best office interior designer in vaishali

best office interior designer in vaishali

pancharangi. (five colors) "'five colors, givemeaning to life."' "'five colors."' "'same melody, same tune,but a different song."' "'the rhythm is different."' "'same cloud, same sand,but a different rain."' "'the smell of rain is different."' "'look, the butterfly isflying away sucking the honey."' "'the same carnival, the same market,but the flower is different."'

"'the weight of theflower is different."' "'the same evening, the same rock,but the waterfall is different."' "'the same waterfall."' i have been telling you.i have two daughters. i want you to look for twogrooms for these two girls. mister, i request you to spitout the betel leaf first. ..and then talk to me. okay. - i don't understandwhen you talk to me normally. can i understand whenyou are chewing and talking to me?

listen, i'll tell you now.- go ahead. she is lata. she is my daughter.- lata. even she is my daughter. ambu. ambu.- hi. - ambu? you have named her after cattle. ambika.- ambika is my cousin's daughter. cousin?- she is my uncle's son's daughter. she is my uncle's's daughter. she lost her parents in childhood.

so, you adopted her. tell me, who do youwant me to look for a guy? the one who issitting on the table. ..or the one who issleeping on the sofa? the one who issitting on the table. lata. panchakshiri, last time youwrote down everything and. ..even took her photograph along. i always get confused withthe faces and the names. i deal with the alliance ofabout 150 guys and girls daily., it is obvious thati'll forget everything. the other day, i got thrashedas i questioned a married girl. ..about looking for a guy for her. it is good sign to get'll earn a lot of money. then why don't youstart this profession. stay quiet. talk tohim about the alliance. no problem. from asmall village to america.. ..whichever guy is born i have hisdetails and horoscopes with me. girl, did you like any guyin the photos that i gave you?

no. - you both areanswering me at the same time. you could have told me one by one. no.- no. let's go. we are trying so muchto find a guy for her.. ..but if she refuse to get marriedto any guy, what will we do? i have a doubt whethergod exists or not. there is a problem if he exists anda problem if he doesn't exist too. god really exists. all the groomscall me and ask if..

..i have any alliance ofany brides with me. panchakshiri, yousay you look for... ..alliance for all the grooms & brides.. ..can't you find onesuitable guy for my daughter? there is a guy. well educated. he'sa software engineer from america. ..when i showed hisphoto to our people. ..everyone wanted a groom like him. he's the one. like bill clinton. his father had posted his profile..

..on my a look at him. lata, come here.- yes? look at him.- he's from america. he is nice.- he is already booked. he is already sold out. i think she liked him.- but he is already booked. sir, give a try. convincethat guy and get him home. let's see what happens next. so, you want me tocancel that booking?

yes.- panchakshiri, please try. okay. it is god's game plan. whoknows who is in whose destiny? let's give thiscontract to god to cancel. .. that alliance and fix another. please, do that. "'move your body."' "his name is bharat kumar." "his grandmother had taughthim to tie a sari to dolls.. ..of dasara (hindufestival) when he was young."

"he is doing mastersin kannada culture. ..with the money heearns by doing this. "he doesn't ask money fromhis father for his education." "because his father doesn'twant him to study kannada." "forgive him as healways communicates .. ..with everyone in kannada only." "his only aim in life is to havea sound sleep no matter what.. ..happens around him or even ifthe world is getting destroyed." the staff roomsthat are always full..

.. and theclass rooms are always empty. so, it becomesbedroom for the students. "he's the son of sleep. once hesleeps no one can wake him up." are you bharat kumar? - might be.i'll tell when i remember. jk sir is calling you. the programs list is very big. it will take three hours to read. are you going to light the lamp?- yes. i'll be with him. my name has been printed onthis list, didn't you see? - no.

will there be a matchboxkept on the stage? - yes. last time you had brought aguy who helped the girls.. ..wear sari on the college day.he didn't tie it properly. who are you getting this time?- one of my best students. he'll help them wear sari. youdon't try to help the girls. the girls will be in badshape then. - are you joking? give me the five colored parrot.- here, sir. thank god it didn't fly away.its feathers are a bit weak. you said, it is a cultural program,but there is no culture in it.

whatever i have written in english,you just say it clearly in kannada. that would be enough.. buteverything should be in canara/kannada. that is culture.- you are a cultural coordinator. you just can't nod your hard a little. your shirt is nice.where did you buy it from? if i wear the same shirt tomorrow,people will thrash me. joking? - sir, it is late.shall i turn off the chamber door? what, turn it off? - wow, this isthe kannada language of these days. ruin it more. i amenjoying listening to it.

you leave. mr.shekhar, you do one thing. to save the honor of this college.. hard on thepanchrangi concept. we don't have so much of time.come on, let's go. - yes, sir. the parrot and the storyabout it which principal said.. ..and the illusion thatlife has five colors.. ..was beautiful and meaningful. but bharat and j.kruined the story. you have become the oppositeavatar of dushasan today.

you have to help 20 girls inwearing sari. do you remember? look sir, our collegegirls dress up like guys. making them wear sari will bedifficult. this is too much, sir. yes, the present genration isdifferent.. are talking aboutmaking them wear a sari. you are a fool.- sir, what's this? wicket keeping. panchrangi has five colors in it,but this has only two colors in it. take a closer look at it.this is a male parrot. so, its color is dim,but is very powerful.

this is a female parrot.. .. keep looking at it,you will find many more colors. no sir, it may bite me.- this is my story. i have to take them on thestage and they want me to talk.. ..about the colors of life. then our colorful girls willperform break dance by.. ..wearing sari on the music ofgoddess sarswati chants. they, these parrots will fly awayand our principal will catch them. you tell me, does it make sense?

sir, you have beensummoned immediately as.. ..our sir is aboutto turn on the lamps. listen, tell them that ourjk sir is very angry. - okay. sir, what next? - forgeteverything.see the colors there. life is very colorful. youcan find colors everywhere. they have to justsee colors and enjoy.. ..but they want to comment on it. sir, i think they have lit the lamp.- i think the lamp will extinguish.. ..because of thelanguage they speak.

sir, it sounds as though evenfire has a future in our college. no. there is a fire, but there isa fire in you too. - is it so? i might sound like an oldman to you now. - no, sir. not fire, but youhave a spark in you. you have to make thefire from that spark. then your life will totally change. don't start lookingfor a matchbox now. because, you have a sparkwithout a matchbox with you. sir, keep watching. i'llsurely torch a major fire here.

you just hear the story.- i need not hear a story. you can't justhear stories for long. do something bywhich i lose my job here. do it.- okay, sir. i shall leave. don't forget tocall me when you finish this job. the next program is playedby a group "pancharangi." five colors of life. i request mr.jk to come on the stage. sir! hello. check. check.

goodnight to everyone. "'songs about five colors."' "'the punctured tyres of the garage."' "'forget about the songsof seven and eight tunes."' "'water tanks on your terrace."' "'butter, biscuit, and snack."' "'mother, father, and children."' "'thanks to all if theyare hearing this song."' "'flowers of five colors.we all are like flowers."'

"'why fear about anything?forget everything and enjoy."' "'life is like atwenty-twenty match."' "'everyone is good,but we are insane. "'we are like the robots."' "'school, university, entrance tests.., medical.. ..teeth, ears, nose,mouth & doctors."' "'syllabus whichtorture you mentally."' "'courses which youdon't feel like passing."'

"'seats, donation.. ..parents are worriedbecause of children like them."' "'big colleges,attendance and classroom."' "'writing on the desk, i loveyou smitha, malini, priya."' "'chemistry and algebraon the black board."' "'singing songs for new girlfriend."' "'sir, this is enough for today."' "'continue tomorrow."' "'pencils, rubbers."'

"'ribbons. beautiful plaits"' "'bikes and helmets."' "'rainy season, umbrellas."' "'marriage bureausand wedding halls."' "'delivery of the babyand baby shower ceremony."' "'flowers of five colors."' "'we all are like flowers."' "'principal is cartoon.. the last page of the notebook."'

"'old books, new syllabus."' "'tuition, exam, gettingdebarred or dismissed."' "'marks card, parents" signature,subjects pending."' "'college days, falling in love,putting end to love."' "'going to interviews,jobs, salaries."' "'old dreams which areleft behind in the college."' "'new job."' at this time, we arestudying and you are lecturing."' "'i am getting bored."'

"'i will go to sleep."' "'boys, girls."' "'electrocuted crows. - i see."' "'relationships. - next?"' "'families. red millet cakes."' "'shops where peace is sold.god's phone number."' "'appetizers and snacks samples."' "'everything is so boring."' "'broken tennis balls."'

"'okay."' "'good and bad deeds."' "'people areforgetting how to even smile."' "'for one good smileand a meaningful life.. ..there will no place for these."' good morning. the bus is passingby the seashore for.. .. the only reasonthat there is a girl. that means, somethingunfortunate is about to happen.

god, shower your blessings on all. hello?- hello? sir, this is panchakshiri speaking. yes? are you awake?- yes. it is 4 in the morning andthe entire family is asleep. we have crossed mangalore.- okay. we will reach in sometime.- okay. panchakshiri?- yes. the driver doesn?tknow how to drive.

if it was i, we would?ve met thegirl?s family and returned by now. no, even the consummationnight would be over. sleep. sir is is snoring so loudly. turn the other side. vaishali. give me tea. i will feel it easier. hurry. they had called. is it?- they are reaching.

oh, my god. move aside. latah! latah! they already called andyou two are still asleep? get up. get ready. for how long you want to sleep?- mother. they will be here in 45 minutes.get ready soon. she will be sleeping here.tell them to meet her here itself. oh, no.- do that, mother. alright. get up. get ready.

traveling. tiredness. snoring. swinging dreams. lucky. get up. we have reached. thebride is waiting for you. stay quiet. still long way to go. lucky, go back to sleep.- idiot. why did you wake him up? feel bored to urinate alone. we are family. whatever wedo we must do it together. driver! stop the bus.

everybody, you have five minutes,do anything you want. life is short. mailari. get up. let us finish this. tell me in how many placesshould i urinate with you? you lost youreye sight due to diabetes. wonder what else you will loseif you don?t urinate. come on. you are the owner of the bus. and we have to takecare of you. come. there is no water.where are you? come.

brother. madam is calling you. go. dad, i want mineral water. give him mineral water. it is impossible to getmineral water here. let us go to the bride'shouse and boiled water. no. - he doesn't drinkboiled water. - yes. he wants mineral water.alright. when you are ready... pay for it, iwill surely get you. shall i get pedicure done?- will he see your legs?

shall i pinup myhair or leave it open? leave it open. if that is so, i willpinup my hair. - okay. alright. don't care. did you have bath, latha? it's been a year. ambu, what about you?- next year. look. my mother willward off his evil eye. now, my uncle willask his day of birth.

sister, on which day was he born. saturday.- exactly at 11:31 p.m. had it delayed by half-an-hourit would have been sunday. it would have been a perfectday to celebrate birthday. yellow is a suitable colorfor saturday. i did tell you. i didn't bring it.- you didn't bring. never mind. blue color will do. you see that? your uncle is so orthodox.

i was worried if hewould take away my underwear. it is unpredictable. thematch is getting interesting. 20 runs from 2 balls. let us watch. father is in silly point,mother in short leg. the batsman is ready. butthe bowler has not come. what is going on in the bus? you are fortunate that you are blind. yes. god took away myeyesight even before.. ..i could see him grow upand watch him drive the bus.

panchakshiri, tellhim to stay quiet. else, i will throw onthe roof of the bus. what is your problem?- shut up. the groom will drinkwater and get ready. he has got so much to do. peg no.1. peg no.2. choose one, sir. it should be ripened.

cut this. he will choose thegroom by sniffing him. you are right. i hear some noise. check if there air in the tyres. sir, my brother isspraying perfume on his body. perfume?- yes. tell him to spraysome on the dog as well. if a female dog sniffsit and develops interest..

..i will get them married too. don't ruin the life of dog. here it is. coconut trees,boats, the beach. 33 degree celsius. get up. get up. get up. go straight and take a left turn. okay. - one left turn more,we will get to the beach. thincha!

come here.- coming. come here. bring them home. i have guests coming.- okay. pick them. - that is enough. comedown. you have other work to do. sir! i hear the bus coming.come soon. - alright. hurry.- okay. was the bus big or small?- i don?t know. hurry. sir, the bus is arriving. i am coming.

stop the bus. we have reached. mailari.- go. - alright. get down. everybody, get down. lucky, will you get downor you need a palanquin? get down.- come on. everybody, getfreshen up and be ready. meanwhile, i willmeet the bride's father. mr. narayan rao, are you in there? incredible.

uncle, what is incredible?tell us briefly. horoscope. everything in the house is perfect. seeing her photo didn?t i tell you?she and her family are very good? very nice house. youlike it, lucky? - yes. there is no need to cough. a perfect house. you came here from bangalorejust to say this house is perfect? sister, tell him to keep quiet.

behave yourself. we have cometo meet a dignified family. behave yourself.- okay. uncle, your old relative is here. lucky, he is would-be father-in-law.let us touch his feet. dad.- touch his feet. come on. being and elderlyperson please bless us. myself srinivas rao. how was your journey?- good.

bingra, where is your master? master is in the field.there he is. mr. narayan rao, please come.- mr. narayan rao? then who is he? can't you differentiate?a master and servant? but we paid respects to him?- that's alright. please come in.bring their luggage. please come in. please come in. how many times willyou say "please come in"? wonder what's goingto happen further.

humans and gods. stall steamed cakes. new painkillers pills.- okay. what did he say?- that is coastal kannada language. just keep nodding your head. it is very nice.- don't worry about the language. please come. justkeep nodding your head. kings used to live in thishouse during the 18th century.. ..but now the generationcame to an end. am i right?

let us being the military operation.- come in. here i come. such a big house. hello, mr. panchakshiri.- hello. i am hearing the word"hello" for the 60th time. appetizers, snacks,betel leafs nuts, red chillies basil plant, plants andblack bear with me. - oh, god. red oxide flouring,strong pillars. when it is difficultto understand kannada. speak german language. shut up. you need to be quiet. this is a quiet place. have bath. any problem?- he didn't bathe. bingra, take him. please come. please come. i don't bathe inordinary bathroom. in people's bathroom, therewill be many things hanging.

i feel disgusted. show me a well,i will jump into it. there is a well.- i see. we have come a long way. the house is so big. one needs rickshaw tomove around the house. will i have bath today? there is the well. wonder what is goingto happen further.

coconut tress all around. and people living here whofall unconscious even for a cough. sound of waves fromfar away and the well. we have come to bathe insuch a beautiful environment. soaps, shampoos and sacred water. mister, your name.- bingra. nice name. is everything alright?- i will not say a word now. he is mr. narayan rao.

wanting to become a lawyerhe became an agriculturist. wonder what the reason is. well, they are myancestor's properties. so, it is my dutyto safeguard them. she is mrs. vaishali. he met in bangalore bus station. i don't know whoproposed to whom first.. ..but they gotmarried and had a daughter. and you have come to see her.

and talking about him. he has come from americajust to get married. he wants to get married very soon. why are you staring at me? i guess i have seen him somewhere. ..but i don't know where? he is my younger brother.don't you know him? i know, but i don't know him. horoscope, astrology, rebirth.

the one on the television?- yes. keshavananda swamy. hello? can i take a look at your house?- sure. please come. thishouse is 500 years old. please come. please come. here they come. girls are fortunate thather would-be in-laws.. ..don't look modern.

take a look at your would-bemother-in-law's dot on forehead. it is as big as 1 rupee coin. turmeric powder on her cheeks.and nose ring. a trident in her handand crown on her head.. ..she will look justlike goddess of destruction. never insult would-bemother-in-law. take a look at yourwould-be father-in-law. he looks like a jackfruit. i am unable to see the groom.

he is behind father. bend down and you willbe able to see him. i did, but i am onlyable to see his ears. how do his ears look? - theylook like ears. stop kidding. i asked you becausehe is from america. you are jealous. you have mistaken. it issaid that life will be . ..wonderful if ears are perfect. if have complaintsagainst your mother-in-law.

..he must have perfect earsto listen to your complaints. oh, no.- turn around. turn around. look at him drinking waterturning to the other side. he is like a child. he mustfix a nipple to the bottle. guys have a problem. they don't show their facewhen we want to have a look. yell at him for once,he will turn around. turn. he turned. he turned.

he turned. how does he look? his face looks like aportable computer. oh, my god. but, he looks decent. he?llreturn home everyday on time. he also looks a little naive. that's good. he willlisten to you all the time. i kind of feel dull. i will deal with him when i geta chance to talk to him later. bite him for once.- of course. oh, no. his mother covered him.

now, i will whistle andeveryone will turn behind. okay?- do you know who to whistle? i practiced or one month.i will whistle now. why did you hit me?- i didn't. it's hurting.- that's why i hit you. i told you both to get ready,but you are mocking them. idiots. go and get ready. she will not leaveus alone. i will go. what is your problem? how manytimes do i tell you to bathe?

you wear shorts andwander everywhere. idiot. are you doing a fashion show? aunt. aunt. it is hot in here. that's why i amwearing short dress. so, just chill. mother, i will not wear this sari.- but why? the tailor has stitched theblouse in an old fashion style. i am not going to wear it. i knowit is you who got it stitched. now, wear it yourself. you don't deserve to get married.

get a blouse stitchedwith a handkerchief. and you, get a skirtstitched with a ribbon. i will break all your teeth. ambu, please makeher wear a decent sari. i don't know how towear a sari myself. go and play hop skipgame in front of them. okay.- that's a good idea. oh, my god. i amtired of these girls. they make me cry.

alright. i will wear it. okay? stop crying. console her. aunt, find a guy for me too? you said you want to workwhen i asked you to get married. why did you change your mind? i thought life will befun if there is a scapegoat. i request you. we have guestsat home, please go and bathe. aunt.. i don't have towel.

it has been put of dry. ask lakshmi, she will give you.- there is no soap. the soap is in the cupboard.take it. i didn't apply oil to my hair. what else you don't have.i will beat you. here.- you are being naughty. - idiot. come! come! stop! stop! oh, my god. get up.- he ran into me.

he ran into me.- careful. here is your stick. what happened?- i got married. the bus ran intohim and he fell down. why did you get down?- i did tell you i?m getting down. i told you to sitstay inside, didn't i? don't i how to park the bus?will you teach me? being a blind man, when i knowthe bus is parked under hot sun.. ..why don't you?you are such a shame.

alright. tell me anythingyou want. now, go inside. first, clean the bus. there?s so much dust on the bus. don't teach me.- okay. had i known my sonwould such a useless guy.. ..i would never get married. i need a mug.- the washroom is there. no, to clean the bus. hold this.

bucket please.- sure. here you?re.- thank you. no mention not. so, you speak english? i manage to speak whenpeople from bangalore come here. i see.- is there anything else you want? no.- okay. - okay. what is going on? he said he is going to molest me.

what?- but i told him, i have no time. and he left. caught and bowled.back to pavilion. lakshmi. you girls getsuspicious though a woman.. bucket and mug to a man. alright. where is my towel?- there it is. the towel which hasless scent odor is yours.. ..and which has more odoris sister lath's. take it. "'i turned pale after having bath."'

"'i totally changed."' "'i turned sobergrowing beard."' - i see. "'now what do i do?"'- good. and that is the matter of fact. the same legs, the same hands. the same back, the same fingers. my eyes. oh, no. cold breeze.

"'i want a guy who islike a scapegoat."' "'we are ready."' "'i want a guy."' "'i want a guy who is naive."' "'i want a guy who shouldlove me though i torture him."' "'his jeans must be torn a little."' "'he must wear one slipper."' "'i am like the guy you desire."' "'he must be a little insane."'

"'please move aside. we are ready."' "'i want a guy who will be withme like the rope around the neck."' "'he should know cooking."' "'he should be rich."' "'that is not possible."' "'he should be a good vagabond."' "'we are one. we are ready."' "'we girls predictanything just by a look."' you hear me, idiots?- your eyes are beautiful."'

"'we will look for a good guy."' "'come in a line andsacrifice your lives."' "'i want a guy who laughsthough i yell at him."' "'i want a guy whoshould hate my friend."' "'he should be very decent."' "'he should be a brat."' "'choose us."' "'he should know music."' "'we are ever ready."'

"'he should be dark and handsome."' "'but you guys are so ugly."' "'insult us more. never mind. "' "'you guys look like apes."' "'there is a lot of problem.- look at us as well."' "'i want a guy who shouldnever obey his mother."' "'my mother is very good."' "'i want a guy whoshould always listen to me."' "'i want a guy who shouldpamper me after a quarrel."'

"'he should thinkabout me all the time."' "'that is very easy."' "'he should love meeven after marriage."' "'that is too much. butstill we are ready."' "'i want a guy who has big desires."' "'i want a guy whoshould always praise me."' "'he should be a great lover."' "'he should be childish."' "'but we are grown up boys."'

"'he should admire me all the time."' "'we are ready. now, you be ready."' hello, sir. the third son. - did youcome to the well in the morning? yes.- did you take away the mug? everyone carries mugduring morning times. do you wear short pants? that is our custom. do you look likea girl from behind?

why are you trying to hit on me?- oh god. what are you both talking? early in the morning,balded bangarappa and we. ..had a major misunderstanding. mailari, don't mess with him,he will make your life miserable. oh, this is the case.- you are blind. if you had eyes andyou would have seen him.. would have lost your eyesight.he is so dangerous. if we don't get him marriedimmediately, girls will molest him.

these days girls arevery dangerous. get me two steamed cakes. - okay. come, dear. your father and.. ..the girl's fatherare discussing something. let us go inside and see. these elders. people witheyes cannot see the world.. ..and the one who are blind.. get me one steam cake.- be quick. i heard you took a voluntaryretirement. is it? - yes.

what happened? afterlucky went to us.. ..he was adamantthat i leave my job. so, i left the job. - i heardyou faced problems for two months.. ..after you went to us?- nothing like that.. actually.. i heard, you had todifficulties preparing food, etc. it is obvious, hewould have faced problems. us people can't make good chutney. actually, when i left for us,.. mother had packedall the necessary items.

my mother had even packed thebooks of lord ganesha and saraswati. so that he performsthe prayers daily. dad, shut him up please. then she had thought ofsending him a courier weekly.. ..of marigold flowerand jasmine flower. we couldn't bear the expenses. so, you mean to say, gods werenot happy with foreign flowers. actually, you don't find the samequality in the marigold flower. correct.- just keep quiet.

uncle, please come.we were missing you. please, come. have breakfast.- i will have it later. okay.- i had been around your house. very nice.- thank you. but the two washrooms that.. have built on theeast side of your house.. might faceproblems because of that. is it so? - never built awashroom facing the east side. we are having breakfast andyou are talking about washroom.

why do we need to built thewashroom according to the vastu technology? this is wrong. i will tell youstory about an ex-minister. the same way, he didn't listento me and built the washroom.. ..facing the east side.he lost his position. he came to myhermitage and apologized. he then did as per my instructions. even a washroom in the wrongplace leads to disaster. - yes. according to us, wefirst check whether.. ..there is water inthe washroom or not.

that is vastu-technology for us. she has come.- finally she had bath. you are saying as thoughhaving bath is a big deal. what could i do? thesituation was such. lakshmi, do it pierced it into me. hello, what will you doif your husband bites you? don't tell me, okay?- she talks too much. lata, the pleats are not proper andyour sari is not till your toes. you are talking as thoughyou know how to wear a sari.

wear this skirt. madamgot it stitched for you. aunt's special.- she loves you too much. lakshmi, come andstraighten the pleats. - hold on. aunt said, it will be nice ifthe guy straightens the pleats. guys are known for pulling thesari and not straightening it. what do we do? - i will getthe guy who has come to see you. tell him to make youwear sari. it will be good. go and get him. let us see. i am taking the dog out.all this is nonsense.

he is here.- what is it? just two minutes.- slowly. fool, where are you going? you be busy with the sari,i have some work. whom did she go to meet?- i don't know. ambu! excuse me. - lakshmi, goand check where ambu went. you always doubt on her.get ready first. i need to pee.will somebody take me?

i am coming. come. where is my idiotic son? who are you?- bingra. bingra?- yes. god bless you. my husband would have eaten150 steamed cakes today. it was very tasty. howdid you make the chutney? tender coconut, green chilies.- you put coconut in it? tamarind and gram... - you don'tmake any dish without tamarind.

there is a special wayto temper the chutney. it is said that my husband?s... ..ancestor used totemper it in a gold wok. the gold you get here isvery pure, isn't it? - yes. i could analyze byseeing your bangles. it hasn't turnedblack even a little. the one that i boughtin bangalore.. ..must be given topolish every three months. next time you decideto buy gold, come here.

you are from coastal karnataka, butstill you talk so good kannada. i was married to this place.actually i belong to hassana district. so, i and my children knowbangalore kannada very well. i guessed it right. she is so cute. who is this girl?- she is ambika. oh, your brother's daughter wholost her parents in childhood.. yes. she is more lovable tome than my own daughter. i can see that. havebrought her up like that. she would know and follow allthe cultures and tradition..

..i can guess that byseeing her in the ethnic dress. aunt, i always wear a sari.aunt forced me to wear this skirt. girls always lookbeautiful in ethnic dress. the girls in our cityare very fashionable. not only girls, but women ofour age wear short dresses. aunt, don't tell meabout such women. i swear. i will get the vermillion that igot as oblation after performing.. ..veneration of goddess lakshmi. apply it on theforehead of both the girls.

light a lamp in pure ghee.- okay. silly girl, you werefooling around with her. aunt, i will talk to you later.i have to rush. ambu! - bye aunt. - i willteach you a lesson later. "'come on baby, feel the body."' "'let me take you on a ride."' "'come on baby.."' greetings to you. when i was young, i hadseen in the religious movies.

the same ethnic dress,vermillion, and bangles. indian girls havechanged a lot from those times. what is your good name? i think you got angry.okay, don't tell me your name. you are dressed traditionally,so according to the custom.. ..can i call you as sister-in-law? i addressed my mother andmother and father as father. but you've become my sister-in-law. my brother, who is here to see you..

..he looks like myyounger brother,.. ..then how can iaddress him as brother? it is good to ill-talkabout your family. right? you seem to be a very good girl. you have to respect your parents. they gave birth to us, isn't it?- "'come on baby.."' your name is sharda,meena, ratna.. or soumya? no, my name is lata. it belongs to the same category.

why do you have such good names? lata, rekha, bhagya (luck).. we get good luck to husbands,isn't it? that is the reason. do you live inamerica with your brother? no. i am an name is bharat kumar. i am a son of place. i am born in karnataka andhave decided to die here. so, you are a local. no problem. why are you making faces?

no, i imagined you and my brother,who is wearing shorts.. ..and you are wearing ethnicdress on an american beach. i will go to americain the same clothes. i cook nice food. i maketamarind curry very delicious. i heard you don't gettamarind in america. is it? why are you quiet?- it is futile to talk now. i feel like falling onyour feet right away. shall i? shut up. you are very jovial. if my younger sister hears you,she will laugh out loud.

do you have a sister?- yes, she likes you very much. her name is can call her as ambu. shall i call her?- no. i am not good with girls. no problem. you canmeet her once. please. hello, she is calling you.- i am coming. it is urgent. i shall leave now.- okay. india, america. silkskirts worn by everyone. they eat pizza and burger, butthey eat steamed cake and curry.

i and my dog are alone. ambu was doing something there.- what? ask her.- what is it? i went looking for himand made him go crazy. what did you do?- i said my name was lata. that fool believed it and wasaddressing me as sister-in-law. in fact, he wantedto fall on my feet. why did you tell my name?- just like that. you didn't say it justlike that. you are jealous.

so, you didn't want me to marry.that is the reason you did this. don't you feel ashamed? youdon't want me to be happy. you are a fool. lata, i didn't do anything bad.please, don't say that. don't pretend. last time whenyou were here on your vacation.. flirted with theguy who came to see me. he refused to marry meand wanted to marry you. didn't you create that problem? did i marry him? he learntthat you failed in your exams.. he left. what could i do? you are very educatedand i am a fool. you were the one who toldthe guy about this. i know. you want to snatcheverything i have. now you have planned toentice that guy from us. you are born tosnatch everything from me. you are witch. i will complaint about you to aunt.- go and tell her. even she knows everythingabout you.

mother brought you are not her daughter. she doesn't love youeven a bit. go and ask her. are you done withyour fight? happy now? shall i tuck the flowers in yourhair? - okay. no other option left. i am tired of seeing youboth fight since childhood. it is good that i didn'tgo with them to the college. ambu, you are too much. i heard you don't love it true? - yes. who told you? did lata tell you?- yes. she did.

you know her nature. shekeeps changing her statements. i have told you many timesnot to take her seriously. you are educated, aren't you? i know, you will saythe same to lata too. you tell her not to takeambu seriously as she is insane. no, dear. i don't. look,people have come home to see lata. don't fight amongstyourselves and defame me. okay? go and wash your face. my darling daughter is wearingskirt today.

you are looking beautiful. stop your melodrama.- get lost, you fool. yes, i am a have just brought me up. you don't love me even a bit.- talk softly. people outside may hear you. i am telling you not to shout,but you don't listen to me. look, the milk boiled and spilt. i don't want you,your love, your house. i'm going.- where are you going?

i will go anywhere i feel like. i'm planning to goto ladies hostel. ladies? why don'tyou join boys hostel? i will go & join anywhere i like.- wear this. what is going on here?- you tell her. what is wrong with this skirt?this looks okay to me. if you feel so, then tell auntto wear this and you both dance. i'm going.don't try to look for me. i won't come back.- hey ambu!

i won't come back.- listen to me. please! aunt, i'm not your daughter.- ambu! i won't return!- oh god. what is the matter?- as usual. she will come back.she is a haughty girl. do you think yourdaughter is normal? tell her to accept the proposalof the guy who has come here. guy is very handsome.she will not refuse. you don't know the demandsof the girls these days.

men beget children and go away. women have to bring themup with great difficulty. if lata refuses this alliance, ..i will jump in thewell and commit suicide. i'm warning you.- why waste the water of the well? go and commit suicide in the ocean. everyone get together and kill me. okay, we will, when thetime comes. give me tea first. do your work. you always keepeating betel leaf and drinking tea.

bad habit. i won't give you. "'a rainbow in the blue sky."' lucky, you are very fortunate. you got a girl like will be in a state where you will.. ..have to name 10 gods toget kissed by her. - shut up. mother-in-law and daughter-in-lawwill call you from india.. america like an alarm foryou to get and perform veneration. this girl will beinauspicious to you. your mother will sendher with you.

qualities,tradition, cultured, shy girl. lucky, this girlhave all these values. you wanted a modern girl. who are you bothbrothers talking about? about the girl we are here to see. mother-in-lawmatching daughter-in-law. daughter-in-law matchingmother-in-law. and the groom who isgetting married. dad..- hey.

father, the girl who waswearing skirt like parachute.. ..get one for mother. letshe wear and roam about. it is our culture.- shut up. if somebody hears you.. you idiot. i told you not to get him along.hey, this is somebody else's house. don't defame us here.go away from here. thank you. with your permission,i'm going out. ramu, let us go. we are free now. where are you taking him?you are spoilt, don't spoil him now.

go out. go. get out!ramu. comb here. here. ramu, your brotheris getting married. wish him all the best and leave.- get out! get out.- i can't hear you! want something?- nothing. okay. - you wash vesselsand clothes very nicely. thanks. even you wash yourvehicle nicely. - thanks. then?- nothing much. okay. - do you always hearthe waves in this village?

it is an ocean. you canalways hear the waves. correct. do you wearchudidar (ethnic dress)? what?- is your brother a haughty man? nothing like that. shall i go?- okay. what is it?- shall i leave? okay.- okay. men always give flowers towomen to fall in love with them. what do you mean?- i don't know. is she the third one?- third? how do you know?

you don't get roses here, soyou both manage with these. i will meet you when thisunderwear tears completely. underwear, flowers, and pain. the cuckoo singing on the trees. there! that side! children, will i reachbangalore if i go straight? no. you will reach the ocean. is it?- yes. "children are showingway to us these days."

coconut trees all around.- yes. the environment is so coollike an air conditioner. - yes. the ocean is crying loudly.- let it. it is time for the skyto turn white. - okay. flowers blooming all around.- wow. snakes and frogs areroaming freely. - oh my god. i have come to the ocean, buthere i see a girl wearing.. ..shorts and sittingon a coconut tree. wearing shorts. are youthe one who snatched my mug?

yes. sorry.- "'i want to take for a ride."' how can i forgive you so easily? if you would have rubbed my back,i wouldn't have refused you. you were to see my brother.what are you doing here? if you climb the coconut tree,what will my brother do? your brother is here not to see me. that means you are notmy sister-in-law. - no. the respect that igave you was futile. my family members threw me outas i commented on your skirt.

they threw me out of the house.thank you, ms. lata. my name is ambika. she's lata. is she only lata or latamani?- go and ask her. she got angry with me andlocked herself inside the room.. ..reading rapidex english book. lakshmi learnt tospeak english by that book. lata doesn't know to speak you know that? who knows? how would anyone know whata girl is going through?

very funny.- how many affairs did you have? one or two guys would haveproposed you in the first year.. would have kept them in waiting. in the second year, you wouldfall in love with somebody.. ..who's already dating 25 girls. in the final year, youwould have proposed someone and.. ..he would have betrayed you. females like you become drunkards. so, according to you, have25 guys run away from you?

90.- wow. you are very close to century. my score in the firstyear of electronics was 40. i'm in the final year now.i'm here for my vacation. when i go back to bangalore,i will surely complete a century. may your parents soul rest in peace. how do you know thatmy parents are no more? what? i thought they were alive,i was just joking. good. may your parents be happy.

they will always be happy.they don't have any tension. they are torturing god. just because they gavebirth to you. - thank you. how many subjects do youhave to clear in first year? commerce or sceince?- pass in bachelor of arts. i was falling asleep when iwas standing in entrance test queue line. but still, my fatherdragged me into the exam hall. but, still fell asleep there. didn't you do your exam?

had i done the exam, myfather would've forced me.. do engineering or medicine. i didn't fall in trouble.i'm very smart. very good. next? next, i completed bachelor of arts andthen joined masters in philosophy.. ..and now i'm in peace. whether or not i go tocollege i yelled at.. is such a wonderful course. if i somehow manage to go tocollege for six months more..

..and appear for the examstaking my exam hall ticket.. ..i will become a m.a philosopher. to hell with me. what about history subject? of course, i didhave history subject. history is a suitablesubject for guys like me. my history is great.but future is ruined. why should i talk so much with you? i don't know. i was goingto pluck tender coconuts.

but, you'd blocked my way. whatever i told you aboutlatha don't tell anyone. there is so muchdifference between you and me. during childhood, lathaand i used to sit on.. ..this tree and watch the sea. that's latha'stree and this is mine. there were two more trees,but they've cut down. one was father's andthe other was mother's. your family hasbrought down all the trees,..

..don't you think it is unfair? one feels so happywatching the sea sitting on.. ..the corner of the tree. point to be noted. there is happiness at thecorner of the coconut tree. there is an island right there. when i was young, my parentswent there for a carnival.. ..but never returned. feel like they will return someday.

time for some emotions. hey! move aside. please. so, you are alive? i came runningthinking you were dead. you should feel happywhen someone is dying. not go running and save them. move aside. watch what you want.

what happened? who is he? seems like he wantsto commit suicide. but why? he looks so handsome. it's gone. it's reduced. something got reduced. what?- i don't know. sir, should we help comeout or drop more mud on you? come here. - okay. tell me.- touch my head.

what if i get electrocuted?- touch it. not there, on the top.towards the right. yes, right there. i have been suffering fromheadache for the six years. should i massage? - i had been tohimalayas in search of medication. i met a sage who advised me.. bury myself inside at theseashore and watch the waves.. ..but which the pain will subside. whenever i come to the beach,i bury myself inside the sand.

next time, buryyourself upside down.. ..the pain in the leg will subside. as no one is around..- no one is around? i stripped my clothes andburied myself inside the sand. but you interrupted. i want to come out. you two can stayhere if you want to. do we deserve this? insane? there was a king in a village.

i am waiting or a reply.- tell me. i didn't look at him. okay.- and the king is no more. okay. i too lived during his times. i too was infamous. but now, i lost everything. i lost everything. why did you meet me?- we didn't meet you.

alright. why did i meet you?- to blabber. who are you two? i mean,friends, lover? how are you tworelated to each other? we met recently. weare friends right now. and will turn intoenemies in sometime. when a guy and girlmeet for the first time.. ..they will havehatred for each other. but people call thathatred as love. - you are right. you said you are notlovers and that's good.

remain enemies forever,life will be good. i will never fall in love. my useless brother has come tomeet the bride to her house. tell him this story,it will help him. aunt had told me toprepare pudding. but i am here. why pudding? people offer sweets and snacks.. ..when the groomcomes to see the bride. snacks served in paperplates with white plastic spoon.

we don't serve snacks.we serve semolina. will it be white oryellow in color? yellow. so what? disgusting. they add mustard in it. you have tea cup andsaucer in your house, don't you? the cups and saucers whichare kept in the showcase.. ..beside grandma's andgrandpa's portrait, right? the family doesn't use itfor themselves, but for guests. my family doesn't do that.

you don't lie much. either the bride'sfather or the groom's father.. ..will be suffering from gastritis. he must be sufferingduring the rituals. and my uncle will be waitingfor the inauspicious period. inauspicious period is really bad.- you are right. go ahead. my mother must be distributingoblation to all. - you are right. put your hand forward.

you forget forgot the vermillion. ladies apply vermillionto every living species.. ..other than human beings.that's a rule. your aunt must beyelling at latha for.. ..not wearing the sari i right? she has been fighting to wearsalwar (indian outfit) and not sari. please complete the ritual somehow. i am tired now. here they are.

tell them to hurry up. latha is coming.. ..with the coffeecups through the smoke. and she is accompanied by oldsters. a housefly has committed in thecoffee which the bride serves. amazing. and a while ago, heraunt would have found.. ..two ants dead in the same coffee. the groom takes a looks at thehousefly instead of the bride.

and the bride looks at hermother instead of the groom. your brother will drinkwater instead of coffee. that is his birth right. meanwhile, our dog ramutakes a look at the bride.. ..with the slipper in it's mouth. my father's back starts itching,.. but he will not be able to scratch. amazing.- the bride walks inside. the so calledgroom holds the mobile.

your parent's secondround of problems begins. semi finals, right? what does it mean? it is a languagewhich means no sense. the language of our parents.- it can be anyone's?. no one will understand it. no one understands thelanguage which elders speak. add even this too, itwill suit my father. okay.- you both are insane.

you think you are perfect? sir, tell me. whom do weyell at? people or them? yell at everyone. don't be partial. there should be equality. it is a beautiful chain. i want it. what else do you have in your bag? you are great. chains,bangles and anklets. neck, hands and legs. dots and foreheads.

clips and hair. nose rings and noses. beauty parlors. beauty parlors. 24 years of age. marriage, delivery, motherhood. beating the child. applying lipstickeven at the age of 70. silk saris.- designs. matching blouses.- tv shows.

cookery shows.- aunt in the neighborhood. dinning table.- spoon stand. fixed deposits.- cooperative banks. onion rs. 25 a kilo.- tomato rs. 55 a kilo. sankranthi festival.- deepavali festival. temples.- venerations. auspicious days.- lucky days. door of heaven.- washrooms in hell. blood pressure pills.- sugarless tea.

phone calls.- hello. how are you? how are you?- i am fine. school students.- school bags and lunch boxes. my husband is a good man.- thigh pain at the age of 40. hip pain at the age of 30.- morning walks. evening parks.- sites. vitrified tiles.- expensive cars. small gates.- current bill. empty milk packets.- broken switches in the bathroom.

washing clothes.- beautiful maid. suspicion of a woman.- relative's marriages. sweets.- wedding anniversary. many many happy returns of the day.- marriage albums. oh, god. you are the winner. had you told a word,you would be the winner. that's alright. you put up atough competition. come on. the sage from himalayas hadgiven me this artificial beard.

it suits you better. i am blessed, guru. this is life. bless me, guru. bless me. oh, my god.- come. stop. don't get upset. "'this is life."' "'this is what is called life."'

"'being born and being named."' "'and grow up somehow."' "'scoring good marks and doingthe course which father says."' "'having bath and go to find a job."' "'find a job with good salary."' "'get married and have children."' "'and prepare pumpkin sweet."' "'this is how commonin our country are."' "'close your eyes and see,life is like this."'

"'father, stop getting tensed."' "'apply dye to your hair."' "'walking is good for diabetes."' "'mother prays to god all the time."' "'that's the only thing you do."' "'both husband and wife toil hard."' "'build house by taking loan."' "'and start looking forthe children one day."' "'don't run away from the stage,it is your role now."'

"'once you get colored,this is how life is."' "'quarrel with your girlfriend."' "'message her all night long."' "'pass your time in the canteen."' "'what is there in nokia andwhat is not there in airtel.. ..know more than your syllabus."' "'because yourparents will yell at you."' "'go to the college daily."' "'and say goodbye to yourteacher during the exams."'

"'in school named romance,everyday is sunday."' "'spread your wings andfly away, this is life."' "'live according to your horoscope."' "'build just four wallsand sleep in the washroom."' "'get to know the secretsof your previous birth."' "'get to know your future."' "'and ruin the present.this is life."' "'you are very good andwe are spoilt brats."' "'don't listen to our song.this is life."'

"'you are the biggestfool i have ever seen."' "'just sing and dance.this is life."' children, i shall leave now. do you know why i met you both?be careful with your beard. he is so yum. awesome. did you understand what he said? you had said that i won'tunderstand what he says. so, i was just watching his face.

oh god, this means even menare not secure in this world. enough, i didn't stareat him to flirt with him. you were dancing with some teacher. that girl had worna beautiful sari. so, i respected herand danced with her. you will respectanyone who wears a sari? it is man's duty to respect awoman who's worn a good sari. wearing sari is a girl's duty. i couldn't know if you are aman or a woman. do you know?

even i know to wear sari. do you know when iwore a sari first? i was in my first year. i didn?tknow that we have to put on.. ..our slippers and thenwear a sari. the sari was overflowing.the sari got spoilt. lata had challenged methat i would surely fall. i didn't fall even once. aunt bought me a greensari with white border. my mother liked green colorvery much. that's the reason..

uncle helps aunt wear a sari. even my mother, fatherused to pleat her sari. after they died.. now.. ..nothing. hey, don't pretend. i was telling my story, butyou are sleeping. you idiot. wake up, you fool. wake up. oh god. i will teach you a lesson now.

"may you prosperbeing lost in thoughts." "may your thoughts flourish." how did i come in the water? i pulled you till here. i triedto wake you up, but you didn't. so, i had no other option. i am suffering from soporific(sleep-inducing).i sleep anywhere. i won't know even if youkeep a bomb next to me. it is said that, a manwho doesn?t have worries.. ..can sleep even ina graveyard. go.

and sleep in themiddle of the ocean. go. i taught him a good lesson. i have never had bath twice in a day. the ocean is insaneand so are we. oh god. tell us your final decision. we have no objections. theysaid girl knows to do everything. what else? we just have toteach her our house veneration.. ..and our culture. that's it. i am here.i will teachher everything.

okay, let's go aheadwith this alliance. - okay. do you want us to give anything? panchakshiri, are theytalking about dowry? very bad. we arenot asking for dowry. you are mistaken. i am sorry. we are asking just fortheir daughter's happiness. tell them.- okay. he has got a call from america. dad.. - lucky, youwon't understand all this.

panchkshiri, you just talk to them. mummy, what i am trying to say is..- a big car. what? - there is somebodywaiting for you in the car. mummy, i..- somebody from your office.. would have come looking for you. go.- dad. - go, lucky. you don't is worship. you go. i will manage. you go. your relatives are here. idon't have any work now.

then? - nothing from our should tell us. what do you say? what did he say?- i don't understand what he says.. ..why are you getting confused? there is the car. okay. thank you. hello? - i called you so manytimes and even messaged you. why didn't answer my calls? i was in the temple, dear.

are you done with the veneration?- not yet. when will you be back?- there. tomorrow or day after. are you sure you are in tirupati? why? do you have a doubt? "their love is so unique." "they are unbelievable." you are tirupati, right? dear..- what was the need to lie to me?

i wanted to tell you, butas you wouldn't understand.. we have been in lovefor so many years.. ..and you say i won't beable to understand you? sorry. my parentsforcefully brought me here. as i didn't want to hurt them.. but you don?t careif i am hurt, isn't it? soumya, please. why didn't you tell me about it? thinking you wouldget tensed, i didn't..

are you gettingmarried to someone else? all the best.- no way. - then? i will refuse this proposaland introduce you to my parents.. ..and convince them for ourmarriage. now, please leave. you are lying again.- i swear. trust me. okay? why should i go? the coconuts are cannot. i don't trust you. i will stay ina hotel is this very same place. okay. now, go from here. come on.

don't touch me.- soumya. i still love you.- go to hell. wandering aroundwith a handsome guy.. ..and finally reaching home. thank god. you didn'tfall in love with me. infatuation, i love you,i miss you and break ups. why do you always talk in riddles?- i don't know. but will let youknow once i realize? does your brother talk like you?

he doesn't have a mother cut his tongue. in that case, latha will surelylike him. marriage has been fixed. they areresponsible for their death. but your brother isa good man, isn't it? he is epitome of truth. by the way, why are you enquiringso much about my brother? just to getfamiliar with your family. your house is still erect. i thought it would be turnedinto ruin when we are back.

i want to meet latha. you goand get your brother ready. i have never done such agood deep in my life. if you show me a place to sleep,i will grateful to you. there are people at home.go to the temple. all the lazy men in ourvillage go there and sleep. my beard fromhimalayas and i. let us go. bell sound, mantras. the notice board. my deep sleep with god's blessings.

god, protect me.- okay. sister ambu, when did you come?- tomorrow. idiot. are you blind? idiot. tomorrow at 12:30 p.m.there is an auspicious period. if the couple get engagedin this auspicious period.. ..they will live happily forever. as you say, keshva. - oh, yes. we will do the engagement.what do you say?

sure. dear, come with me. well.. what is it?- why engagement all of a sudden? we need to invite our relatives. if my mother learnsabout it she will be upset. by the time your motherprepare snacks and carry them.. ..latha would havedelivered children. just keep quiet.- what is it?

tell even us.- it's nothing. we will do the engagement tomorrow.- okay. you are finallygetting your commission. come, son. seek his blessings. come on. latha, you too. touch his feet. bless you both.- he made it. dad.. - feed sugar tothe bride and the groom. congrats.- thank you.

you are still upset? calm down. i have no choice. at times, girls feelhappy for no reason. "'any place you meet me.. the string of life."' "'forever.."'- i am coming. "'i don't want tohave dream without you."' "'to my eyes."'

"'no matter what happens,no matter where i go.. with me all the time."' "'test me.. your world of love."' "'i want you to be my music."' "'that's good."' "'love me."' hi. oh, my god.- oh, no.

oh, my god. leave me. "'i will make you wearthe sari of brightness."' "'please cooperate."' "'no matter how i look,you would admire me."' "'please imagine."' "'explain the beauty.. your eyes."' "'the inner feeling in you..

..isn't visible. tolerate me."' "'share my pain and sorrow.. ..come closer for once.. ..and feel them."' "'a letter which was about me.. ..has come.. ..and settled in my heart."' "'there is a thirst in me."' "'what is it about?"'

"'keep me as a secret.. your heart."' hurry.- coming. it is hot. what is it? shall i help you?- no, sit down. mailari, don't eat swami's will be thrashed. wonderful. give me her photograph.i might need it. had i known she looksso beautiful on sari..

..i would have brought abachelor and got her married. thank you. population has increasedbecause of agents like you. if we don?t get themodern youths married soon.. ..they will choosetheir own partners. what is it?- water. can i get some gripe water? how many girls did youhelp in wearing sari? till now or today?- till now?

i feel too shy to say. i.. i permitted you to doso having pity on you. if it some other girl,she would've slapped you. thank you. serve me some curry. it is my sari andyou are showing off. thank you very much. i am busy. it was i who prepared the curry. have it.

there is a lot of differencebetween tent and sari. wearing sari is not big deal,but you must keep it clean. but what happened?everybody complimented me. it is like first showwhen you sit.. ..second show whenyou are standing.. ..and matinee show when you walk. it is latha's blouse not mine. i will wear mine, wait and watch. please don't. i just have two eyes.they might catch fire.

very funny. shall i serve you?- she already served me. thank you.- no. - thank you. i am having food; else iwould ward the evil eye off. you look so beautiful. - i learntit with great difficulty. marvelous. you look superb.- thank you. serve some?- no. - a little? - no, thanks. you?- get away. - shut up. there should besomething to serve. it's empty.

stop showing off. who helpedyou wear the sari? - nobody. stop showing off.- thank you. aunt, give it to me. the sari got stuck again. please run faster. all of us will be happy if youfall down and break your teeth. i will fall. so what? if you have sari with jeansmaterial, i will make you wear it. you will feel comfortable.

i will get if i find it. now what? folds and wrinkles. monkeys wear chiffon saris. mysore silk,kanjeevaram, dharmavaram.. ..everything is waste of money. i was looking for wash basin. the tap is outside.there?s drum here. - okay. well.. in your village everything.. what is it?- there?s darkness everywhere.

is it? i don?t know. will you marry me?- what? marriage? i am sorry.- i will talk to my father. i don't want dowry. okay.- what about your brother? i don't know.- okay. congratulation.- all the best. there is no network. okay.

i haven't talked with her yet. the house has been decked up. i will call you back later.- hi. well.. - sorry. i didn'tget your name. - latha. will i become latha lakshmanor latha rao after marriage? well.. - you don't lookgood with this hair style. you go to men's parlor, don't you? mother was saying thatyou need to put on weight. you will, because it is i who willcook food after going to america.

do you wear spectaclesall the time? what's the power?- i need to talk to you. for honeymoon, we will go to aplace where there's a snowfall. let's not go to beaches.people will be semi nude. do you have a camera? yes.- latha. i haven't seen couple sittingfar away even after being engaged. go closer.- stop it. she's..- hello. i am ambu. - hi.

i am lucky. i want totalk about this marriage. you can talk in english. i know english. i have also learnt how to send mails. i know table manners too. yeah, right. actually, i have a problem.and i want to talk about it. if you talk a lot before marriage.. ..your child willbecome a spoilt brat.

it is you who will givebirth to a spoilt brat. get away. how dare you push me? sorry.- water? good night.- bye. he's gone.- offer him more water. stop mocking me. whydid you come here? i want to tell you something. what is it?- i guess i am in love. who's the guy?

water bottle..- dare you fall in love with him. i will complain to mother. mother! not water bottle, but his brother. i must say. you are really smart. did you propose him? not yet. do that as soon as possible. let's start living in thesame house. - you are sure?

done?- done. latha!- coming. go and propose him. hurry. great pleasure, mailari. we finallysupplied water to the sea. this was always my desire. you fulfilled your desire. nevermind though you die. let's go. your son is here. i think he wants to drink the waterin the sea. you want to drink?

father?- what is it? tell him what is it? i want to get married. will you get me married? you are an useless guy. it will besuch a shame to go with a proposal. but i drive the bus? - the busis mine. do your job properly. look, don't mess with me. try and understand my feelings. to hell with your feelings.- calm down.

why are you stopping him? give him yourconsent to get married. no marriage, i will murder him. you must earn money, build a house. mainly, you muststay with your wife. and if you stay with your wife,you will die very soon. you should be a slave toyour wife. can you do it? you talk like an experienced man. what do you know about marriage?

i watch my father everyday. they gave birth to anuseless son like me. what more should i experience? there is lot more to marriage. you are so youngand you talk so much? mailari, theyouths don't respect us. talking to them i got sobered. there's more liquor left.let's go and drink. father, tell me..- i will talk to him. get away.

don't care about him.he's an useless guy. if you force others to drink,your life will be ruined. the sound of the waves.. ..sweet dreams. the eyes which doesn't sleep. the saris which don'tlet you sleep. save me. save me. don't get up. don't get up. sleep.

seeing you bathe, i went crazy. and i went crazier whenyou made me wear sari. i don't know.. ..why i'm here andwhat's happening to me. i think i like you. do i have to tell you the reason? i was looking for someone.but why did i start liking you? your ears are pink like a puppy's. chubby cheeks,dimple chin, teeth within.

you boast yourself a lot.but you are a dimwit.(ignorant and stupid.) why do we get attractedto opposite character? hello? no girl will fall inlove with an useless guy like you.. ..except me. remember that.he's fast asleep. ever since my childhood i desiredto be with naughty guys like you. he should laugh when i laugh. and cry when i cry. i will upset in the morning, butwill pamper you in the evening. i'm a shrewe.(mouse with a long pointed nose).will you tolerate me?

it is my aunt and uncle who havebeen tolerating a fool.. me for all these years. you consider elders as fools.. ..but i consider them as children. why do you let them down? accordingly, we must loveone another. that's life. how dare you sing "that'slife" during my presence? i was quiet because i wasnot in love at that time. sing now, let me see.

i must say. i fellin love in one day. i'm a stupid girl. why did it happen to me? what do you know about me? you will constantlywatch me the entire day.. ..else, i will kill you. get up and see. don't get up. it will be great funto snatch the phone..

..while you are talkingand throwing it away. it will be great fun not totalk to you while you will be.. ..home after a hard day. when i will call out toyou for towel after bathing.. will be so melodious. there'll be so much lovewhen i hit you on your head.. ..when you are gazingat girls on the tv. i feel like takinggood care of you. protect you all the time.

you too must befeeling the same, right? that's enough for today. i am sparing you. i am sure i will get you one day.then, i will teach you. "'never felt like this before."' "'until i get you."' "'the story which iread now is different."' "'the page which tells about you."' "'like the waves..

..flow into my heart."' "'come to me."' "'take me into your.. of illusion."' "'always keep smiling."' i told you everything, soumya.say something. what do i..? never check lover's mobile. and never go closer tothem when they are quarrelling.

but still he went. they decided withouttaking my opinion. you say you gettingmarried fearing your parents. what about your future? you are not aware of my parents.stay quiet. will you die if yourparents ask you to? lucky, at least tellme what the problem is. they have grown old.they are not keeping well. if i don't do as they say, wonderwhat they will do to themselves.

i'm scared. bharat will not take care of them. i'm the only one theycount on. what do i do? they want someone to obey them,so they have trapped you. they have made your life miserable. aren't you concernedabout your future? yes, i?m an idiot. i don?tknow how to lead my life. i'm a loser. i'm a useless guy. this is how my life is.

this is how i will lead my life. you can walk away if you want to. sorry. i guess you hurt very much. i don't know whether ornot we will get married. but i can't see you living in pain. i will go awayleaving everything behind. i can't live thisstupid life anymore. on one side, i cannotgo against my parents. and if i don't go against them, iwill not be able to stay with you.

just go and die. panchakshiri, will thegroom's family be late? they will never be late. they will arrive on time. they will never change their mindas swamy has fixed the engagement. but why?- today's the cricket match. i want to watch at least five overs. why watch? bring a bat and a ball.we will play ourselves. we will postpone theengagement tomorrow.

that's a good idea. time up. bring the bride. murder.- what? madam will murder you if youwatch cricket. - get away. madam has summoned you.- go and bring tea. i will complain to madam.i will complain. the bride's family is ready.what about your family? did swamy ask you toobserve vow of silence? swamy is missing.

did you happen to see him? he must be looking for a washroom. as he was in anger, he wasawake all night. he was meditating. when we were drinking last night.. ..he was standing beside mybus and talking over the phone. we didn't get to see him later.wonder where he is. did he light the ghee lamp? i don't get the smell. he would've torched fireand not just ghee lamp.

i guess he's bitten by some dog. the twenty, twenty cricket match.- what's about it? i turned on the tv to know who won.- who won? not cricket.- then what's on the tv? it would be better ifyou take a look yourselves. let's go and take a look. when the newsabout fake sage broke.. ..who was makingmoney teaching yoga.. ..opening ahermitage called keshavnanda.

the police have arrested the sage. following thecomplaint of two foreigners.. ..the police werelooking for the fake sage. when the sage was about tofly to dubai to hide himself.. ..mangalore police arrestedhim in mangalore airport.. ..and brought him to vijayanagarpolice station, bangalore. several women associations areprotesting against sage keshavnanda. down to the fake sage! turn off the tv. do it right away.

someone call the media. who is giving wronginformation to the media? must be some of his enemies. my brother has 1 milliondevotees in this world. millions together. give me the phone. iwill call the media myself. he did tell me yesterdaythat there's something.. ..wrong in this house. i know it. people living inthis house are hypocrites.

no one is decent like us.- dear. we don't want this proposal. my brother got arrestedonly after coming here. bharat. bharat.- it is all because of you. padma.- it is you who started it. you always insulted him, now,look what happened. it is all because of you.- let's go from here. that's impossible.- mother..

don't call me "mother". i'm not your mother. do you rememberwhat keshav had told? if brats like him are born, parent'slife will become miserable. then why did you?- bharat! why did you give birth to me? you get married becausesomeone matched your horoscope. give birth to childrenand nurture them like dogs. then, ruin their desires,but offer prayers to god.

people like you aresinners and not children. mother, father..- don't stop me. shut up.- they are leading a life like you.. ..because you kept yourmouth shut for all these years. ask lucky if he went toamerica for your sake or his sake. bharat, please.- tell them. tell them you went to america because you couldn't bear their humiliation. come here.- bharat. come here.

he's in love with herfor the last three years. she's the only one he desired for. he didn't say becausehe feared you. bharat.- you want to kill him? kill him. lucky.. it is true? yes. you betrayed us. we will be put to shamebecause of children like you.

brother. had you told me iwould've have objected. don't cry. mailari, your son a perfect man. he got married. married? to whom? ingra's sister. seeing his face i think he finishedthe consummation night as well. i will accept this.- why?

their horoscopes were not matched. he didn't seek my permission. i don't accept this marriage. stop yelling. look what happened to them now. to hell with horoscope. we have both indianand foreign culture. the country is spoiledby this type of people. son doesn't obey his parents.

parents are adamant. above all, our fate is ruined. in that case, trying tomatch the groom & bride.. ..our custom has been ruined. the present youths are tryingto build a new system. they will die a miserable death. whereas your son got marriedwithout creating any issues. you must be proud of him. in one year his kidswill come to the beach to play.

children should take birthfor the earth to revolve. global warming. keep that in mind. this is what i calla perfect wedding. okay. bingra is now my relative. should i shower my blessings?- don't delay. madam, the proposalhas been called off. i would suggest you one thing. it is your children whoshould get married and not you. stop it. let's go back.

look, there are somany people behind me. now, only marriage has taken place. the bride's brother half the bus.- so? there's a bus departureat 1:30 p.m. it is 1:10 now. let's go and have food. a mere wedding turnedout to be a grand one. let's go. let's have food. thank god. we got saved.

terrible family. ambu, ask him to leave. look at him watching. darn it. yesterday, you asked me.. ..why am i so talkative. shall i tell you? everything on thisearth is lifeless. for me, world is like a junkyard. everything here is justmere things. you and me.

why did i come here? why did you fall in love withme and now why are you crying? why do waves cometowards sand models? why isn't anything immortal? why a single thinghas no life in it? we have no idea. last night you came tome and talked about love. after you left, iwas thinking all night. i cannot live theway you want me to.

i don't posses thequalities of a responsible husband. i cannot be ahypocrite like my parents. there will be nowedding albums in my life. why do you ruin your lifegetting married to a fool like me? you fell in lovewith in just one day. why do you want to spendthe rest of your life.. ..with a useless guy like me? the sea will clear this sand model. tomorrow, there will be anotherperson who will cleanse your heart.

this is what life is. did he leave? he's gone. when i met you two, isuggested you to remain as enemies. but you didn't heed my advice. what are you doing?- even i want to bury myself here. sorrows, headache, emotions.. did you yell at him or didhe yell at you? - it was him. i guess he hates me. he left. you have mistaken.

guys yell at thosewhom they love very much. it is the opposite. because they are useless. that's why they yell at everyone. but you too were yellingat everyone yesterday? i too love everyone.that's why i yell at them. even i am an useless person. my wedding album. my wife parted from me.

she loved me very much. apart from her love icould feel everything else. i left the house dueto a mere quarrel. i was wandering in thehimalayas wanting to become a sage. the one whom i wanted to forget.. ..became more closer to my heart. when i was leaving, mylittle kid waved me goodbye. i still remember her little hand. she was just one year old.she still anklet in her legs.

currently, where are they? when i realized love islife and returned back.. wife and child werehappy with another man. then, i became lonely. i have nobody. i'm neither ahusband nor a bachelor. i'm no where. it's been 20 years since the doctortold me i would die in two years. even death hates me.

and life, always hated me. a husband desires tobecome a bachelor. a bachelor desiresto become a husband. but wonder which is better.that's life. i hope your boyfriendsdoesn't become like me. that's how life is. can i know why you are crying? because you areparting from me, right? wonder how much you willcry after i am gone. oh, god.

ambika.- oh. so, you know my name. i did tell you about me, didn't i? no one would everunderstand what you said. after you left, that oldman started talking to me. i felt so irritated.- well, ambika.. enough. don't say a word. you're a hypocrite.- no.. why don't you tell me you love me? you've mistaken.- i'm not.

that means youwere flirting with me. you helped me wearsari for no reason? i kissed you last nightthinking you were asleep. but you didn't even embrace me. don't you have feelings for me? tell me the truth.- i do. then what's your problem? i don't know. i will slap you, youwill know everything.

or shall i embrace you? look, i have fallen in love. you better accept my proposal. i cannot fall in love withanother guy all over again. all you men are the same. you can fall in lovewith any woman you want. a woman makes sure is thather man prospers in life. i'm famished. hurry up. tellme whether or not you love me? alright. you may go.

but when you come back lookingfor me, you will never find me. this is your last chance. i will teach you how to live life. come home and talk to family. else, kill yourself. girls make their point very clear. i hope no guy suffers like him.- stop! marriage is a pain.. ..but at the same time youwould never want to miss your girl.

but, the situation is such thatthe guy has to choose marriage. i'm ready! now, his story comes to an end. accept the girlthough you are confused. endure everythingthough you regret. no one wants to knowabout love. that's life. "'hold a torch in the daylight."' "'look for a well in the night."' "'get a membership of the well."'

"'that's life."' "'mosquito on the water."' "'the wall has numerous colors."' "'but the color ofyour life is white."' "'youth's mischief."' "'elders get fed up."' "'elder son and younger son."'

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