contemporary interior design new york

contemporary interior design new york

hi, i'm maxine shriber from simply decorateand today we are doing a living room in brooklyn, ny. our clients sent in all her informationshe wanted to be contemporary airy and bright homey and comfy. she was keeping her sofaher club chair, the floors were wood, and she brought in some dimensions she told usthat the room had a green couch with the shades connected a brown recliner and she was gamefor anything. she just felt the room was very very dark. she told us all the colors in theroom it was the brown the touch of yellow the green of the couch she gave us the budgetwhich was 2,500 - 3,000 and gave us all wish list which was the coffee table a new mediumunit curtains shades ceiling fixture floor lamps pillows vases plants photograph framesartwork mirror etc. so she downloaded the

picture of the living room and as you cansee it really was dark we felt the curtain were very heavy looking and there's a lotof things in there that we knew had to change so we got to work. so we actually startedour floor plan and we realized that were going to separate shays lounge from the couch. webrought it to the other side, we put the chair on the other side also, and we kinda lightenup the wall unit and put a wonderful wonderful carpet to pull it all together. we pickeda little bit freshers colors some pretty strips and we started working on it. so we put acollage together this is very important for a lot of clients so they can tell the feelingof the space. we put the area rug in, we put in some of her accessories, we added somecontact, we put some tables this way she has

a good feeling of what the space should feellike. so that she will really know where everything fits and whats the new image of what the placeis we give her a 2d as well as these 3d's this way she knows how it looks and whereeach piece goes. to make it really easy for her updating simply decorate gives you asshopping list on the shopping list we have the item the photograph of the item the priceof the item and all you have to do is say shop now hit the button your into the siteand you can place your order and everything will be delivered to you with no problem atall. if you have a room that you really need to update to make it fresher younger or youneed something totally all new. simply decorate is the easiest way to go, we do it quick,we do it easy, and we always think about your

design. this is maxine shriber for simplydecorate, always be creative and have a great day.

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