modern garden design ideas pictures

modern garden design ideas pictures

-landscape design is easy even though it maysound like it takes a lot of study to be able to do it right. but first and most importantrule when it comes to designing your yard is to do what you like. it is your yard afterall. one trick used by professional landscape designers is to incorporate edging betweenyour lawn and your planting beds. edging does two things. it keeps your lawn from invadingyour plantings, meaning you'll spend a lot less time weeding. and edging also createsa crisp, clean, visual barrier that really gives your landscape a finish look. anothersure fire landscape design strategy is to utilize hardscape or the non-plant elementsin your yard. a curving brick path for example, offers and elegant line that draws your eyesthrough your property, if your styles more

natural, consider a flagstone pathway or incorporatea patio space to break up the plantings and give your eye a place to rest. when it comesto planting your yard, a no-fail landscape design idea is to incorporate plants thathave colorful foliage. a splash of burgundy purple or bright gold among all of the othergreen leaves for example adds a refreshing twist. the best thing about it, you get thatbunch of color all season long. you don't have to worry about when plant starts or finishblooming. similarly, texture is a key element to landscape design. take note of differentleaf shapes and sizes and how well they play together. for example, black lace elderberrywith its delicate foliage and upright [unk] is a fun counter point to evergreen boxwood.ornamental grasses are also ideal for creating

a [unk] of texture. when shopping at the gardencenter, it's easy to think in terms of annuals, perennials and shrubs. but you can put yourlandscape design skills to use by mixing these plants. annuals offer nonstop summer colorand a perfect [unk]. perennial flowers come back every year and put on a bigger show butwith a more on the bloom season. and shrubs will give your plantings with your interest.

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