office interior design questions

office interior design questions

[music] sound affects the way we behave. at the simplest level, we want to move away from unpleasant sound, even if we're not conscious of it. for people to work effectively and with great morale and job satisfaction, we must avoid bombarding them with noise that impedes their work, turning sociable office workers into disgruntled people and even office monsters. you can design sound in your client spaces to be pleasing and

appropriate, helping people instead of hindering them. a big part of this is making sure that unwanted sound from adjacent spaces doesn't intrude or interfere. in every office, sound impacts behavior. people know this instinctively, which is why noise is the number one problem in modern offices. research shows that noise, which is just unwanted sound, causes office workers to be less collaborative, less effective, and feel less fulfilled with their jobs.

your design skills can help create auditory environments that encourage the behaviors your client's want, not the ones they don't. so carefully consider the type of work to be done in each space and choose materials like ceilings which will absorb sound, reducing noise levels in a space, as well as blocking sound from travelling from one workspace to another. now, at last, we can achieve the ideal combination of sound absorption and sound blocking in one ceiling panel, changing office monsters back into effective, satisfied people.

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