formal curtains interior design

formal curtains interior design

window dressing ideas - window shades andhoneycomb blinds in ladera ranch, ca {mallie} so welcome back to another episodeof galaxy-design’s innovative design series. we are here today in ladera ranch. {steve} yes, daphne came into our showroomlast week and she brought some pictures with her. she said she had some window treatmentsup and she wants to keep most of them, however she wants to take some of the window coveringsout and bring it up to date. our goal is to go in and find out what wecan do to take this place and bring it up to date and also enhance the quality of herlife today. good to see you again. this is mallie. mallieis a co-designer and realtor and she will

be assisting us today. {mallie} your house is beautiful. i love thehigh ceilings. i see that what you’ve done is already beautiful as it is but tell mein your own words what you envision it to look like after we are done. do you want it to be elegant, soft, modern,give me a feel for what you want. {mrs. turner} well i’m going for a softerlook. more of a straight line. the room is formal but not so i am kind of wanting totake the formality out of the room and make it dressy but casual. and more intimate. {mallie} sounds good. and how do you feel?are you aligned with that? are you on the

same page? {mr. turner} i’m slowly getting there. {mrs. turner} i like the cloud. {mallie} yeah, i think it is really soft.and it’s not outstandingly white where it’s so bright. {steve} i like this one, i think it’s kindof clean. sounds like we might have found something. {mrs. turner} i like what you’ve found. {steve} ok, so we are going to take off thetop of the window treatment and go ahead and

take all of this stuff down. all this stuffis going to come down. we are going to take all of the drapes down, the shears, reallybring the place up to date and spruce it up. and i think that is a good move. we can startwith this and we will leave that top part because that will bring the light into theroom. {mrs. turner} yes, i think that’s goingto be great. {mallie} so we are back at daphne’s houseand we put up the blinds about a week ago and she liked it a lot. she likes more ofan airy feeling to the home more of an open feeling. andrew on the other hand… {steve} he’s much more traditional. he likesthings more orderly and a little bit more

covered up so the plan is to go ahead andsee what we can do to meet up between them and see if we can get them to agree on onedesign. {mrs. turner} i like the open clean look. {mallie} i think if you put some light shearsit will do both. it will still be light and airy in here, you will still have light andyou will cover it up. {mr. turner} can you get something like abrushed aluminum or a rose that captures that and plays into this design? {steve} daphne likes this. so this looks goodagainst the blue as well and against that silver it would look really nice and it willstand out.

{mallie} so daphne, we started off in yourliving room and now we ended up in your family room. you decided to choose this room becauseit was a little easier to work on. we started off with the valance boxes, thebig blue boxes and the heavy, heavy curtains here and in your kitchen. which is more ofandrew’s style. it is more extravagant more traditional style and you are definitely moreof a calm subtle really collected style. you like straight lines on everything. so you guys actually had differences but youdid come to a conclusion. you went with the simple silver drapery hardware and some simplecurtain swags that really brought out the design of the room.

how did you come to that conclusion? {mrs. turner} what we learned was that wedidn’t have as much in common as far as our dã©cor tastes as we thought we did. sowe decided that we would meet in the middle of the road. he would get some fabric andi would get my blinds and we would be fine. {steve} how was the experience for you fromthe beginning to the end? {mrs. turner} it was good. it started outa little challenging like i said when i realized our tastes were different i became a littlenervous because i had everything taken off of the windows and i was a little shell shocked.actually andrew was a little more shell shocked than i was.

but the way you guys came in and coached usand held us by our hand and you assured us that you would not leave us until we weresatisfied. from the beginning to the end it was quite an experience. i would not recommendanyone doing this on their own. {steve} you know, the room actually looksphenomenal. {mrs. turner} yes it does and it really didsoften it up and add some character to it. the way i had it was a little bare. so itadded some character to it now. {steve} so what would you recommend? {mrs. turner} making sure you have a reputableconsultant that has passion about what they do so they can guide you through the process.otherwise we could have been fighting if it

hadn’t been for you guys. so you guys kindof kept the peace. {mallie} i really appreciate you allowingus to come to that final decision that you and andrew agreed on and you really allowedus to fulfil on our mission which is to enhance the quality of life. {mrs. turner} you guys have done that. i canhonestly say that. you guys were great to work with. ideas featured in this video:- window dressing ideas - honeycomb shades- honeycomb window shades - honeycomb cellular shades- window coverings

- honeycomb blinds- cellular shades - cellular blinds- room darkening shades - room darkening blinds- window shades

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