house and home interior decorating ideas

house and home interior decorating ideas

create a cohesive whole house design planwith these smart tricks. first, find your theme. not every room needs to be a carboncopy of the next. instead, identify a common element. like nature inspired motifs to weavethrough your spaces. this will lead to a look that's cohesive. second, use similar materialsfor room to room. woven seating in the kitchen and similar footstools in the bedroom unitethe spaces. subtle shifts keep everything from feeling too matchy-matchy wood finishesare a great place to consider these shifts. incorporate different finishes, from darkto light, and types, from burled to bleached. third, find your signature color, and weaveit through every room. it doesn't need to be the exact same color. you can use a mediumblue in your living spaces, and dark blues

elsewhere. amount matters too. you can havea room where you use a lot of blue, like this master bedroom, and other spaces where youjust use a little. fourth, in open spaces, use the same wall color in every area. saveshifts for ancillary rooms, like bedrooms. finally, let each room shine by incorporatinga focal point feature. it can be an art piece, a pretty fabric or a really great light fixture.these showcase elements will give each room in your home a distinct personality whilestill creating an overall cohesive design. with these five tips, you'll have a housewith unique rooms that still feel united. [blank_audio]

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