japanese interior design tips

japanese interior design tips

are you used to saran wrap like this? japan is technorogically adobanced country we have superior producto like fax machine dishwasher and even saran wrappu. our saran wrappu do not stick to itself. although, i musto admitto

this type is expensive japanese saran wrappu. if you buy cheap japanese saran wrappu it still not stick to itself because japan is better zan your country. japanese kitchen is luxurious and large. we have many amenities like shinku and fridgi. where's the oven?

do you really not know why this is called microwave oven?! because it microwaveand oven but like, where's the full sized oven? why do you need bigger oven dan dis sizu? so i can bake. food. dis why america is fatto. dis is fish oven.

in japan, builto-in fish oven is bery popular and it's bery eajey to usu. firsto, water. secando, on. saado, waito. finally, guriru za fisshu. don't forget to make the heat low while cookinguif you don't want to eat the black fisshu. ho ho ho ho ho (☞ ̄▽ ̄)☞ we also have many useful producto for kitchin.

we have special spongi used for washing dishesu. this normal spongi. and this japanesu spongi. it's bery bubbly! this is air freshener for fridgi. keep in fridgi and it will be no smellu. this one also absorb ethylene gas so the vegetable will not become old quickly. maybe you should have with you all za time, forina!

i see your eye bagsu! haven't you heard of concealer stop it! this one also useful for forina because it removu smellu. stick in trash can and it also make bery annoying fries go away. it makes... fries... go away. fries. fries that fry in your face and eating garbagefood and is annoying, gaijin! do you not knowing what fry is?!

oh my god... next producto is this. you put on the drain in shinku and you don't have to worry about drain becomesticky ando smelly. i saw you put some japanese coins in there before.what's that for? yessu. japanese 10 yen coin also work. you can also use ball of aluminium. oh, excuuuuuse me!

aruuuminamu. you don't have to say it the american way.i can understand it either way. okay! then i will say in correct way from now on. next producto is bery important for japanese people. most importanto kitchin producto! you put this in container of rice. i don't need that. i don't eat much rice. and your rice will be safe from annoying- what?!

i don't eat much rice. you came to japan and not eating rice?!what’s wrong with you? you stupid! what are you saying? this producto is importanto because otherwiserice become like this. you can also use dried red pepper to prevent this. like this. you can even buy machine to dispense perfect sized rice for cooking every day. well gaijin-san isn't japanese kitchin amaazingu?!

i guess. i'd really like a dishwasher, though. why are you so lazy?!

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