modern dental design ideas
you come here feeling relaxed. you leave feelingrelaxed. there's not even a feeling like going to a dental practice, it's like going to aspa, actually. my name is ash khorram. i went to columbia university for dental school andalso i got a specialty in prosthodontics at nyu. a prosthodontist is a specialist thatdeals with prosthetics in modern dentistry. it's not what it used to be, where one guydid everything. you have multidisciplinary approach to cases. so, a prosthodontist islike the quarterback of the team. he's the one that does the initial diagnosis. he'sthe one that refers the patients to appropriate specialists. we had a vision, and the visionwas to create the kind of practice that people don't mind visiting. we try to make the decorvery homey. it's unlike any other dental office.
there were no nut white walls. it's very warm,friendly. every patient that walks through the office, we all know them by name. fromthe time you walk in door, you're greeted on a first name basis. everyone knows youhere, they're very punctual in their time, and the dentist makes you feel that you'revery important as a patient and as an individual. and they just take care of you. everyone isso friendly, and it feels like home more than it does a dental office. you're in and outjust in the time they tell you. at elite dental studios, we offer services from preventativecare, periodontal implants, invisalign, cosmetic dentistry. currently right now i'm using invisaligntreatment through dr. khorram, which has been great. i come every six weeks or so, and i'mgetting amazing results. in dentistry, i can
provide the best treatment, but the patientalso needs to do the right thing at home. so when you have appropriate education, thatcreates a best result. dr. khorram has given me the best care and the best education toknow what i need to do and what not to do. well, i'm learning things that i never heardbefore from the other practices i went to. they explain to me my problems, how to correctit. everyone's on the same page as soon as you walk in the door. everyone knows why you'rehere, what you're being treated for. that just makes everything go very smoothly. oneof the ways that we can ensure that the whole team's on the same page is by having morninghuddles. we go over every patient of the day. we go over what the patient's needs are, theirfears, their expectations. the people here
are just so dedicated. the dental hygienistand the staff, they're great. they make you feel relaxed. i enjoy when the patients arehappy, when the patients are comfortable, when the patients feel that they have achievedtheir goal. i get a lot of satisfaction from that. the name, elite dental studios, is agreat word to describe this practice. because it is number one, it is the greatest. andi believe in this office. i would recommend them to anyone.