japanese interior design websites

japanese interior design websites

what’s happening ladies and gentlemen, this is minh from architecture inspirations. today i’m going to show you my process of modeling a contemporary kitchen in vray 3.6 for sketchup. let’s get started so this video is a little different from the usual videos on my channel, this is not a step by step tutorial

but rather a narrated timelapse of my workflow. because if i were to show you a full tutorial with detailed instructions, it would take foreverr. so i hope you guys would understand. also, some of the work that i’ve done in the beginning wasn’t recorded and there are parts that i have to cut out to make it shorter so bare with me

but there is still a lot of content for you to watch. so here you can see that i am modeling the main cabinets for the kitchen and i’m also importing some objects like the microwave and the range oven. here i’m just applying materials for the range. usually i try to use the materials that are in the vray materials library as much as possible. when i’m done with that,

i can do a test render and export a proxy then import that to my kitchen model. i will definitely show you guys a step by step tutorial on how to use proxies later. here i’m just continuing to model the cabinets on the right. this will be a tall standing cabinet. also i’d like to point out that

the design of this kitchen was based off a design i found on houzz.com, full credits go to them for the design. that’s some thing you should consider whenever you’re practicing your rendering and modeling skills, try using references of real projects if you are not sure how to design it. even if you do, it’s still good for inspirations.

now i’m going to import a model of a refrigerator that i found online. so for this one i actually don’t have to use a proxy because the model wasn’t too heavy. i can just import it directly and start applying my materials here i’m modeling the whole room i usually make it a little bigger then it actually is

to make it easier to navigate when i’m inside the room. then i decided to add a rectangle light here to see how it looks. next i’m going to model the island of the kitchen. i thought having an apron sink would be nice. if you don’t know what an apron sink is, it looks like this. after that i import a model of the kitchen faucet now i’m modeling the base of the island.

try using components whenever possible to make your modeling process faster so if you look closely, the edges of my objects are rounded to make it look more realistic when rendered. i explained how to do this in a previous video, so check that out if you haven’t yet. also try to leave a small gap between geometries to have more definition when it’s rendered.

everything is looking good so far! so at this part, i felt like the island was little too big, that’s why i’m just making it smaller. now i’m just adding some shelves on the corners of the island and some more details on these outside panels of the cabinets you can see that

i try to make all the objects have round corners for the realistic look. try to reuse your objects whenever possible. learn to make use of it, even if you need to make changes to those objects if you are efficient at making adjustments, it’s faster to change the object than to create them from scratch. now i’m modeling the top of the wall and the ceiling.

here i decided to import a hood for the range next i’m modeling the door. here i’m using the move tool and arraying lines to make a grid for my door. then i would make one of these panels into a component then make copies of it. that way, when i edit one, i’m editing all of them. i usually like to keep my geometries separate

to make it easier to edit later. like the glass and the frame here. also try flipping the object so that they are symmetrical when you make changes here i’m just adding more details to the door. now i’m going back in to change the handles on my drawers. this is why using components are so useful. and i’m changing the door knobs as well

here i’m going to apply a gold material to the sink faucets, and cabinet hardware. now i’m using the viewport region render tool to test render the materials on those objects then i’m going to apply a dark blue color to these cabinets as you can see, applying materials to groups

and components make it so much easier. this is where i model the back-splash for the range. the tile material is actually from poliigon.com if you want to learn how to create realistic materials then check out my video on that topic time to add some marble materials for the countertops. now i'm going to start adding some decorations, starting with these bowls, make sure your objects are at the right scale.

i’ll add some plates here as well. and a pot on the stove. next i’ll add some light pendants above my island and some recessed can lights on the ceiling here i’m modeling a baseboard, you can easily do this by using the follow me tool on a molding profile try to be very meticulous about the placement of your objects in the model

to make everything look realistic. just like what i'm doing with the cutting board here if you have the time, try to add more decorations to your model to make it more lively. don’t be afraid to move things around, sometimes it might be better for the overall composition. again, check the scale of your objects. here i’m actually realizing

that some of my objects are a little off scale, especially the books, so i’m just resizing them. whenever you set up your objects, don’t have them line up so perfectly. it’s good to move them around a little to show imperfection in your scene and make it look more realistic. try out different materials for decorations to make it more interesting.

here i’m modeling my artworks. if you have photos that you took, like this photo i took in philadelphia, feel free to add them into your scene to make the model truly yours. here’s another photo i took in vancouver. on the outside, i’m going to add a dock because i will be adding an ocean in the background of my rendering.

and i'll show you that in another video on the post production process in photoshop which will come out real soon! and that is all for today guys, if you want this model, make sure to sign up on my patreon before the end of this month and you will get all the files for 5 dollars. after that it will be on gumroad for 10 dollars,

leave a like if you guys enjoy the video. comment below if you have any questions. stay inspired guys, and i will see you, next time!

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