home decorating tips uk

home decorating tips uk

oh hey guys i didn't see there that's a lie idid i totally put you in the cupboard but i figured today since its kind ofbeen requested by all my friends and family to give you a tour of my flathere in glasgow um i 110% did clean the entire place for you guys so please beimpressed by my effort um and i also kind just want to talk about thedifferences between like a uk home versus a u.s. home and hopefully find itinteresting okay so this is our front door and this is kind of our entryway wehave a mirror right here that's where we kind of keep all our shoes we haveanother mirror and a console table here when you go this way this is a utilitycloset that we have right now we're kind

of just storing all of our suitcases andour bags turn light on and a couple things that i want to point out that arereally different so we don't pay like a monthly electricity bill we actuallyhave this stick right here that we use and we put money on that we kind of havecredit towards electricity and like the first week i was here we woke up and itwas so so so hot in the apartment and the fan wasn't on and i was like whatthe heck why is in the fan on because we land we ran out of credit for ourelectricity so we always have to make sure that we kind of check right hereright now we have nine pounds left but we always got to kind of check it andwe're running low we take the stick to a

little shop down the street top it upand that's how we get our electricity another thing that's different that thisutility closet has is this button right here when i want hot water for my showeri have to turn this on which then makes that turn on and we usually haveto wait like a good 15 minutes before we get hot water so that's definitelydifferent than home so if we go this way the next door we have right here is ourbathroom light switches right here open it up just this typical bathroom showertoilet sink all of our stuff mirror that's the bathroom for you guys closethe door this right here is how people call us if they're outside the apartmentwe just pick up the phone or we can buzz

them in and then you turn this way andthis is our bedroom our bedroom is quite small but it workseverything in the apartment all the furniture came with it which is reallynice we didn't have to buy any furniture but yeah this is how it looks we decidedwe were gonna try to make our own artwork for the walls so they don't lookso bare this is what we came up with looks a little stupid but is what it iswe have closet space right here you turn the corner and you come into our kitchenso this is our dorm size fridge i hate it i can't ever fit anything in thereand really really difficult to keep groceries in we don't even have thatmuch right now at all so i end up eating

out a lot just because otherwise we'regrocery shopping every other day and it's kind of inconvenient but we're gonnastop doing that we're gonna try to eat healthier and i guess we'll just justsuffer and go grocery shopping everyday but this is kind of an overview of thekitchen um one thing that's different that you might be hearing in the backgroundis my washing machine is located in the kitchen right here i don't have a dryerif you're wondering jordan how do you dry your clothes? let me show you we have this drying rack right here we take it kind of hard with one hand just pop itopen like this and then i put my clothes on it to dry and when it's all done andi fold the clothes i just put it back in

that cubby over there in order forme to turn on the washing machine i have to press this button right here on andoff that's what turns it on additionally for my stove and stove top i have toturn it on right here another thing is for any appliance inthe house that i plug in there's a switches on their electricity socket soi have to turn on and off so right now if i wanted my kettle to work itwouldn't because this socket isn't on it's not letting the electricity flowthrough to it i guess so if i do this now my kettle can boil i can have sometea um but we flow through over to here this is kind of an overview of ourliving room / dining room area

there's still more like like decorationsthat i want to get but it costs money to decorate and we're both broke collegestudents so yeah this is what we got going for us this says you're the minceto me tatties which i think is adorable i put that there yeah all of thiscame with the apartment this is a view from outside it might be too bright i'msorry yeah just a general overview of everything so that's the apartment it'snot a very big space but it works for us um and we really like it so yeah sogetting the actual apartment was a bit of a nightmare for us um the wholeprocess itself was really stressful and a lot different than at homehere they tended at least in

glasgow they tend to treat apartmentviewings kind of like open houses which i find really strange um so we wouldcontact letting agencies say we are interested in viewing the apartment andthey would get back to us in about a week's time and say okay we have aviewing on this day show up basically so we would show up to viewings forapartments but we wouldn't be the only people there there would actually belike seven or eight other people who are looking at the apartment at the sametime as us which just makes for a really tense really stressful atmospherebecause everybody needs somewhere to live and we're all kind of looking eachother like you're potentially the reason

i'm not getting this apartment on top ofthat the letting agent doesn't really talk to you about the apartment theykind of just let you walk through and then if you have questions at the endyou can ask them so you're kind of just running in and bumping into these peopleas you're trying to view the apartment another problem we found is that becausewe're both students a lot of people didn't want to rent to uson top of that you have to have something called a guarantor here whichbasically is like when you're at home if you get out a loan and you have acosigner it's basically someone saying that they'll pay off that loan for youif you default on it or whatever i'm the

same thing for the apartment they wantto have guarantors so that if you don't pay your monthly rent they can get theirmoney somewhere so the problem for us is is ian mom's just a little bit older shedoesn't work anymore so she's not able to be guarantor for us my parents areobviously back home and they don't allow overseas guarantor so we ran into a lotof problems with that and so we basically found this apartment one ofthe lending agencies called us they were like hey like we know you didn't get theother apartment do you want to come view this one we're like yes absolutely we'rein the area and so we viewed it and we basically told her we decided what weneed to do is let them know that we have

enough money to pay for thea year because i think one of the biggest worries that people have whenrenting to students is they don't i don't know if you guys can hear me overthe washer i'm gonna move one of the biggest promise of students is that theydon't have jobs so they're not sure if they're able to pay the monthly rent sowe were like we have all 12 months we can pay for the entire apartment inadvance and then they got back to us they're like you know landlord he wantsto rent to you guys and we're like great we were hoping to only have to pay like6 months in advance but they 100% called our bluff so we paid all 12 months inadvance in order to get this place ian

and i are both very fortunate that wehad enough loan money for school because we're both in school enough loan moneythat we could pay for this place so it was a bit of a headache in the beginningbut now everything's taken care of we don't pay for water here because we'reboth students the council pays for it or they just exempt us from it i don't knowbut we don't pay for water so yeah that's kind of just the little differentthings that i've noticed throughout the house that we don't have a home and theprocess is a little bit different hopefully you guys found thisinteresting i really don't know what to be filling for you guys or what to showyou so yeah miss you all bye

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