modern house interior designs in sri lanka

i hate the word becauseit makes me think of louis khan, he talked about silence...a lot of architects talk about silence, its another one of those (words)....i just hate reading books that architects write because a lot of them say... louis khan says:"i asked the brick what it wanted to be..." little things like thatthat are so irritating because as a student you don't understandwhat shit are they talking about. but i like itif they start explaining, what they mean by silence.
because whenever is referred to by architects,they're only talking about form, "oh! amazing qualities of sunlight, the texture..."it makes you shut your mouth, you don't want to talk anymore because you are so amazedby the sight that you're looking at. "i'm thinking of god... how can i talk?god is talking to me... ... i'd better shut upand listen to god!" so it's all bullshit, you know?silence is all about rubbish in architecture, so that's why i hate the word... maybe! and you can only make sense of silence
when you have something to contrast it to,meaning: you need to have "sound"!