art deco interior design office

art deco interior design office

our personal spaces, whether it's our homeor office, are where we spend the vast majority of our time. so, customizing those spacesto reflect our own style and personality is important to us. here on designing spaces,we're always on the hunt for the latest trends to help make those spaces our own, and doit easily and affordably. hi, i'm debi marie. on this episode of designingspaces, we're going to introduce you to the latest trend in customized and personalizedwall decor. our guest today is jennifer castoldi from trendease international, an online designand fashion publication. jennifer, so good to have you on designing spaces.thank you for having me. so, this sounds so exciting. tell me more.i want to hear more about what the latest

trends are with hp wallart.well, my team and i from trendease, we travel all around the world to the latest designevents, over 100 a year. okay. busy girl.oh yes. and, it's safe to say that digital is here to stay.okay. it's a revolution and it's changing the marketas we know it. oh, yeah. the design world is like, "wow!"you know? it's very different, and i love that.what your viewers may not realize is there's a whole library of images that they can useto decorate their wall with. okay.they can scale it to any size. they can change

the color. they can even individualize it,so they don't have to work with the library. long as it's high rise. okay.say you're out on holiday and you see this wonderful flower. you can supersize that andsuddenly it can be your bathroom wall. okay. see, i love that idea.i had the pleasure of going to the hp demo center is barcelona, and they are really workingwith lots of different innovations, and your viewers can access this innovation by workingwith interior designers or print service providers. there is a whole library of different substratesto work with. so, for example, they could print on sparkly paper, magnetic paper sothe children can have little cutouts that

they can interact with and play with.that's very good because different rooms are going to call for different materials.yeah. it is not our grandmother's wallpaper anymore.good. let's just get that out there. it's not. you can have fun with it. you playwith it. you can change it, and it's even, let me ask you something. we hear a lot about voc's. so, how has hp happened that?we don't like voc's. no, we don't like those.basically, these are the chemicals that you smell and inhale that aren't so healthy, andwith hp latex you don't have any of this. so, once you put it up, you can actually bein the room?

immediately.okay. that is really special with the hp digitallyprinted wallpaper because they use latex ink. and that stands out above the rest?well, it's not solvent based. it's water based. basically, after you've put it up, you cango right back to living. you can put your children to bed in their room. you can can even use it in a hospital. really? wow! that's great. well, i have totell you. we found someone who loves this idea just as much as we do, and she wantedto decorate a couple walls in this lovely home. and she did just that a couple weeksago. so, i would love for you to meet her. oh, fantastic!okay. let's go.

well, jennifer, i would like you to meet jennifer.great name! (laughter).well, why don't you both show our viewers how easy it was to order hp wallart onlinefrom your own computer? so, wallart is a great communication toolwhen you're working with the people who are actually going to print the paper. so, youwould work with an interior designer or a print service provider. think of someone whowould print your business cards. they can also print your wallpaper.okay. wow. so, jennifer, what did you choose, by theway, for the walls? i chose personal family photos to create twomurals in our home office and in our family

room upstairs.oh, that's great. i like that idea. so, what should we do? this is a great exampleof how you can use wallart. she would upload her high resolution image, and then we playwith the dimensions and obstructions to make sure that she has the wall exactly the wayshe wants it. got it. and then the photo fits perfectlyon it. yes.okay. so, the first thing that we need to considerabout your room is the layout. so, once we've entered the size of the room and we've putin wall color, we can add in little obstructions so we can make sure your image will work inthat space the way that you want it to. and

then you will upload the image that you'veselected, and the software that you're working with here, the wallart, will tell you if theresolution is too small because you wouldn't want to print something that's blurry.right. so, once you've figured out where everythingis, where you want to the layout to be, you just save it and you send it off to the printer.okay. and the wallart already arrived, correct? yes. i can't wait to see.okay. do you want to show us how easy it is to put it up in the room?yes. alright. let's go.alright. well, installation is complete. looks beautiful. alright, now for the big reveal.should we call them in?

the big reveal. yes.alright, jennifer and the kids, come on in! yeah. keep those eyes closed. we don't wantyou to see it just yet. mom's almost in. okay. ready? open your eyes!oh my gosh! that's amazing!cool! so, why did you choose this photo?this was from one of our favorite family vacations, and it was just a really special memory forus. so, we figured what could be better than having it up on the wall so we could see itevery time we came into our home office. it's like you're reliving that vacation overand over. now, the canter's have, obviously, a home office. but, you could also use hpwallart for commercial use, right?

the hp digital wall covering can also be usedin contract settings, so hospitals, restaurants, hotels. there's something quite special that'sinnovative on the market. it's type 2 standard is already built in to the paper which isgreat for high traffic areas. okay. well, we have the playroom all done.should we go see what that looks like? definitely.yeah. okay, let's go. are you excited to see the playroom?yeah. this looks fantastic. i love this. look atthat. oh, they are going to flip over this. they're going to love it.alright, let's bring the family. you guys, come on in. keep your eyes closed. don't tripover anything.

(laughter).okay, are you ready? open your eyes.! it's guys made the wall. so, what inspired these photos?these were some of our favorite vacation family memories and just some of our favorite memoriesthat we've experienced over the last few years. i love this idea. it really just changed thewhole look of this room, too. it's amazing. we love it.well, i have to thank you for allowing us into your beautiful home. and you guys gota new playroom. what do you think? it's're happy?

yeah. it's, thank you so much. and thanks to jennifer and trendease for showing us the latest trendsin hp wall coverings. this is amazing. so, thank you so much.thank you for having us. appreciate it. and i'm debi marie for designingspaces. thanks so much for joining us today, and we'll see you next time. bye bye.(music).you can visit these websites to learn more about theparticipants on this edition of designing spaces.(music).

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