind of like show aroundthe room here he a lot of the room here he a lot of the room here he a lot oftraditional japanese places

traditional japanese places traditional japanese placesrestaurants you will have your restaurants you will have your restaurants you will have yourhome little space like this it home little space like this it home little space like this itwould be partitioned off you can would be partitioned off you can would be partitioned off you cansee on your right here we've got see on your right here we've got

see on your right here we've gotkind of some screen doors and kind of some screen doors and kind of some screen doors andsometimes like so this is sometimes like so this is sometimes like so this isusually made from like some rice usually made from like some rice usually made from like some ricepaper and you can see actually paper and you can see actually paper and you can see actuallyit's called washington but here

it's called washington but here it's called washington but herewe go will we go will we go willright to the jaw but alright so right to the jaw but alright so right to the jaw but alright sowe've got some sore bein and we've got some sore bein and we've got some sore bein andsome vanilla ice cream some vanilla ice cream

some vanilla ice creamand it was those thought and and it was those thought and and it was those thought andthen underneath the table down then underneath the table down then underneath the table downhere you can see get a little here you can see get a little here you can see get a littlelike reclining at the restaurant like reclining at the restaurant like reclining at the restaurantover here now a lot of people

over here now a lot of people over here now a lot of peopleyou know if they're drinking you know if they're drinking you know if they're drinkingquite a bit you know they want quite a bit you know they want quite a bit you know they wantto lay down and relax but you to lay down and relax but you to lay down and relax but youcan see the traditional style can see the traditional style

can see the traditional stylethe way a lot of people are the way a lot of people are the way a lot of people arehaving food in japan they're having food in japan they're having food in japan they'resitting on the floor on cushions sitting on the floor on cushions sitting on the floor on cushionsand then you know you've got a and then you know you've got a and then you know you've got aspace where either you can put

space where either you can put space where either you can putyour feet down under the table your feet down under the table your feet down under the tablewhere you have a cult ops ii where you have a cult ops ii where you have a cult ops iistyle and it's basically just style and it's basically just style and it's basically justmeans like eating table means like eating table

means like eating tableit's a lot of apartments in it's a lot of apartments in it's a lot of apartments injapan and homes they have really japan and homes they have really japan and homes they have reallythin walls thin walls thin wallsso it's really difficult to keep so it's really difficult to keep so it's really difficult to keepthem insulated and to keep the

them insulated and to keep the them insulated and to keep theheat inside so many people they heat inside so many people they heat inside so many people theywill have a cold room or they will have a cold room or they will have a cold room or theywill only have a like an air will only have a like an air will only have a like an airconditioning unit conditioning unit

conditioning unitwork here in one room in their work here in one room in their work here in one room in theirhome and then the rest of the home and then the rest of the home and then the rest of thetime they're sitting underneath time they're sitting underneath time they're sitting underneaththe table like this the table like this the table like thisso if you don't have like a

so if you don't have like a so if you don't have like arecessed for like this then we recessed for like this then we recessed for like this then wejust have a space where we're just have a space where we're just have a space where we'resitting sitting sittingkinda cross-legged like this kinda cross-legged like this

kinda cross-legged like thisjust underneath a regular table just underneath a regular table just underneath a regular tablelike that and then you've got like that and then you've got like that and then you've gotspace underneath here where you space underneath here where you space underneath here where youwould have a kind of like eating would have a kind of like eating would have a kind of like eatingarea

area areaso again the just a regular so again the just a regular so again the just a regulartable with a clear under it and table with a clear under it and table with a clear under it andthen you have a table top with a then you have a table top with a then you have a table top with aquite get over it kind of keeps quite get over it kind of keeps

quite get over it kind of keepsrepeating repeating repeatingyour table top on top of that so your table top on top of that so your table top on top of that sothat's called a cool tattoo that's called a cool tattoo that's called a cool tattootable and if you have a recessed table and if you have a recessed table and if you have a recessedmore like this is actually just

more like this is actually just more like this is actually justa built-up floor you can see a built-up floor you can see a built-up floor you can seethere's another spot down here there's another spot down here there's another spot down hereso when you walk in your shoes so when you walk in your shoes so when you walk in your shoesover here and if you can walk in over here and if you can walk in

over here and if you can walk inand actually sit down so it's and actually sit down so it's and actually sit down so it'sgot the atmosphere of like got the atmosphere of like got the atmosphere of likesitting on the floor but you sitting on the floor but you sitting on the floor but youknow it gives you that you're know it gives you that you're know it gives you that you'restaying on the floor still it's

staying on the floor still it's staying on the floor still it'smuch more relaxing with a kind much more relaxing with a kind much more relaxing with a kindof 44 texas-style actually built of 44 texas-style actually built of 44 texas-style actually builtinto the floor into the floor into the floorso we're going to get your ice so we're going to get your ice

so we're going to get your icecream here before it melts and cream here before it melts and cream here before it melts andjoin us in desert join us in desert join us in desertall right well we're all all right well we're all all right well we're allfinished with you can even for finished with you can even for finished with you can even fortoday i hope you enjoy this

today i hope you enjoy this today i hope you enjoy thisvideo feel free to use to like video feel free to use to like video feel free to use to likeand comment down below what and comment down below what and comment down below whatwould you like to see next would you like to see next would you like to see nextremember i want to show more of remember i want to show more of

remember i want to show more ofthe kind of rare things and the kind of rare things and the kind of rare things andmaybe you won't see on youtube maybe you won't see on youtube maybe you won't see on youtubeso there's some kind of odd or so there's some kind of odd or so there's some kind of odd orinteresting thing maybe you know interesting thing maybe you know interesting thing maybe you knowa little bit about japan and

a little bit about japan and a little bit about japan andyou'd like to know more about you'd like to know more about you'd like to know more aboutcomment down below like the comment down below like the comment down below like thevideo and let me know and if video and let me know and if video and let me know and ifyou'd like to learn more about you'd like to learn more about

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cheese - speaking confidentlyand so you can go to start and so you can go to start and so you can go to startbecoming a fluent speaker and becoming a fluent speaker and becoming a fluent speaker andtraveling around and enjoy the traveling around and enjoy the traveling around and enjoy thesame things i'm doing right now same things i'm doing right now same things i'm doing right nowand have a fantastic day and i

and have a fantastic day and i and have a fantastic day and iwill see you next time bye bye

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