office interior design slideshare

office interior design slideshare

hi, vickie siculiano here from,your online marketing coach helping you with smarter online marketing strategies. i havea question for you. did you know that 94% of posts with visuals receive more engagementthan those without. well it's pretty easy to do and i'm going to show you how you canuse your smartphone to take those 6 types of photos that every business needs. ok? youcan start taking them today. you don't necessarily need to use one of these. you can, or youcan hire a professional photographer. but the best camera is the one you have with you.that's what i truly believe and i'm going to show you how to do it, so stay tuned. today'spresentation is visual marketing secrets, smartphone photography for business. the 6types of photos that your business needs.

posts with visuals receive 94% more page visitsand engagement than those without. that's an incredible number. your smartphone is apowerful marketing tool to create images that can help you captivate your potential customersand get your current ones to share your brand. now here are 6 photos that your business needs.and guess what, you can take them today with your smartphone. now number one is productor service. you can take photos in a creative way or more professional way to show yourofferings in a whole new light. photos of your product or service are really reallyimportant to show your potential customers and your current audience. even though youmight think that your customers already know what types of products and services your offer,taking new photos in this way can really help

show them in a whole new light what you'vegot to say. people will take notice of the captivating photos that you provided for themto not only express their opinion on, but to share with their friends and family. nowthis photograph was taken by frank corrado, owner of corrado's market and he is a photographerand he uses really really interesting composition, good lighting, interesting use of lines, soit's a very pleasant photo to look at and it really grabs attention. number two is this could be awards, cultural events, grand openings, parties, sports events oreven expos. this photograph here is a visual marketing presentation that i gave and itwas taken with a smartphone. it's perfect for sharing immediately on social networks.don't forget the hashtag. ok? make sure your

photos are well-lit and just take multipleshots to see what you like the best. once the party is over, it's gonna be really impossibleto set up the event again just so you can get more photographs that you could have capturedthe first time. now number three is behind the scenes. most businesses take consumer-facingphotos that their customers are already familiar with. you're always out and about as the voiceof your brand. so you should always be the eyes behind the scenes for your customers.give your customers and potential customers a look behind the scenes to show all of thework you've put into your products and services. it adds authenticity and value to your productsand services. now here's a smartphone photo that was taken of me taking kitten photosfor adoption for a local animal rescue organization,

fowa, friends of wayne animals. people onlysee the end result on a website, in a newspaper, on a flyer, with multiple photos of animalsthat need to be adopted but no one really sees what goes on in a professional photoshoot for an animal, including you behind the lens. now number four is staff and teammembers. now as humans we're social creatures, right? we need to see a human face behinda brand for authenticity. people like to do business with people they like and are connectedwith as opposed to come vague business entity. your smartphone photos will allow your customersto catch a quick glimpse of something either in social media or elsewhere on the web andwant to come to your business place and do business with you. now this photograph wastaken by matthew sweetwood, president of unique

photo, camera store in fairfield, new jersey.this photograph is taken during a class at unique university, as part of unique photowith instructor and photographer michael downey. it gives people a chance to see what goeson behind the scenes. and it's behind the scenes if you're not there. so show your staffand team members to your potential customers to show them what they're missing out on.number five. your business location is also a photograph that you need. your office building,storefront, or interior space are excellent choices for a photograph, particularly ifyou have no location photos on your website's about page, one of the most frequently visitedpages on your website. now you can use them on google places, you can use them definitelyin social media. you can use them on your

profile photos. now when you take an exteriorbusiness photo, take a photograph of what people would expect to see if they are unfamiliarwith your physical location so they know they've arrived when they get there. you can showthe street view, if there's a particular driveway they should look for or any identifying landmarkers. now this photo was taken by brooke artesi, owner of sunshine prosthetics andorthotics of wayne, new jersey. she took this with her smartphone and it continues to bea valuable asset to new patients for finding the office. it's on her website, her googleplaces. it's just a great shot, and she just snapped it quickly with her smartphone. nownumber six is the before and after picture, which i'm really excited about. if your productor service improves the appearance of something,

don't just say it, show it. people like tosee a transformation and a sense of accomplishment that they can feel and connect with. theyconnect with the challenge that's met in the first photo, and they can appreciate yourresults because it's something they might want to accomplish themselves in the afterphoto. they might say, "i have this problem and i want this business to provide the solution."now what can further enhance your photos is the social proof in the form of testimonialsfrom happy clients. now owner of mobile dog grooming business, lauren warsha, of clubdoggie,take photos of her work with her smartphone. now notice the brand logo in the background.these photos are in a before and after gallery on the dog grooming business' website, the sky is the limit with smartphone photography.

and coming in august 2014 is my new book,visual marketing secrets, how to use smartphone photography to engage online and attract morecustomers. so there's going to be more on this topic that you saw in this presentationtoday. this is only a smidgen of information. there you have it. so i hope this presentationreally helps you get inspired to start shooting some more photos with your smartphone camera.more than just a selfie. there's alot to come. if you have any questions, please post a commentbelow this video. i have much more coming in this series on visual marketing. and ilook forward to hearing from you. thanks for watching.

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