office interior design firms toronto
one of the things i really loveabout the culture here is how we challenge each other. there's a true collaboration.i feel, that people are very open about sharing ideas ina sort of sphere of great respect. so we can have difficultconversations and challenge things in a respectful way. and that kind of inclusivenessreally enriches the work that we do and leads us, i think,to better solutions in just about everything that we do.
i really like surrounding myselfwith people who know how to talk about design, who areinterested in the city or interested in building things,who are interested in thinking about how the world works. even though we’re awell-established firm, we’re an industry leader,we actually, somehow, we have this spirit of a start-up. every single project that comesalong, we treat it like this is it. i love it,if i have a design problem,
i can sit down with a roll oftrace and maybe a handful of markers and when i get up,i have a solution that wasn't just mine, but it was a collaborative answerthat our team helped me get to. it's up in the's bright, it's light. this studio is about optimism.this studio is about growth. it's hard not to see how there's avery unique vibe in the studio, something that is very difficultto find anywhere else. people are constantly being pushedto improve, and not pushed by any means in a negative way,but they're almost nurtured.
i think it has one of the beststudio cultures that i have ever been fortunate enough to work in.i’ve worked in a number of different offices across the city,and while they weren't necessarily bad, they were nowhere near as good,and nowhere near as generous as quadrangle’s been. there’s a comradery around thisoffice that i don’t think is very common. quadrangle goes the extra mileto make sure that you’re comfortable with your job,to make sure you’re comfortable with what you do,to make sure that you have the
support and team members thatare willing to support you. and they really just emphasizea work-live-play balance. canstruction is a charitablefoundation towards the daily bread food bank. it’s amazing how so many different people from differentaspects of the studio can come together and work on something,and have this awesome structure built of cans, and all of thosecans are donated to i tell people that it is anarchitectural company,
but it’s not just about building.we have a design team in there, there is, and obviously,a retail department. it’s a very diverse firm. i always find it remarkable frominterior’s perspective that they look at little swatches of stuffand they create these incredible interior designs and i'mblown away by all that. i think what speaks the most volumesto me about our culture is that people have a lot of friends here. i like to look forward to coming
to work in the morning and i always do, that has a lot to do,for me, with the people and howengaged they feel with what they’re doing, and if they enjoybeing here too. it's important when youarrive to feel that environment. to feel attracted with andinfluenced by other people, so i like that, i really enjoy that. it’s a very young office these days,you know, with the majority of the people being under 35.
so it’s definitely adifferent feel, socially. it really drives the cultureof the entire office. the 3d printing is a really usefultool for us because it allows us to take that digital model thatsomebody is working on, on the soon as you print it and it becomes a physical object andpeople can actually start looking at it from different angles,taking it apart, trying to decipher the components,what you see from different angles, you start looking at itvery differently.
so this allows us to communicatemuch better to our clients. the studio is a fantastic spaceto work in, i just love coming into it and i still, today i stillfind it as fresh as the day we moved in over three years ago. i think quadrangle sort of wentthrough different iterations in the past, where they’ve gottento the point now where they have this confidence and assurance ofwho they want to be, and who they want to presentthemselves with. anything is possible.but i would also love to see
the firm grow, and to be able toreally spread its wings for all of the architectural and otherspecialties that we’re pretty damn good it. our tagline has always beeninspiration realized, and for me, that's always been two-fold.the inspiration has always been the people and the realized hasalways been the work and we do great work and it's always bygreat people, and that's the kind of thing that i wanteveryone to know about this place.