paints for home interiors

paints for home interiors

-today, i'm going to show you how to painta room like a pro. these five easy steps will make your next paint job a success. first,get the right tools for the job. most paint jobs require damp cloth, painter's tape, 5-in-1tool or putty knife, 2-inch angle sash brush, a 3-inch brush, a roller and roller pan. usesynthetic roller covers and brushes with dense nylon bristles when using latex paint. usethicker rollers for more textured surfaces. determine how many gallons of paint you'llneed. measure and add up the total width of the walls then multiply it by wall, divide by the number of square-feet the gallon of paint will cover which is typically350. a good paint job starts with good prep work. wipe the walls with the damp cloth thenlet them dry. then, apply painter's tape in

short sections to the ceiling, baseboardsand trim. seal the edges with the 5-in-1 tool or putty knife. load a small amount of paintunto a 2-inch brush to outline the walls and ceiling. start painting by cutting in cornersand trim leaving a loosely brushed edge. load the roller then row paint into the wall inan overlapping w. fill in the w without lifting the roller to ensure even coverage. paintthe room one wall at a time working from top to bottom. continue working in 3 foot to 4foot sections until you are finish with your wall or room. let the walls dry before removingthe tape. now, you know how to paint a room like a pro.

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