books on japanese interior design

books on japanese interior design

so you've been calledthe tidiest woman in the world. and at what point, how old were you whenyou realized you would be the tiniest, not tiniest->> [laugh] >> yes. >> [laugh]>> she's tiny. >> [applause] >> you're not the tiniestwoman in the world. >> yeah. >> there are other people that are tinier.

>> [laugh]>> [foreign] >> when did you realize. [laugh]>> [laugh] [applause] >> [foreign] >> yeah, i know, that's what i said. >> [laugh]>> so the tidiest woman in the world. what age were you when yourealized you'd do this? >> [foreign]>> mm. >> [laugh]>> i started working as a tidying and

organizing consultantwhen i was 19 years old. >> okay, and people wait months andmonths for you to go to their house and help them, right? >> [foreign]>> the longest was six months wait list. >> wow! there's a lot of messy people out there? >> [laugh]>> yeah. >> [foreign]>> so spark joy is the name of your new book.

and what is spark joy? >> [foreign]>> one of the important things of my method is toonly keep thing that spark joy for you. so i'm going to demo it, how it works. >> okay.>> [foreign] >> so when you touch thing that sparks joy for you, this is what's going to happen. >> [sound]>> your body perks up a little bit like this.

>> spark joy! >> this is spark joy. >> that's one of my t-shirts,i'm glad it's sparking joy. >> [laugh]>> all right. >> [foreign]>> on the other hand, when you find something that doesn't spark joy for you->> [sound] >> you feel all heavy like your body is falling. >> that's my skirt.

>> [laugh]>> [laugh] sorry. >> that's okay. >> [foreign]>> all right, so you really feel, you can feel if you touch something,that you wanna keep it or not keep it. >> [foreign]>> so, when you touch something,you'll know what i'm talking about. cuz your body will respond to it. >> [laugh]>> spark joy? >> does it spark joy for you?

>> yes, this is actually augie. >> aw. >> that's my dog, augie. >> [foreign]>> [laugh] >> okay, so how do we fold, i mean, i know how i'd fold. you want me to show you how i fold? >> [foreign]>> i do this, that, and this, is that okay?>> [foreign]

>> no. >> [laugh] >> that's good for anybody else. >> so before anything else, make sure you put [inaudible] love through your palms.>> love [inaudible] palms. >> ooh. >> [laugh]>> aah! okay, perfect.

>> [laugh] [applause] >> [sound]. this seems to take much longer. >> okay. >> but love slows things down a little bit.>> that's right, that's right. >> she's trying to compress it. >> that'll be good. >> that's good.

>> how- >> what's your question? >> how is that different from what ellen did?>> [foreign] >> she's not done. >> [foreign]>> is she cursing at me? >> [laugh]>> so when you fold clothes, you fold both sides towards the center,and then fold it in half. and then from there,you fold it in thirds, like this.

>> okay, and then you keep it this way,not stacked, right? >> [foreign]>> [foreign] >> so once you're done folding, it should stand up on its own, like this. >> it should stand up on its own? >> uh-huh, yes. >> and then you store them upright like this. >> i see, okay, so andy wants us to,how do we do socks?

cuz, whoa, those are tiny. >> she said, you just fold them in half, like this. >> everything has to stand up? >> and it should stand on its own, yep. >> well, i think the bigger problemis if you have [inaudible] socks. >> [laugh]>> yeah, no, okay, so. >> [laugh]>> it's wonderful.

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