office interior design questionnaire

we are going so fast.aren't you scared? i'm enjoying it all the more now.when you are with me... i'm not scared at all,in fact, this is great fun! watch it. you're goingto be really scared now what are you looking at? i feel like giving you a kiss.- so give me a kiss close your eyes first whenever you give me a kiss,you make me close my eyes how will i know how goodyou are at kissing?
if you want a good kiss,you got to close your eyes hey! you've woken up! you speak as if this is thefirst time i've ever woken up because that truck keeps honking away,i got to wake up early every morning why don't you keep that alarm clockclose to your own ears? you ought to thank that clock whichat least wakes you up on time else, the whole world wants to fulfillits dreams in the world of dreams itself hey maninder...- yes sir? is everything okay?- we've got to replace the carburetor
take the carburetor from the new carand fit it in this one... and fit the old carburetor in the new car.- could you please explain in detail? sure, i will. if you put thecarburetor of that car in this one... this one will work fine. and the carthat's here for wheel-alignment... will soon be back for a replacementof the carburetor. you get that? sure, i do.- you've understood... but make sure you don'ttell arav about it that's wonderful, mr vasvani.what a con job! we're here to fix carsand make money
so get on with your work.don't waste my time. go on go! time is money hey ali-bhai...welcome to my garage! skip the crap! what silly jobs you do!the cars get screwed in just two days not again?here's what i'll do i'll entrust your carto the real expert this time he has only to touch itand it'll be fine. okay? arav... have you fixed the car?- this one can't be repaired
it has a manufacturing defect.sue the manufacturers... you'll get a new car.- but how do i know that you're right? what if i get stuckin a legal battle? i've never made a false claimwhere cars are concerned okay? so don't you worry i have faith in my abilities just wait and watch. there willcome a day... when cars designed by me willzoom across every street of the world that's tops, i say!god bless you!
"sat sri akal, papa-ji..." you've wasted so many pagesto write just a single line? wasted pages? i'm writing a letterto my folks, not wasting pages and, by the way, how do youwrite a letter in just a single line? i'll show you.- go ahead. let's see here's the pen. i wanna see "i am fine here..." "and hope the same for you.your son, arav" is that a letter or a telegram?
you won't understand.just mail it to my address you and i just don't think alike.- right! you've come to america so thatyou can earn money... go back to india and settle down.- oh sure, that's spot on but that's not what i want to do.why should i leave the country... that's giving me everything?name, fame, progress... why? don't leave it, sir!who's asking you to leave it? but do tell me something.what happens of your folks back home? they'll be fine. my elder brotheris around to take care of them
and once i get settled here,they can come here and live with me sir, my designs are truly innovativeand distinctively a class apart i seek your support to gain access tothe research and development... department of your principals.- mr kapoor, you will have to find... alternative modes to accessthe authorities i suggest you send inyour proposal directly thank you fab job arav! you have turned mycar into a new one. what did you do? nothing much, just a fewchanges here and there
you're so talented, why don'tyou start a workshop of your own? if you say, i'm willing to invest.- mr. patel... you want to throw me out of business?- mr patel... my aim is not the opening of a workshop.basically i'm a car-designer... waiting for the right opportunity.- and this is the land of opportunity! you don't know mr patel, arav he owns 41% of the largest chainof motels and restaurants in america he's opening a new discothequevery soon... to coincide with his nephew's marriage.- i hope you guys will attend
by the way, arav, give mea demo cd of your designs i know a lot of peoplein the car industry all right, sir.- i have a piece of advise you ought to visit the gypsytemple once and try your luck look at them rocking!shake a leg! it takes little to make a sardarbreak into ajig! you get on with your luck!i'm going to have a blast! you can keep this.i'll take out another one excuse me. it's not justanother piece of paper
we both made a wishand picked it up who knows? maybe god wants both of usto know the same thing "you'll meet withyour destiny today" i can't believe this!are we each other's destiny? i don't believe in thingslike destiny we reached the temple at the same time,make a wish and pick up a chit... if all this can happen,why can't we be each other's destiny? because this is just a coincidenceand nothing more it's all about perception.what if we meet again?
we'll see hi, i'm anna.- i'm arav. take care. bye anna! he's so handsome! straight out of a romantic novel! "girl you got me shockedfrom the rhythm of your body" "burn coz its hotlike wassabe" "go low till you knock knees,shaking that ass..." "till we crash kamikaze" "take my hand,make me turn around..."
"put that flower-bandin my hair-bun" "sway with me, lover-boy..." "you have married me,now put up with my airs" "love is real,love takes time" "love is sinfuland divine" "look up at me, my love.raise your eyes" "i'm a rare beauty, my love" "take me in your arms,hold me to your bosom..." "don't make me pine like this"
"on my moon-like face,apply a dot..." "embellish my beautywith pearls and diamonds" "drape me in a sarithat glitters" "you have married put up with my airs" "watch me,undercover cops can't stop me" "gonna lock you downwith my lock and key" "cause you could be punjabi,gujarati, parsi or a banging bengali" "youth is but shortlived, my love" "i just can't wait anymore"
"my heart is pounding,i'm beyond reasoning..." "fall in love with me" "lay a bed in the room,give me all the joy in the world" "let your lips feed minethe wine of love..." "you have married me,now put up with my tantrums" "your tight-fitting blouse" "your flowing scarf" "your skirt pulled up" "they drive me crazy"
"they're others who danceto your tunes, o pretty one" "they're others who do upyour hair-bun" "i'm one of those who don'tplay up to women's tantrums" "i'm the love that makesmakes women bow at my feet" "win me over with your charms..." "come rushing to me,whenever i call" "give unto me youryouthful charms" "because i have married you...don't show me those airs" "love is the're the queen of the party"
"feeding to have a scenewith this young hottie" "have a ball,take a drag..." "talk about the sexand forget about the wedding" arav, you look dashingin this black suit thanks i'm waiting for a compliment too oh! so you are a shy guy by nature anyway, this is our second you think it's destiny? mere happenstance
there are just a handful of indiansin this city... who keep bumping into each otheron festive occasions it'll be a mistaketo call it destiny. there are hundreds of thousandsof people in this city so, our meeting again has definitelygot something to do with destiny suit yourself with whatever beliefs.- his belief, not mine you'll surely accept it some day.- well, it's that... wow! friends already? nothing of the sort. just acoincidence that we've met again
my word! you need good-fortune forsuch coincidences, my friend! bye! dammit! what wrong have i done?- i was trying hard to shake her off... and like an idiot,you took up for her! what a nut! you don't try toshake off gals like her! you ought to be chasing her! anna, he should be crazy about you,but he's just not encouraging you! nams, some guys like it slow.- yeah even i like it.this is the way... slow!
but not so slow as to get oldand proclaim one day... "darling, i love you" nams, he might not agreewith me today... but one day he'll surely realisethat i'm his destiny that trip to the templeand our second meeting... things like these don't happenevery other day i'm just waiting forour next meeting there must surely be something thatwill bring us close to each other excuse me. can i test-drive this car?- sorry, sir. it's only for display
can i check the interiors?- with pleasure. all yours you? here?- i am, wherever you are i'm sure you think this isa coincidence too actually i am very fond of cars well, cars are my life,my passion... my destiny destiny? cars? so we do havesomething in common it was nice talking to you.see you again... if there is a coincidence believe me, my destiny will surely bringus together again. by a coincidence
this car was launched only todayand you've bought it already? i haven't bought it,i'm just taking a test- drive when i asked for it, i wasturned down. how come you got it? i'm well connected, you see?you want a lift? what are you so thoughtful about?c'mon! you are such a weirdo. guys pray toget a lift from a beautiful girl... and you are acting pricey.- okay do me a favour, please.- what? give me my bag lying back there
here you are.- open it excuse me, it's very unsafeto open a lady's purse you won't be embarrassed. open it done.- so give it to me give you what?- give me the scarf in the bag! i can't see anything. hurry up.- here you are what on earth are you doing? we'll end up having a collisionwhile you're tying up your hair! god! here's a harassed girl...
instead of helping her,you're yelling at her? can't you simply tie up my hair.go on now. do it are you serious?- tie it up, i can't see a thing! what are you doing? tie it up!- as if i've done a course in this! sit still, will you? tie it up properly thank you.- you're welcome this is fun! amazing body!- it takes years for a body like this
i can see that. but i've neverseen a shape like this one and this colour... it's a killer! i wish i could have it right now.- what? this car. i love its aerodynamics arav, what's your profession?- i am a car designer if i get the opportunity, i coulddesign a better car than this one anyway, you can drop me here when are we going to meet again?- whenever your destiny wants us to take care. bye
my laptop! hey arav! congratulations! there's an urgent interviewcall for you from bmw all the best, my friend.- congratulations! i won't be able to appearfor this interview why not?- what's the matter? i forgot my laptop in anna's car.- so call anna and have it brought here i don't have her number.- but you have her address? let's go and fetch it.- i don't have her address either
she was giving it to me, but...- you mean, you didn't take it? god almighty! when's this guygoing to have some common sense? guess what? you gavea demo cd to patel, right? so i'll call patel and have that cdrushed back. simple i hope i don't mess upthis opportunity patel's cellphone is switched off.but don't worry, arav cd or no cd,you must go for the interview mr arav kapoor, we at bmw believethat new talent has to be promoted... and in keeping with this traditionwe have invited you here today
i'm very grateful, sir, butthe thing is... i have a problem i lost my laptop yesterday, so i won'tbe able to show you the designs... and the demos i have made.- but we have already have your demo cd we have gone through your designs andthe opinion of my panel is that... it's very impressive. so we havedecided to give you a go-ahead welcome to bmw.- thank you so much the administrative officer willintroduce you to your work-station... as well as your personal assistant hi arav.- what are you doing here?
call it a coincidence by a quirk of destiny,i happen to be your assistant oh, now i showed them my laptop a coincidence. you forgotyour laptop in my car... and when i looked into it foryour address, i discovered a genius the rest, you know i don't know howto thank you anna you've made my dream come true you deserve now do you believe in destiny?
maybe not in destiny, but yes...i have started believing in you "he loves me?" "he loves me not" "he loves me!" "when you lose your heartto someone..." "you're on the hornsof a dilemma" "o my love... i hopei don't fall in love" "i hope i'm not bowled overby her charms" "i hope i don't find myselflost in her eyes"
"i hope i do not err..." "my heart knows not what anguishlove causes" "it's oh so difficult" "what intoxicationleads me astray?" "what fragrancemy lovely memories exude?" "never was i in such a state..." "what desires nowconsume my heart?" "it's difficult...oh so difficult" nams! i'm in love!i'm in love!
madam, you've taken aravfor your life-partner but isn't it necessary to find outwhether he's your type at all? yes, you are right!but how do we find out? simple, let's ask him stupid, as if i'd ask and he'dtell me. it's not so easy you're right.what should we do then? got it! anna! what happened? did you find out?
so tell me! please anna! tell me!- okay the company's procedures. all employeeshave to go through a psychoanalysis test what's that? psychoanalysis.- what on earth is that? the company wants to knowwhat kind of a person you are... your likes and dislikes and so on everybody's got to do it.take a look at this okay. shoot
the question? sure. what are you fond of?- i'm fond of food i don't know how to cook.- stupid! what are cookery books for? i love chinese, lebanese, mexican,italian, thai... but nothing to beatour spicy indian food butter chicken, cottage-cheesecooked in butter and lentil-curry! they say, the way to a man's heartis through his stomach isn't that a rather odd route?- but guys love all the odd routes! should i let you intosomething personal?
promise me you won't laugh.- i won't sure? promise?- yes i love watching cartoons.- cartoons! at your age! sorry give me a big box of butteredpopcorns and my favorite cartoons tom and jerry, scooby doo, batman,spiderman, tin tin, richie rich... and so on so cute! what is your sexuality?- what?!
i mean, are you bi, hetro,metro, tetro? what? well, i'm happy and gay.- what?! why do all the guys with suchgood qualities turn out to be gay? i was only kidding thank god! what would you giftyour girlfriend on a date? how does that concern the company?that's my personal life! that's precisely why i'm asking know more about you
i'm asking you stuff from thequestionnaire. take a look, if you wish let me see okay, go ahead what gift would you give her?a bouquet of flowers... or an expensive platinumnecklace studded with diamonds... or something that yourgirlfriend is really fond of? i won't gift her any of these. i'llgift my girlfriend a cactus plant cactus! flowers can wilt.expensive gifts can be stolen
but not the cactus. we use the cactusfor the security of our homes... and a cactus will alwaysremind my girlfriend... that if anyone ever triesto act smart with her... i'm going to smash his... fantastic!unimaginably romantic! he's just my type.arav was made only for me coffee? know something? that's justwhat i was thinking about and you said it.- so i can read your mind
i'll go and get it.- okay young man, it's friday night when all your friends are enjoyingthe week-end with their families... why're you still working?- sir, this is not just work for me it's my very life. if you don'tmind, may i ask you something? yes?- why are you working so late? it's like this, son. i happento be the chairman of this company this huge empire you now seewas once a dream i so cherished like you, i too want to reachthese heights of success, sir
very ambitious boy. what's your name?- arav kapoor. nice meeting you. i can see that ourassociation will go a long way. god bless you congratulations, arav!- thank you! it's because of you thati was able to taste success today you were the firstone to spot my talent. arav, some people makesuch a name for themselves... that the worldremembers them forever i'm sure you are one of them.- you have so much of faith in me?
yes, i do. and you owe me a treat.- i'll fulfill all your wishes today first things first.let's go and party okay c'mon guys!cheers! arav, this is virvani here.- yes, sir? i have gone through the reports.well done, my boy thank you, sir! we have finalized october 11 asthe date for the launch of your car cheers!- thank you, sir
is everything all right? i'm so happy... i'll go mad! what happened? will you tell us?- mr. virvani just called my car is being launched, anna!- this is great news! why are you looking at me like that? i've been so immersed in my work... i realise today how beautiful you are i'm glad you've realised it at last i've also come to realise...
that i'm in love with you.i love you, anna i love you too the function has started.why isn't anna here yet? a girl needs time to get be patient hey arav, congratulations! isn't this the moment you'vealways waited for? arav, mr virvani wants to see youin his chambers may i come in, sir? arav, this is the mostexpensive city in the world...
and this is the most expensivepiece of land in the city... where our office is situated this company thrives on hardworkand intelligence... but life feedson love and emotions i lost my son and daughter-in-lawin a car accident everything was finished for me.but thank god... my granddaughter anna survived anna means everything to me i've given her everythingshe has ever asked for in life
today she has chosen youas her life-partner... she loves you a lot and i am sureyou reciprocate her feeling sir, i love her too.- but mind you... when i see anna shedding tears...i lose all control i can never forgive someonewho hurts anna sir, she'll always be happy with me ladies and gentlemen, let me havethe honour of introducing to you... the most brilliant designer ofthis amazing car, mr arav kapoor! a big hand!
my dear friends, till now i wasonly sharing my product with you but now i feel like sharing mypersonal feelings with you guys on this joyous occasion, i wouldlike to announce the engagement... of my granddaughter anna withmr. arav kapoor. a big hand! "i feel love for you...overwhelming love" "as many times as i set myeyes on you..." "i felt overwhelminglove for you" "spend with mea few moments of solitude..." "don't walk away,having driven me crazy"
"my heart bears a burden,it's difficult to rein it in..." "i implore you, do notsmile teasingly like this" "don't twist my wrist..." "goodness!don't pester me like this" "someone might see us,what will he have to say?" "stop teasing me... go away" "as many times as ithought about you..." "i felt love for you...overwhelming love" "i'm in a daze,i yearn..."
"what's happening to me,little do i know" "you are the one i desire,you are the one i love..." "whatever anyone has to say" "your enticing kohl,your lush tresses..." "your shy gaze thatlowers to my shoulders" "the fragrance of your lips,the magic of your face..." "your charms have stolen my heart" "as many times as i desired you..." we're home.- hmmm.
don't you want to go in?- no! it's said that men changeafter the wedding but you won't change, will you?- never you'll forever hold me in your arms?- forever and who'll design the cars? want me to tell you?- yes come here, i'll tell you.- hey, what are you doing? don't move.this is my laptop. okay? i'll now switch it on
what are you doing?have you gone mad? hang on, my laptop willfall down, stop moving i'm now going to make my designs.okay? you're tickling me! let me go!- you'll ruin my designs! let me go! cheat! you'd forget to step on thebrakes while you're at the designs stop teasing me, baby! please let go!- know something? i love the way you say baby i wanna record your voice andmake it my ring tone. say something
hi baby, anna here.hi baby, anna here! now wherever i go,i'll carry your voice with me relish the mangoes...- polishing off the mangoes, eh? have one, my friend it's your house the mangoeshave arrived from they're absolutely fantastic! oh yes, there's also a letter for you oh yes!kajal, kiss this stone, will you? you've got a great aim
no, it's your kissthat does the trick here. guess why we love each other so much? why? because we eat from the same plate. it's supposed tomake our love stronger and when it makes love stronger,you get married i see. no wonder grandmawas talking about our marriage but i am going away to boarding school.- so what?
you'll be back duringthe vacations, won't you? no, i'll study for the next yearduring the vacations so you're going to forget me? i'm only going to study,not to forget you we're wasting our time.these trees will die saplings planted in the rainsdon't ever die even if you forget me, these treeswill remind you of me baby, why do you sound so worried? anna, i have to leavefor india immediately
but what for?- my dad is not well is he okay?- i've no idea quickly pack your stuff,i'll drop you at the airport i'm already flight leaves in 30 minutes okay! call me once you reach there. okay, baby i'll miss you.- i'll miss you too. take care come back soon.- bye "do come now, my sweetheart..."
"come and see whatstate i've been in" "come, give me a hug..." "i'm yearning to see you" "i can't tell youhow much i've loved you" "you are the one i haveawaited every moment" "awake or asleep..." "yours were the memoriesi was always immersed in" "parted from you, my love..." "i've been through hell"
"ever since i've receivedword from you, sweetheart..." "i've been on a strange high" "i can't spend my time,however hard i try..." "your face just doesn'tmelt of my sight" "this good news, my love..." "has awakened a pining" "we are going so fast.aren't you scared?" "when you are with me,i'm not scared at all" "in fact, this is great fun!"
tell me something, you like kajal? i do, grandma.- and kajal? do you like arav? he's the only one i like, grandma why don't we ask arav's parentsto let him stay with us? and if i send you away to arav's place?- that's fine with me! oh no. if i'll go away,who will take care of you? well, well.i never thought of that greetings.- greetings now tell me something.what do you think of my kajal?
not just me, our whole familylikes her a lot. come here, my child thank god.everybody loves my kajal but why are you asking all this? i need to ask the opinion ofher prospective in- laws, right? they are still very young. let themgrow up. there's a lot of time they have time, but i don't i am the only one she has.if something happens to me... don't worry aunty.i give you my word... kajal will surely becomethe daughter-in-law of our family
guess why we love each other so much?- why? because we eat from the same's supposed to make our love stronger bless you, son grandma! go on, son. put all your heartinto your studies you won't forget me once you'vebecome a successful engineer, will you? no, grandma.i'll never forget you bye, kajal.- sweets for you he's not going away forever, my's just a matter of a few days
no grandma, it's a matter of years don't worry, these yearswill pass very soon congratulations, arav. you've toppedthe exams in the whole college you'll easily get ajobin any automobile company but i want to go to america for furtherstudies and design top line cars there my visa and tickets have arrived.i'm leaving in 48 hours you mean, you are directlygoing to the airport from here? no, i'll go home first. so muchmust've changed in ten years i got to know of it only throughletters earlier. i'll get to see it now
now look, arav, i have no objectionto your going away to america but before you go,you'll have to marry kajal marry! there's no wayi am getting married but why not? papa, i've got to complete mym. tech and settle down that could take 6 monthsor even 6 years! yes dad, arav is right if he's sixty by the timehe settles down... are we going to get him marriedas an old fossil?
marriage isn't just a formality, itcomes with a lot of responsibilities i've yet to stand on my own two feet,and you want me to carry another burden? daughters and daughters-in-laware not a burden on the family mom! how am i going tomake you see reason? i'm not mentally prepared yetto marry kajal great! i never knew you had to bementally prepared to get married! why don't you understandmy problem, dad? please, papa.marriage is a bond... where two people come together to spendthe rest of their lives with each other
that's true, papa. kajal has beenwaiting for arav for ten years it's better if we let her and aravtake a decision on their own you've changed so much, arav everything changeswith time, kajal men change, so doestheir thought-process now look at this sun. it rises in themorning and lights up the whole world... but set it does,every evening. that's what we think, arav the sun never sets,it just hides itself from us
and we fool ourselvesthat it has set kajal, i really thought that even ifmy parents don't understand me... you really will, because you'veknown me since our childhood that's precisely whyi don't understand you especially because i have known yousince our childhood you are the only onei've ever truly known i still think of youas my same old arav kajal, i want to make afew things very clear to you it's true that we spentsome great moments together...
but now i neither have anymemories nor any longing for them you might not, but i do love only gets deeper with time why don't you understand? i don'twant to be tied down in relationships ten years is a long time, arav but how they went by,one couldn't even realise but grandma doesn't have much time see if you can convince her, i've gotused to living with memories anyway my son, i'm counting my days
i want to see kajal marriedbefore i die accept my daughter, arav.please marry kajal once she's married... i can tell her parents that i'vecome after fulfilling my duties "a traditionalnorth indian wedding" i want to see youas a successful man the day you reach the dizzy heightsof success you want to scale... we can have our nuptials i'll wait for that moment, arav
what a co-incidence arav it was raining the day you left... and today when you have returned,it's raining again i've no interest in this rain today i've come only to meet you only to meet me? by saying that, you've given methe best gift of my life today even if you ask me for my life,i'd give it to you with a smile i don't need your life, kajal
then what is it thatyou want arav? what? divorce? i still can't believe that aravcould do a thing like this i thought he had come back toeither stay or to take you along i too believed that my aravhad come back to me not even in my dreams could i imaginethat he would come here for a divorce no, kajal. nobody's going to let himbreak our house like this dad, mom, my husband...nobody's going to support him wait till i go and tell everyone
pressurising him might get methe status of his wife... but i won't ever get his love so what are we going to do? arav lives in every memoryi have of my childhood if distance hasmade arav forget his love... then i only have to remind him of it i'll remind him of our love i'll remind him of our past.i'll win him over again i am with you
promise me that this will remaina secret between you and me damn! no network signals! good morning, arav.- good morning, sis- in- law so what's cooking?- your favourite. porridge kajal told me how much you love it.- my favourite? what's my favourite? funny! you don't even rememberyour favourite dish? i hope your stay in americahasn't changed your preferences oh no that's okay. ask kajal.she might remind you
should i?- no, i remember now i want some tea.bring it to my room i'm giving sis-in-law a hand just go to your room,i'll send it with kaka, okay? i couldn't find today's newspaper.could you bring it for me? brother's reading the newspaper.why don't you read it with him? i'm going to take a shower.get me a towel listen... the towel'salready in the bathroom anything else?- nothing
listen...- now what? dad has something important to discusswith you. have a word with him, will you? i'll bring your tea there. okay? come, son. sit down arav, why don't you workhere in india, instead of america? daddy, i won't get thatkind of response in india... why? don't they make cars in india?there are several big companies here, arav brother, the cars i have designed areall meant for the international market those cars are not meantfor indian roads
and now when i am gettingrecognition in america... it's not wise to make a shift.- okay! but make sure you takekajal along this time that reminds me,i have to book my ticket... and i can't find my passport anywhere.- kajal, have you seen his passport? no, he must've kept it somewhere i had kept it in my suitcase.and now it's not there help him find it. will you, dear?- sure, dad you said it's not in the what is this?
i wanted some privacy with you.- oh! what? why're you giving methose looks? i see you're in a terriblyromantic mood right now and as far as i remember, till lastnight you wanted to divorce me and since this morning you have beenordering me around like a husband get me a cup of tea, get me the paper,get me the towel... come to my room so here i am!tell me... what can i do for you? hold the tea-cup to your lips?read out the paper to you? or take you into the bathroomand bathe you?
yeah, let's do that!take off your clothes you are wasting my timeas well as your own i asked you to sign those papers.why haven't you signed them yet? so time spent with me nowis time wasted? then what about those past three yearsthat i have spent waiting for you? if you wanted a divorce, why didn't youask for it on the night of marriage? why did you ruin my three years? canyou return those three years to me? this is a pointless argument,'ll have to sign those papers. okay? it takes time to builda relationship...
it also takes time to break it i won't sign those papers so easily,i got to show these papers to my lawyer what will you show your lawyer?what's he going to see? who knows what you'vewritten in those papers? i'll have to consult a lawyer, right? so now you trust your lawyermore than you trust me? you shouldn't eventalk about trust arav my grandma and i trusted you.else, why would i marry you? by asking for a divorce,you have broken everyone's trust
why should i trust you anymore? okay, you may consult your lawyer butjust tell me how much time it will take that i can't say! when you can't trust anyoneeasily nowadays... i don't know when will i finda lawyer i can trust tell me something. i have heard that inamerica when a man divorces his wife... he goes it true? this is not america, this in indiaand it doesn't happen in india true. it doesn't happen here becausea wife never divorces her husband
but not to worry.i'll think about it. kaka! fetch a bucketof water. quick! go on...- where? no! go inside, i say! kaka, i'll give it to him are you here, kaka?hurry up and give me the water kaka! can't you see?pour it on my hands! hurry! kaka! you've really gone blind!pour it on my hands... my hands! what are you doing?
give me the towel.where's the towel? you! what are you doing here? what noise is that in the bathroom? that's what happens when there aretwo people in the bathroom two? you mean, kajal and arav? watch the fun! there's the water.- you played this prank, didn't you? no, no,
it's hurting me...but it's such a sweet pain the pain of love is always sweet oh my god! what sound was that?i think they've fallen down. happens. all the time aunty i'll also take a shower with you!- shut up! learn! learn somethingfrom your brother! but in the bathroom? in a tight hug, smooching away...drenched in the water! hi anna!- hi arav, how are you?
i'm fine don't pick up the phone, i wastrying your number and you called that's telepathy for you. we bothmiss each other at the same time we might be in far away lands,but our hearts are together anyway, how's your dad?- he's much better now so come back immediately.i don't like it here without you same here, but a propertylitigation has cropped up... and i can't ignore that.i want to get those papers signed... and return to you withall my issues resolved
okay, baby, i love you how are you? you didn't even inform us thatyou were coming to india! it wasn't planned,it happened all of a sudden were you missing your wife? forget about me.tell me what's up with you guys? nothing much! days of romance arepast. we're now slaves to our wives forget that. let's do something.- what? let's play a game.- sure, but what game?
word power.- word power? what's that?- i'll tell you there's always a word to explainanything in every language like "khushi" is the hindi wordused for happiness correct. that's right.- so i'll give a word in english... and you must translate it into hindi.- no problem! simple translation! that's okay, but what willthe winner get? yeah, what's the prize?- whatever the winner asks for sounds great! so who's the first?- me
tell me what you calla button in hindi? a button? i'll tell you! it's called"ast vyast vastra niyantra gotika" when your clothes fall off... then the ball used to bringthem together is called a button great! mind-blowing! merely saying mind-blowingis not enough how about my prize?- anything you want! god bless my soul!give me a punjabi kiss then! c'mon... let's do it!
enough, stop it!it's my turn now one moment. if i answer yourquestion, what will you give me? whatever you ask for.- yes! it's a promise in everybody's presence.- sure, all right. but what if you lose? ask me the question first.- what do you call divorce in hindi? very simple..."talaak".- yes! bravo, arav! you've won! no arav, you have lost. becausetalaak is an urdu word, not hindi and however hard you try,you won't find the answer... because in our culture, there'sno such thing as a divorce
so how can there be any such word?you've lost, arav now that kajal has won, here's heropportunity to ask arav for something what?- ask for whatever you wish ask for something. go on! okay, i'll help you out.ask arav for a kiss! he'd accept that punishmentwith pleasure! "he does not understandwhat my eyes convey..." "my beloved is so wicked" "goodness me..."
"every man and woman knowswhat i'm talking about" "secretly, silently..." "secretly, he lookedinto her eyes" "i stole a look into his eyes..." "i stealthily lookedinto my sweetheart's eyes" "how my friends burn in envy" "when and how did you steal a lookinto your beloved's eyes?" "i refuse to believe what you say" "o moon, your moonlightstokes fires of passion"
"my wicked sweetheartdoes not understand..." "his eyes continue to rove" "secretly, stealthily..." "my anklets chime,my dot shines..." "i can't go to sleep,oh what do i do" "a fire rages in my heart,my heart is pounding..." "my scarf is slipping away...oh what do i do?" "against my ornate bangles,my bangles tinkle..." "it's driving me out of my senses,oh how it all torments me"
"i can't spend my nightswithout you anymore" "secretly, i met mybeloved's gaze" "relent now, buddy-boy,she's your wife after all" "go for her quietly,she's your honey" "be a man,make her day sunny" "give a kissand don't be funny" "the clouds reach for my hand..." "they call me their beloved,it scares me really" "they hover around me,quietly and secretly..."
"they tug at my scares me so" "i'm a wanderer,to move on is my lot" "like the burning embers,i'm a wayward lover" "why do you try toshackle your beloved?" "when and how did youmeet your sweetheart's gaze?" "i refuse to believewhat you say" "with the beloved..." "my beloved's gaze..." "i met secretly"
kajal... where did yougo and get drenched? she went away withoutsaying anything! this is amazing! kajal wasdrenched and so you are where did you go and get drenched? funny! this guys walks awaywithout a word too what's up with them?they get soaked in the bathroom... and go out to get drenched.- it's time you learnt from your brother why? does something great happenif you get wet? as if i need to explain that!
there! she hasn't said anything too.looks like i need to do something you want to talk about something, bro?- nothing much... finish what you're doing.i'll catch up with you later what did you want to ask, brother?- nothing important... just for the heck of it.- okay okay? no, no!it's not okay i do have something to ask you.- so go ahead. well, what is thatgetting wet all about? what? why have you stopped?ask the question
later.- why later? ask him right now i might as well beenlightened too what?- oh yes it had something to do with gettingdrenched, isn't it bro? so ask me getting drenched?- that's right... getting drenched it's like this, dad. the car aravhas designed does not have a roof... so won't people getsoaked in the rains? right. in the rains,that car's going to be flooded dad, this is a romantic car.a two- seater. only for couples
apart from the joy of driving,you can even enjoy getting drenched but what do you do after gettingdrenched? i mean, don't you feel cold? my son, when you have a girlwith you, you don't feel the chill kajal, i'm sure this monsoonis going to do something i can see its effect on arav.- no sister-in- law this monsoon's having an effecton everyone, accept arav it was this very rain thatonce brought us together... but i'm afraid, it mightseparate us this time but i won't give up so they say, pray sincerely...
and you will even find god and then, arav is not just my love,he's also my husband i can see only one way of gettinga divorce from her what's that?- i'll produce a few witnesses in court what for?- you've been in america for 3 years during this period, this girl has hadan illegitimate affair with two men mr lawyer! now look, i don't wish tomake her life a butt ofjokes in that case, you'll have toapply for divorce by mutual consent
yes, i remember.i'll be back home soon okay? bye that was my wife. she's fastingfor my long life today very well then. havethose papers signed... and i'll handle the restof the formalities aunty, are you not thirsty?- no aren't you hungry either?- not at all but i can't remain hungry for long kajal, arav has gone to delhi.he'll be late
you haven't had anything since thismorning. so go and eat something no, mom.i'll wait for him all these years when aravwasn't here... you ended your fast by lookingat his photograph, didn't you? that was different, he is here with me... he should be coming any moment,i'll wait for him the young master's back!the young master has arrived where were you all this while?kajal's been waiting for you you're just not bothered about her.- what was so important...
that you had to go away to delhion the day she fasts for you? you could easily have gone's so irresponsible of you go to your wife immediately what the hell, kajal! you very wellknow that i want to divorce you... so what's this farce for?- this is no farce, arav it's our custom.- i don't believe in such customs! there are so many thingsyou don't believe in, arav but i do and so i observedthis fast for your happiness if you really want to see me happy,then sign these papers
what's wrong with me arav?why don't you love me? why do you want me tosign these divorce papers? because i don't love you! i'm in love with anna and annais waiting for me in america till you don't give me a divorce,i can't marry anna... so please set me freefrom this relationship sign these papers! "i have loved you so much..." "but you do not love me anymore"
"i've had so muchof faith in you..." "but no longerdo i trust you" divorce! that's a word not sevengenerations of our lineage has even used! and you want to divorce kajalbecause you love another girl! you're out of your mind! i didn't want to marry herin the first place you were the oneswho forced me into it my son, if you endthis relationship... our whole family will go to seed!
mom, kajal is just a friend to me.i'm not in love with her! today you don't love kajal,tomorrow you won't love us! you will leave all of us.- dad... please don't get worked's a mutual decision but what for?- because this relation... has reached a point from whereit's going nowhere even if you wish to see me happy,how can i be ever happy with a man... who doesn't even love me? "you are unfaithful..."
"i have learnt" "where do you go away..." "your gaze lowered?" "may you be blessed..." "with the joys you seek" "loneliness..." "is all i have" "wait for you,i always did" "wait for you..."
"i never will again" "i love you no more" parents must never forcetheir decisions on their children one mistake of ours is responsiblefor this situation please forgive us, my child.our mistake has ruined your life no dad, you did itonly for my well- being maybe it wasn't in my destiny my child! good bye
aunty, are you leaving? you will come back, won't you?at least to meet me? "how i implored you..." "to be loyal to me" "you are my own..." "do not ever betray me,do not ever cheat on me" "for you, i couldlay down my life" "lay down my life for you...i never will anymore" "i trusted you implicitly..."
"trust you, i do not anymore" isn't the lawyer there? he's away for an important casein allahabad okay, the documents are signed ask him to complete the formalitiesas soon as possible very well, sir hi babe, how've you been? hi sweetheart!i'm missing you so much i miss you too, baby
when are you coming back?it's been so long is your work not over yet?did you get the papers signed? yes, i've got them signed,now there's no problem i'll be right there after diwali now from where did thisdiwali spring between us? this is my last diwali in india and theni'll celebrate all my diwalis with you all right, but you're coming herestraight to me. okay? okay, i promise i love you
i love you too, take care. bye mom, dad, let's light some lampsand perform a prayer to the goddess a lamp won't bring any light withour hearts so plunged in darkness this was the last thing i expected i thought this diwali, all familymembers would perform the prayers but now i feel as if the goddessof wealth is annoyed with us no daddy. the goddesscan never be annoyed with us kajal!- sister- in-law how are you?- i'm fine, how have you been?
may you be happy, my child! kajal?- brother how are you?- chintu! aunt has arrived!aunt is here! it's diwali night, so thereshould be no darkness in the house come, sister-in-law.let's light some lamps kajal, you must haveleft this house... but not our hearts, my child very true, my child
you are no longer our are now our daughter after ages i've seen smiling faces.thank you very much. happy diwali i've forwarded the case, but theseformalities take time, kajal it's very important for me to getthis loan sanctioned as soon as possible i can't promise you anything,but i will definitely do my best thank you, sir c'mon, kajal. i'll drop you home no, i'll wait for the bus.- please kajal, come on kajal, can i ask youfor something as a friend?
what else do you want now? your anger is justified but under the circumstances,i know i have hurt you that wasn't a good thing i did.please forgive me, if you can when you look from a distance, thetwo ends of a road appears to be one but when the journey gets over,you realize that they never ever met had we even lived together,we would have never been happy can't you find a nice manand settle down with him? the end of a relationshipis not end of the world
but how about a girl for whom the wholeworld revolved around one relationship? please stop the car.i want to get down no, i'll drop you home.i need to talk to grandma as well i haven't met her in a long time.i don't know how i'll face her everything's just as it was earlier.nothing has changed... when did this happen? six months after you left grandma passed away andno one bothered to inform me? grandma told us not to
she knew that if you got to know,you would come back... and she didn't want to bean obstacle in your success and i... i was so obsessed withachieving heights of success... that i forgot my roots,my identity grandma so badly wantedto see my success and now when the time has come,she is no longer with us to see it you have shared your grief with me,but have you ever wondered... what i went through? i had no shoulder to cry on,i was all alone
arav, got some work with me? yes, actually i wanted you togive cheque of $10,000 to kajal she needs it. why should i give it to her? you want to give it to her,so do it yourself $10,000 is 450,000 rupees. be it your first earning? no, kajal, it's...- i don't want it kajal, please accept it.for the sake of our friendship
you'll need it. i'll send you more,should you need it in the future please keep this now.- okay, i'll keep it but i wish to show you somethingbefore i accept it. come with me which of these must i dispatch?- drop this one. send the other one call for you, madam.- excuse me hi, mr. walker. how are you? yes, your consignmentis already on its way it should reach youthe day after tomorrow. the new orders? i'll checkmy e- mail and get back to you
thank you, sir. okay when did you learn tospeak such fluent english? after you left, i hadto learn to keep up with you do you work here? no, this is my partnership firm.a & k exports you have a partner?- yes, a sleeping partner... but despite repeated attempts,he just doesn't sleep with me kaju, when did this all happen? you've called me by that nameafter so many years
sorry, it just slipped out after you left,i had nothing to do so i got together a few girls andwomen and started this factory business flourished andi applied for a bank loan but grandma objected andshe gave me 500,000 rupees where did grandma getso much of money from? she had some fixed depositsin the post office fifty thousand rupeesin ourjoint account and thus, it was a k exports.arav and kajal
our last three years have generateda profit of 570,000 your share therefore works outto 285,000 rupees you want it in rupees or dollars? then why did you go to the bankfor a loan? i have got a big order from execute it, i need 25 million could you come here, please?- sure. excuse me how we've lost track of time.will you have something to eat? there used to be an eatery around,remember? famous for its parathas? yes, it's still there.
remember how we used to run awayfrom our homes and come here to play? and i used to take youfor a ride on my bicycle and try to scare me as well.- but you never got scared that's because you were with me kajal, isn't this the place wherewe had fallen from our bicycle? you do remember everything i can never forgetthose moments kajal whenever it rains, i cansee us cycling on these tracks you only remember the ride.- no, what happened after that too
when lightening struck we planted trees somewhere here, right?- yes they must've withered away by now anything that's plantedin the rains never dies there's your tree i told you arav,i would never let them wither away so this is my tree? and that one's yours?- yes, mine they have grown, haven't they?- yes come here
don't they look beautiful?- sure let's knock off some mangoes pass me a stone, will you? you still have a good aim kajal, it's stillthe magic of your kiss take off your sweater,you'll catch cold. "rainy days usher in..." "days of reunion" "the pitter-patter of raindropsignites fires of passion"
"how we have begun to falter inour stride, we're indeed in a daze" "these days of rains..." "bring with themtimes of a reunion" "the night i so looked forward tois here at last" "i burnt in the flames of fantasy.for years, i endured separation" "but this magnificent cloudbursthas rekindled my passions" "bring with themtimes of reunion" "the night iso looked forward to..." "is here at last"
"neither are you in your senses,nor am i in my senses" "i might yet stray...steady me, please" "those are just my desires,that's just my plea..." "gather me in your arms tonight,my love" "here are the days wehave felt for..." "here are the dayswhen we meet again" "the night i so badlylooked forward to..." "youthfulness... it's crazy" "a storm rages in their breath"
"crazy... crazy moments" "how desires seek to deceive" "from my body billows a smoke..." "let the clouds continue to pour" "pangs of separation,i can take no longer..." "how long am i to pine like this?" "days of love are here..." "days of reunion are here" arav, i am so very happy today!
grandpa has decided thatwe are coming to india... and that's where ourwedding will take place wedding? we are flying out today.i am dying to see you baby i love you.- i love you too. bye arav, i am your elder brotherand i know you very well you're feeling guilty forhaving wronged kajal you feel sympathetic towards herand nothing else sit down
i want to know just one have left kajal for anna but can you leave anna for kajal? never. kajal is a friend,but anna is my love there you go!so where's the confusion? you're right, brother.i've already divorced kajal she's my pastand anna is my future... with whom i wish to spendthe rest of my life hi anna.- hi baby! how are you?- i missed you so much
i missed you too welcome, sir.this is my elder brother, dr pranav hello.- hello and this is anna's grandfatherand this is anna haven't your parents come?- ours is an orthodox family, sir they will see the brideat a proper ceremony anna, i wish to say something to you.- what is it, arav? there is a difference between hidinga truth and telling a lie, isn't it? yes, but why are you asking me?
because i have hiddenthe truth from you i've a friend kajal arav, is there any placefor me in your life? anna! for a moment i thoughti had lost you for a moment,even i misunderstood you but then i realised that you had takenthe divorce for the sake of my love arav, you belong to me.only to me i will always belong to you promise me that you willnever leave me again
i promise, i'll always be yours arav, shall i ask you something?- sure i wish to meet kajal. may i?- of course. arav, will you keep standingor even introduce me to kajal? oh sorry. kajal, this is...- anna. who else could it be? hello.- come, take a seat how are you, arav? anna, i got some work to do.have a chat with kajal... i'll join you later. okay?- okay
kajal...- yes? can i ask you a question?- sure, go ahead you don't get the feeling that i havesnatched arav from you, do you? no, anna. when he never really belongedto me, how could you snatch him away? arav has shared neither hissorrows norjoys with me our marriage wasn't a union of souls,it was a compromise between two families arav never really loved me kajal, whenever a relationship breaks,there's always a woman responsible for it and i don't want to spend the restof my life with this feeling of guilt
i don't want to break your familyto build my own i actually clung on to a relationshipthat never really existed kajal, arav told methat you have a factory not a big factory like yours,it's just a small set up it's so nice to seean independent young girl it is very importantfor a girl to be independent despite living in such a small city,your ideas are so progressive i am totally was really very nice meeting you friends now?- friends
i've no clue of indian customs,i've no idea how a bride dresses will you help me, kajal? you've called me your friend.and i'll definitely help a friend i'll certainly help you anna,but on one condition i want you to wearmy bridal jewellery arav, kajal's going to help me dress.- yes, i heard that. shall we go? bye, kajal.- bye kajal, do you have any ideawhat you are doing? you are strangling your lovewith your own hands
you won't be able to do it. you haveloved arav more than yourself it's going to kill you, kajal.take my advise. go away from here how can i run awayfrom myself, sister- in-law? every tree, every leaf herehas been witness to my love every lane shares a bondwith my love the clouds and the rains here haveculminated in my love, sister-in-iove and tomorrow, when i come back... won't they ask me where i was, whenthey saw my love being set afire? no, sister-in-law
i will myself give my lovea decent funeral "a thousand goals there will be..." "a thousand caravansthere will be..." "your eyes will look for me..." "but there's no sayingwhere i will be" "my love, o my sweetheart..." "i'm going dress your bride" "i'm going to adorn your bride" "the promise i made to you,i will honour"
"i will keep my promise" "amidst the shadowof the glittering stars..." "may you be protectedfrom the evil eye" "i'll give you all my love..." "i'll dedicate my life to you" "although my eyes seem cheerful,i weep at heart" "when i take the blow..." "oh... how it hurts" "i shall endure all the pain"
"i will dress your bride" "i know it's difficult,it's a moment of test" "i will be shatteredin a moment..." "i will transcend every limit" "when i smile, she thinksi'm in the habit of smiling" "blissfully ignorant,little does she know..." "this is my wayof hiding my grief" "oh my love, sweetheart..." "i shall keep smiling like this"
"i will dress your bride,o sweetheart" "i will fulfill every promisei've made to you" "o sweetheart..." "my dearest love" please stand up for the vows and takethe rounds of the sacred fire this wedding is not happening! this wedding can't take place! why can't it take place?- your divorce hasn't come through yet what rubbish!
i myself got the papers signed bykajal and dropped them at your office you got the papers signed by kajal,but you forgot to sign them yourself you mean they are not divorced yet?- no, not as of now one moment, please mr. lawyer, if he signs the papers rightnow, then will the divorce be complete? of course it'll be complete.what am i around for? does anyone here have a pen? a pen, please what nonsense! there are so manypeople around and nobody has a pen?
arav, even god doesn't want youto sign these papers today i have realizedwhat true love is do you rememberthe chinese temple? what was written on that cookie,"today you will meet your destiny" that was so true,only we took time to understand it had i not come into your life, youwouldn't ever have come to divorce kajal and you would never realisedhow much you love her i've only been a mediumto take you closer to kajal kajal is your destiny
do you really think youforgot to sign these papers? no, it was divine intervention we often realize our mistakesafter losing our loved ones you are lucky that kajalis still part of your life stop her.don't let her go away go on don't say a word.just go before i break down...just please go away no! he can't go away like that!he can't do this to my child!
let him go, grandpa.his goal lies elsewhere that i met arav wasmerely a coincidence but it's not in my destinyto have him for myself he has betrayed you!i'm going to ruin him! you will do nothingof the sort, grandpa! arav loves me very dearly. it's justthat he loves kajal a bit more i knew i'd find you here.- why have you come here? i've come to ask you something why did you sign the divorce papers?- you were the one who forced me to
couldn't you have turned me down?- how could i? you don't even love me who says i don't love you?- you did forget what i said look at me tell me something, kajal who took you out cycling?- you who ate raw mangoes with you?- you who spent hours with you in the rains?- you who haunted you in your dreams?- you
if i was the one who did all this,i also loved you i have walked out of my wedding altarto come to you today! because i have realised... i only love you, kaju.only you now quickly give me a kiss.- first you close your eyes no. today i won't shut my eyes.i want to see how well you kiss