home decorating ideas hanging pictures

home decorating ideas hanging pictures

hi, i'm ann myrick, and today i'm going toshow you how to change your mantle up. there are so many different ways you can do yourmantle. i'm a decorator, and i love to work with what people have, and what happens is,people will go and get a few things for their mantle, and they'll put it up there, and that'sit. and, you know, whether it's a vase, whatever it is, it's been up there for ten years andthey've never changed it. well, there are so many things you can use for a mantle todecorate with. and, then also, there's so many different ways you can go with a differentstyle. this is more of a traditional style, and i'm very eclectic, so i've used piecesthat i grew up with in my family, which were the silver pieces. and then i have a few...ihave some antique pieces. then, i have a special

picture of italy that i have, and then, makingkind of an architectural feel or a look..kind of a creative look, i used, just an emptyframe. but, there are just...some people like very full mantles, and some people like, kindof sparse, and so if i wanted just to clean it up, i could take all the silver piecesoff, and just have it like that. so you just have the frame with the other frame, and thenit just is really zeroing in on the artwork. if you want to just see an example of howyou can change it up so differently, i'm going to take this down, and then i'm just goingto take this old breadbasket and put it up. and this, all of a sudden, adds texture. thiswill be more like a cottage or garden feel, and then i'll take my mccoy, i love usingwhite on white, so i'll take my mccoy pots,

and just start playing with it. now, i loveto just have fun with the mantle, and kind of come...try to see what i can come up with.so, i don't have a problem in just playing with it, like, trying to...put it centered,put it over at the other side, just playing with it and seeing how i can make a real fun,creative look. i'll put one more white...i think i want another white one here. now youhave another mantle, totally done, totally different style, but i've used everythingthat's in the house. so, have fun with your mantle, bring in textures, and just play withit, and you'll come up with a different look. this is ann myrick, and that's how to decoratea mantle.

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