art deco interior design photos

art deco interior design photos

life in lyon's old town is traditionally slow-paced. most of the buildings have been here for centuries. patrick chavanne's home is hidden behind thiswall. "hello and welcome to lyon. i'm glad to welcome you to my home. please join me." in the 19th century, the building was an artists'studio. it's still full of art today. "we created all the decorative elements - that'sour job.

we covered the walls with a birch forest thatlends a certain personality. we create and make wallpaper that we thencoordinate to fit." the living room is reminiscent of life ina forest. there are shades of green, trees and otherforest motifs. patrick and his wife laurence make wallpaperthat is far from traditional: "as opposed to wallpaper that is printed industriallywith repetitive motifs, we've revisited the mural panorama that was somewhat famous inthe 19th century. it depicted grand scenes that were traditionallyengraved by hand. today, a digital tool gives us more freedom.

the idea is to tell a story." patrick chavanne always tests new ideas inhis home - where he has lived for 20 years now. the house has 150 square meters and each roomhas a different theme - this one was inspired by france's presence in india. "this is the pondicherry room named afterthe indian trading post - with features such as the bengal tiger and peacocks..." patrick chavanne's favorite place is actuallythe garden, with its real-life nature and views of the city.

he likes being here at any time of the year. "it's wonderful to live in a townhouse andyet feel like i'm almost in the countryside. we're incredibly lucky." anything goes in patrick chavanne's house- as long as it isn't boring. and to those who might say the interior designis a bit overwhelming, he says that this is exactly its charm: "a house has to be alive. i think that a house expresses the characterand personality of those who live in it. i think our house reflects our warmth, ourtaste for life.

we like to entertain friends; we are welcoming. i hope our interior design makes people feelthat way." this is a home that forms a unique oasis inthe middle of town. and one that is packed full of inspiration.

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