office interior design firms nyc

- the fact that muffins havemore calories than doughnuts blows my mind. it's density. super interesting stuff. (light music) i think college is in real, real interesting, in a real interestingplace and 20, 30 years. i just think they're starting to get exposed for thebusinesses they are.
i aggressively, you're about tohear aggressively like being way more open to non-college degreesand alternative paths and i think once businesses starthiring in a different way people go to college to get a job. and fun and fine buta lot of people do. it will be interesting. i'm fascinated by college in 30, 40 year window. everybody knows what's going on but a lot of
companies, the rules and i thinkthat's what happens in other places around innovation. the rules say go conservative. (censored) stillthinks print first. i mean, and they're likestruggling to get 25 year old women and they're like baffled. running, can't wait to runoutside and go to the corner store and get a magazine? fired up. fired up.
can't wait to go home and hope the new elle magazine is there, right? you know? so common sense just doesn'thave a place in business and that's the opportunity. alright guys, have a great day. great seeing you. have a great day. - [ivy] it's been incrediblecoming here because i've learned
more in the last two years thani probably learned in the last eight years before that. i love this place. - yep, you just don't know ifyou want to be a creative lead. - [ivy] yeah. that's literally--- makes a lot of sense. - [ivy] i'm facing right now. - i think if as long there's nomajor limbo period where you're just floating in outer spaceas you find your way, right? - [ivy] yeah, yeah.
and i don't think that by that'sby any stretch that's what you're asking, i think how do wefigure out what else you could be doing in a place you love,-- - [ivy] yeah.- what else could that be? i'm glad that claude got ustogether because now, these are the things that her and i willtalk about. in three weeks, i'll be on a call on the way tothe airport and be like, "what's going on," and we'll be like we'll talk for 10 minutes about you.
i don't think people get that.- [ivy] no. - i wouldn't expectthem to think that. do you know what i mean?- [ivy] yeah, yeah. - you're going to needto take some initiative. i think having the cafeteriaand the serendipity that this company's starting to create a little bit more of is a great timing for you. i think more than ever you needto cut 15 to 30 minutes out of every day and sayhello to people.
what do you do? speaking to claude and i isthe right move to put you on the radar for when we'rethinking about it. - [ivy] that's great. - otherwise, you wake up and youhear ricky magoo and sally have been announced this thing you're like, "fuck, that's exactlywhat i wanted to do." - [ivy] yeah. that's whyi felt like i had to talk. - smart, smart.
good, i need torun to a meeting. - [ivy] yeah, yeah.thank you so much. - great to see you.have a great week. - great to see you too, you too.- ping me any other time. - i will.- awesome. - [ivy] thank you. - [woman] okay.- [driver] 535th? - [gary] see ya, drock. see ya.
- [man] yeah, we'redesigning it for work. - [gary] that is the greatest thing i've ever seen. can you guys please make myface and just have it there? - [man 2] just agiant gary face? - [gary] i think you should justmake a bunch of my faces and just put me on all of them. i should be on every team. yeah, i want my face. mix me in.
those are the stupidest things. can we take them down? i want them down. - [drock] they'relike burned on. - [gary] i don'tcare, unburn 'em. - [man 3] no, they're not.sticker. - [gary] get themthe fuck out of here. they're so stupid. they mean nothing to me.
okay? i'm right.- i love it. yeah. - you agree?- i agree. - put some fuckin'jets jerseys up there. andrew, andrew you'rein charge of that wall. get back to me. that's fuckingbullshit fuckin' yellow. no, not this one. we're fuckin'taking that shit down. that stuff is garbage.
what the fuck does that mean? nate? - you know what else is garbage?- [gary] what? - these blankets, too. - [gary] yeah, these fucking bullshit ass snapchat packer blankets. but those we got to keep.- terrible blankets. - [gary] yeah, butthat shit makes no. look up phil, look how stupidphil looks walking by that.
(laughter) nate. go take it down right now. this is good. more propaganda aboutme, that makes sense. fuckin' yellowsquiggly line, stupid. you still skye at least 'cause i don't want to hurt her feelings before you to but then do it. - [tyler] skye!- skye! scott, i'm taking down theseyellow fuckin' squiggly lines.
- [scott] oh, the lines? - [gary] that's a stupidest shit i've ever seen. it means nothing.- what are they? - [gary] skye, i'm takingdown these yellow squigglys. - [skye] what yellow squigglys? - [gary] the fucking cubethree-dimensional horse shit. - [skye] that was meanbut i'll take them down. - no, no i'm definitelytaking them down. nate's already taking themdown but i just like you.
- [skye] what, youdon't like them? - [gary] no, i don't them. i don't feel likethey mean anything. to me.- they're shapes. - [gary] yeah, nate's taking them down. and andrew is nowin charge of it. he'll come back with a plan.- [skye] okay. - [gary] i just wanted you toknow when you walk by and be like, "where's my cubes?"
that was you, right?- [skye] no, it wasn't. - who's is it?who wanted it? got it. okay, good. babcock and hisfuckin' yellow propaganda. i'll tell you right nowwe're going to stop this yellow propaganda of babcock's. (group laughter) - [skye] i like the don't like the yellow? - skye, be careful.
(applause) we will overcome.we will overcome. - [man 4] gary, what's all this yellow doing over here? - there's so muchfucking yellow. it's fucking babcock's bullshit agenda. we're going to overthrowhim. he's finished. - [man 5] what was on the wall that you tore down? - [gary] there waslike some cube shit. i don't know.
nate, i'm really proud of you. - i feel like it's the bestthing i've done in a while. - [gary] i think it's the best thing you've ever done for this company. i'm really pumped we're here. basically, the punch line is i want to get into a better cadence especially with the fewindividuals that look like you that actually want to do shitbut i want to do them, the way
we texted is kind of how i want to go about it which is something new comes out that'smeaningful i want to understand if we can shoot for the moon andthen the reality of the brand, the current climate within theorganization or the financial barriers, does that make meland on the mountain and is the mountain worth climbing, right? that's kind of how i'm thinking. report cards on the way? i'm so fuckin' pumped.
- [tyler] your girl vivian from the counselor's office this morning. - i'm so fucking fired up. so what?- they're gonna send it here. - all four years?- yeah. - do you know i've been having arecurring, this is a true story, that i've been having arecurring dream for 20 years that i don't graduate highschool like they tell me you didn't do it.
you didn't graduate, you can't walk. and now i weirdly think thatthey may look at these and be like wait a minute. i might be opening up a can of worms that i do not want to deal with. hug it out.i like hugging. how are you? good? - [jessa] good.- all good stuff? - [jessa] yeah.- yes, i know.
what is he? - flustered abouthis assignment. - sounds like he'sa losing player. listen, my intuition, i'm winning twice. i'm winning twice. we got rid of the fuckin'geometric and andrew g. this is perfect. - [emily] wait, andrew's gone?what just happened? - [man 6] i thought youtalked to skye first.
- dude, totally don't worry.don't worry. you know i'm joking, right? it's just like sid,is sid here? no. - [emily] he's right there.(laughter) - [gary] no, no he doesn'thave to talk to skye. i told skye that i took it downand then i just am waiting for andrew to give me some information on what he thinks we should put there. - [emily] wait, andrew'san interior designer now?
- [gary] he's worried about it?- the pressure. - [gary] he's a serious kid,he's great. i can't wait. he can draw, he can paint, i don't know. yeah, that's super fine.i'm fine with that. i just didn't want thefuckin' squiggly lines. - [emily] really is itbecause they were neon? - hey facebook, it's megary but you know that. this is my team, lots ofthem, all very attractive. great hair, zak. ty.
this is my crew. this is my crew, right? we're doing context, what time is it? - [group] 8:30.- [gary] 8:30. there's my team. lots of people. just to give you, trying togive you some context here. here's the overall office thing. we're just going todo a little tour.
we're just a look atdensity in the office. my crew. sid. very happy.sid's here. my crew. right? now, let's just go walk around. no, no, no. let's see this block, finance. nope. looks like no bills will be paid. hr, recruiting, no.
looks like an 0-for-50. kitchen. yes, great work.- always hustling. - [gary] i love it brother. alright, a little bit there. a little hustle there, not bad. yes. shoots, i'm very impressed. no, i'm just doing a little livestream based on the density of
my team at the office whichis very full this is just the entire wing over here, hundreds of people nobody but shoots, anna. anna you made asnapchat appearance today. - i did. - [gary] were youexcited about that? - i was very excited about that. - [gary] shoots, very nice.okay. i think we should godownstairs, right?
can i go through here? - [drock] i think so.- [gary] alright. let's see. we're still good. hope you guys are super well. okay. - [drock] here. - [gary] okay.drock, help me. - [drock] don't pull.
- [gary] got it, awesome. got it. oh, marcus. you know what,you're the best marcus. i'm just going around the officeshowing how full my team was, we were all there. - (inaudible) has alot of people there. - [gary] is there? - well, most thesenior people are there. - [gary] that's very good.
yes. great job, chase. very impressed. a good percentage. just going around the office. (group chatter) - of course we're here.- [gary] you guys are hustling. very good, i'm very happy. all right, nope, none here. very good, ryanwith his new haircut.
good separation. what up, my man? very nice. look at loomis, holding it down. gesualdi, og's very good. alright, very nice. good percentage, i'mproud of this downstairs. you should've seen some ofthe pockets upstairs, gesualdi. - [gesualdi] complete deserts?- [gary] deserts.
- [gesualdi] no hustle deserts. - [gary] no hustle, kindalike your fantasy baseball team. - [gesualdi] fair.(group laughter) - [gary] love it. and that was the hustle tour. alright drock, i'm outta here. well, this isgoing to be exciting. a lot of you talkabout too much content. i'm pounding youwith too much content.
well, good news. i'm going off the grid fortwo and a half, three weeks. now, i'll be back to nice andquiet. they'll be some old stuff that other tylercreates and finds. you think that's funny, staphon? you're gonna have tofind some shit too. - i know. hope you guys have a great end of summer. we'll be back with vengeance.
i'm going to be on thewest coast right away. we'll send drock out there because i gotta makejets predictions. we'll be right into football season the second i see you again. little family downtime for nexttwo and a half, three weeks. enjoy and i willtalk to you guys soon.