modern fireplace design ideas photos

modern fireplace design ideas photos

easy updateswith nico de swertmantle design basics an easy update for your home is to create a beautifulmantle decoration and you can basically do it in two differentways. you can go to a asymmetrical or symmetrical. the first one i'm going to show you is the asymmetrical version and it's always great to have one focal pointin this case i have this beautiful rattan basket from pottery barn, which i'm going to hang asymmetrical above your mantle more towards the right side like that.

to balance it out i'm going to use this largecylinder vase. i'm going to put that on the left side of the composition. later we're going to fill this up with beautifulbranches, and then any odd-numbered objects thatyou have around in your home or something that you want to buy new in this case we have a beautiful candlestick that we're going to put here. i'm not going to put a candle in here, you could put a candle in here, but i'm gonna use this beautiful

moss sphere from pottery barn that i'm gonna put in here as a green object just like that. and then we have these beautiful wooden mushrooms that i'm gonna put also in the composition right like that just verysimple and then as i said i'm gonna fill up the vase with some natural branches. we have these beautiful curly willowbranches that i'm gonna put in the vase, just very simple,

just a bunch of them just like that and then we have also these faux flower branches from pottery barn, and these are forsythia, and it's going to bring some color to your ofcomposition and pretty much what you want to do is pickup any color that you have in your house if you have pillows with some yellow accents you can put some yellow branches in hereand if you have some pink you can put some pink in there, but in this case i have a lot of yellow aroundhouse so i'm going to put some yellow forsythia branches

i think this is this is enough so i'm going to finish thisoff now with some lemon leaves that i have laying around still, and i'm just gonna put those at the bottom just add some fresh green color, to my arrangement. in this case i have the lemon leaves but you canuse any other

branches that you have in your garden itdoesn't really matter just you know to bring something from the outdoor inside and i think that's perfect. so that asymmetrical version of your mantle decoration, very simple and easy. the second way of decorating your mantleis a symmetrical composition and the same as we did before with the asymmetricalversion we have one large focal point, in this case it's a beautiful piece of paper thati framed

and the design trick for decorating a symmetricalmantle is to imagine yourself a triangle and we're gonna frame the outside of the trianglein this case with four candlesticks that i have two different sizes, one large one. we're gonna put those on the inside, and then we have the other ones that are gonna framethe outside of the triangle which are the smaller candlesticks. and then in this case i want to bring the yellow back into the mantleand

therefore i have this beautiful faux wooden boxeswith beautiful yellow daffodils these are faux but really beautiful, and then don't be afraid because what i always love to do is to add some real foliage to the faux flowers, just kind of trick your guests, you know. so we're gonna add those in there just very simplelike that, see how different a mantle can look by takingtwo different approaches? don't be afraid to experiment and make sureto have some fun. pottery barn

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