paint home interior

paint home interior

today on repairs101 ã± today on repairs101iã­ve just finished painting this room and iã­ll take you back in time and show you someof the tools and some of the tricks to get a professional job done quick and easy. nowdonã­t worry iã­m not going to bore you with a lot of footage of me painting but iã­lljust show you some of the things that you can do to do it yourself at home and saveyourself some money. most of the tools youã­re going to need todo pretty much any home paint job right here, youã­ve got frames and roller sponges, painttrays, brushes, some acetone, spackle and some putty knives, a variety of weã­ve got a couple of handle extensions to show you. got this great little hammer,a cold chisel, a caulking gun and a couple

of tubes of caulk to do around the windowsand stuff, grab some drop sheets, make sure youã­ve got some newspaper handy. the oldbucket that i keep it all in and over there in the corner ã± just a great tool all aroundã± the two step stepladder. that one iã­ve had for about twenty years and except forthe stains and a bit of spackle on the sides of it itã­s just as good as the day i boughtit. so iã­ve got a screwdriver ã± not for openingthe paint cans of course but just for taking the fixture covers off the walls. iã­ve gota paint can opener ã± ok now i just wanted to show you the difference between a goodpaint can opener and a great one. now a good paint can opener is specially designed, ithas this little hook on the end of it thatã­s

specially designed to get in under the lip.a great paint can opener is designed to open beer bottles as well. and if youã­re goingto want your friends to help, iã­ll tell you: youã­re going to need what i wanted to show you about the brushes ã± quite seriously two bucks for this one,this one was only ninety-nine cents ã± is the size of the bristle mass. this one withthe longer handle and the longer bristles ã± cut on an angle ã± thatã­s going to bemy brush of choice, alright. now if youã­re a great painter, which iã­m not, youã­ll beable to keep it clean from that point up and never get any paint into the binding part,here, because thatã­s very, very difficult if not impossible to clean out. pro painters,youã­ll see on their brushes that theyã­re

clean, theyã­re only stained from this pointdown and itã­s quite a remarkable skill if you ask me, i donã­t know how they do the reason i suggest that you get something with a larger bristle mass like this one onthe left is going to pick up a lot more paint. now a professional painter curses every timehe has to bend over to get some more paint. and he or she is going to picking up as muchpaint as possible with as big as brush as possible. and i have seen people working withfour inch brushes and i find it just amazing that they can control the paint so easilybut again: practice makes perfect. so for rollers and frames, you know, i havegot quite a few. this little fellow is just terrific for reaching in behind the toiletor something like that if you are doing a

bathroom. and as far as the roller spongesgo, i just buy these nice cushy ones for the fact that they pick up the most paint andgo the furthest because i donã­t spray on. again professionals, two guys one will sprayand the other will roll right behind him and do an amazing job in the matter of minutes.itã­s all in the prep work really ã± itã­s all about getting the furniture out, gettingthe paper down, and getting tape on what needs to be taped. this old fashioned system ischeap and effective. i have chosen cil acrylic latex paint. your paint really should be shakenup at the paint store for you. i got this paint at wal-mart for only nineteen dollarsfor a gallon, which i find an exceptionally good price. start stirring and donã­t stopstirring until it is all blended. all right,

itã­s starting to look really good. find thecentre point where you going to be pouring ã± thereã­s the handle so just go perpendicularand find the centre. use a small cold chisel like this one and just cut through a drainagehole. thereã­s the paint dripping into the paintcan and where it came from ã± through that drainage hole i cut with that cold chisel.keep it quick and effective, its roll, cut, roll. ok thatã­s all you need to know, roll,cut, roll. that is usually all you need if you are just doing one colour over itselfor white over white, just go for roll cut roll and youã­re done.ok so as far as cutting goes. and you just want to go cut everywhere where you couldnã­tget the roller and then, of course, the next

pass with the roller - everything is forgiven.all of your brush marks will disappear underneath the fresh roller i have worked with some professional guys and seen them cut and i got to tell you, itjust blows me away, the speed at which some guys learn to get going. they pick up as muchpaint as possible. they are much braver than i am. they use four inch brushes. this isonly a 2 inch brush. they get in there and move fast. i have worked with guys who wouldjust paint circles around me, quite literally. ok with just some hot water in the sink, thiscleaned up really well, eh? alright, that was a long hard day and i gottwo coats down. anyway the professionals iã­ve worked with have all said that if you arenot going to bother doing two coats, well

just donã­t bother doing even one. so twocoats and iã­m out.

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