japanese interior design terms

as a furniture dealer, the story of wood fascinates me.in cabinet making terms it begins in the medieval period when oak, an indigenoustimber throughout northern europe, was the favoured material for making furniture this was the caseseventeenth century when walnut suddenly became fashionable. this is thecase throughout europe until the end of the 18th century and in england untilthe middle of the 18th century when mahogany finally took over. but this mirror behind me - which was made in england in 1730 certainly belongs to what is known now asthe golden age of english cabinet making: the walnut period. and asyou look at it, this nuttybrown veneers running all the way around
book matched in the middle - whichbasically means a single piece of timber divided in two and then laid flat oversurfaces so that both sides reflect one another. as you can see this isarticulated with gilded carved decoration which runs all the way around highlighting the form. just as that mirroris veneered in walnut, this piece uses solid walnut timber for its construction and decoration as you can see it has the same nutty colour, but this piece was made in france at the end of the 18th century, the directoire period the french continued using walnut throughout the 18th century until the empire period when mahogany became fashionable. rather like the french, the italians also utilize walnutin all their furniture designs. the piece behind me is veneered throughout in walnut with fruit wood detailing enabling geometric
design throughout. it was made inpiedmont, which is in northern italy and this sort of work is typical of thatregion. thomas chippendale was the greatest cabinetmaker and furniture designerof the 18th century and his gentlemen's director of 1754 outlines numerousdesigns which cabinet makers could copy. this table was made in about 1760 closely resemblesthe designs of thomas chippendale. it has a scallop top, a fluted column stem, cabriolelegs and also fabulous carved decoration throughout, which includessea scrolls, shells and foliage. another great furniture designer fromthe 18th century was thomas sheraton his designs from the 1780s and 90s,to a large extent, incorporate
the timber satinwood. satinwood is a closerelation of mahogany. it is a similar grain but is much blonder in colour. so we've looked at walnut, mahogany and satinwood and these three timbers form the basis of furniture making inbritain and throughout europe in the 18th cenutry to find out more about timbers, youcan visit our blog begin your adventures in timber withtimothy langston.