office interior design orange county

office interior design orange county

hi guys, it's isabella taylor and i just wanted to give y’all a behindthe scenes of my everyday life. here’s my bedroom,it’s pretty simple. i have some fun books. i have my #girlboss book,which i love, there. it’s kinda facing something with those. i love the natural light,so that’s great. i just like, you know,relax when i’m here and i tend to work on desks and thingsto get myself out of here.

but yeah, i like a lot of freshand white and clean. i also have some (inaudible) and things; i used to have a lot of these on my wall. kind of simplified a bitand now i have this, you know, some fun little memories; it’s always fun to have physical copiessince everything is just on my phone. now, i’m gonna take youdownstairs to my art studio. so, down here’s my art studio. up here i have a fun quote,“we are living our adventure.”

i think that’s fun and i loveto have my little inspiring sayings and stuff around my studio. i have this awesome big tablewith all my stuff i got here. i have a lot of inspirational art workfrom some of my favorite artists like cy twombly and de kooning. so, i love to have actual,physical copies of everything. and here, i actually have someof my first drawings and paintings. and i used to just love to like experiment,make little collages, things like that. so i just have some little things.

yeah, just a variety of thingsthat i’ve kind of kept. it’s always fun to look backand see where i started; definitely can see the improvementand everything. but, it’s fun to have and look back on. and then, over here, i actually have some fashion illustrations; some little sketches, test flats, just me practicing around. fashion illustration is oneof the first things

i started doing when i got into fashion and i’ve kind of continued to do it. and over here i have just somepaintings that i’m working on; things like that in progress. i love working on big canvases,that’s kind of my favorite thing. here is my dog, (inaudible). she sometimes liketo keep me company. so, i know your bedroom is sucha special place of self-expression and i’m just being so excitedto see how they really

make pieces of their own and are ableto express themselves through the pieces. i think when you’re interestedin kind of a creative field, or just expressing yourself, it’s really important to allowyourself time to explore. i know for me in art, i triedso many different styles; experimented so much beforei found my own personal taste, my own personal stylein art, in fashion. so just don’t be afraidto explore and experiment because i think that’s reallyhow you find yourself

and i think that’s half the fun of it. being a teenage girl, i think youalways have that peer pressure or people trying to pull you down. so it’s important to kind of rise above itand find positivity within yourself because there alwayswill be people around you. i think female empowermentis so important. i think that there’s definitely a lotmore strong female leaders just in general in society. which is so important because

i’ve looked up to so many female businessowners and things over the years and it definitely gives you that confidenceof why to follow in their footsteps. so i think any encouragementof that is so great. i think girls really need to supporteach other and boost each other up. so that brings us to the end of my tour. i’m so excited to go to san franciscoand see the collection for the first time. see you there.

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