best villa interior design

best villa interior design

hello, welcome to my house. please come in!" anna gunnarsdã³ttã­r's bungalow in a suburbof the icelandic capital reykjavik is a modern concrete-looking villa with a previous life. like almost all houses here, it was builtin the 1960s. anna gunnarsdottã­r and her husband have modernisedthe bungalow and renovated it in keeping with its surroundings. "i enjoy to stay here in all the lights andthe nature, to be in contact with nature here. it's very much a balance between inside andoutside.

you feel in good connection and relaxed here." the idea for the conversion came about in2015 - at first anna gunnarsdã³ttã­r only wanted to redesign the kitchen and diningroom. but that led to a total conversion. now there is plenty of room for anna gunnarsdã³ttirand her husband. and their daughter who often visits. "first, when we started really to break thingsdown, it's like a journey you don't know where you're going because we never thought it wouldbe so much as it turned out to be, i have to say that.

because it was always more and more and moreand more, but it was also fun to do it." hardly anything remains of the old house. this special furnishing was the idea of aconstruction worker during the renovation. "he had cut one piece out of the bathroomwall to make a window and from this piece he cut this out and got the idea to make thislamp and this is really the only piece from the old house that reminds me of it." the spacious open living space with many smallcosy corners is a new feature. it includes a tv corner in the heart of thehouse and office space in the rear. there is a room with a fireplace on the lowerlevel.

the furnishings are a mix of souvenirs andfunctional furniture. when it comes to interior design, anna placesgreat importance on quality and continuity. "i think it is good to keep some old piecesalso, for the past, for the memories of the past you have." anna gunnarsdã³ttir's bungalow has 345 squaremeters of indoor living space. remodelling instead of building anew provedthe right decision. in addition, there is the newly designed outdoorarea with a typical icelandic thermal bath. "i was happy with my house before and so ijust wanted to use from the house what you can and then you break the other things andmake them as you want to have it".

the best of both: a mix of old and new, bothclassical and modern ... the bungalow is now exactly the home anna gunnarsdã³ttir alwayswanted.

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