modern interior design balcony

modern interior design balcony
modern interior design balcony-buying patio furniture is only one stepwhen it comes to dressing up your condo balcony or terrace. i've got three areasyou need to consider in transforming your concrete pad in the sky into a trueoutdoor living space. first off, let's look at that concretefloor. you'll want some kind of flooring that gives you a little more comfortunderfoot and i love the idea of natural materials. here's one examplejust adding easy-to-install wood decking like this will improve the look and feelof your balcony but adding that pea gravel to the edges take it one stepfurther. another option is to use a great outdoorarea rug. with so many styles to choose

from you'll love the feeling of steppinginto your outdoor living rooms with these types of rugs. the next thing toconsider is greenery. what's the point of being outside if you don't have someliving breathing plants. the key is to have lots of containers, different sizeswith a variety of plants and flowers. then set them up so they're not all onone level. your eye is constantly moving which makes the space feel alive. andfinally number three on my list is lighting. i love the idea of led stringlights wrapped around the railing. it gives you tons of general light in theevening. some additional lanterns with either candles or even filling them upwith more string lights like this making

it a great addition on the floor. sohere's your takeaway... patio furniture is only your first step. add flooring,greenery and lighting to make your balcony or terracea real outdoor living space. thanks for watching this little design tip. we'llhave lots more design tips just like this one coming soon so don't forget tosubscribe! we've got new videos every week anddon't forget if you like this video please give it a thumbs up. see you soon.

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