modern sofa design pictures

20 ideas of comfortable outdoor sofas if you might have noticed, there are more and more people who are into travelling anddoing outdoor activities – whether it is in the beach or even in mountains. for people who do not have the time or chanceto really go out of the city, hanging out with your friends at home may somehow be theanswer to those things you wanted to do outside work. with that in mind, we have created a listthat covers a few outdoor photos that will allow us to see what we can do with our outdoorspaces to encourage people and friends to
come over and hang out with us. the spaces showcase awesome furniture setthat you can add to your outdoors for additional seating and comfort. take a look at the spaces and pick a favorite! 1.bayshores first up, a grey sofa set was added to this outdoor space. aside from creating enough seating space forthe home owners, this living room set somehow created a bubble where people can choose tohang out in every time they prefer to enjoy
the outdoors. 2.beach house this outdoor beach house space is somehow similar to the photo above that is besidea fireplace. the sectional added to this space has a wonderfulcolor to it, but personally, i would prefer a darker shade for the outdoors just becausei think maintaining it would be a tad effortful than usual. 3.bedford gardens now this is another example of an outdoor
seating because this is beside the swimmingpool; i mean, not that chairs beside the pool is different from the ones beside fireplacesor whatnot, but chairs or sofas close to the pool is best because every now and then weactually need a place to sit in or leave our dry clothes or our phones. 4.crooner oasis this outdoor seating sure looks fun because of the colors you can see in it – the oranges,the blues and blacks. i love how they really mixed and matched thecolors in here to make it really look fun and interesting.
the fact that this seating is just behindthe window allows the parents to see their kids easily when their friends are over. 5.chelsea house i totally love the color of this sectional; it matches the color of the umbrella seenon the side. i know that there is not much to do in thisspace. it’s small but maybe a small grill woulddo while your friends come over and drink some beer and eat barbecues. with the view of the sky, i imagine the guysfrom how i met your mother or the big bang
theory when they hang out in the roof deck. 6.gordon i featured this outdoor in another list before only that it featured another thing from thishome. here is one black and white seating area withthe best and comfortable place i think this outdoor space has; even with the swimmingpool in the background; but i know, it might just be me. 7.grand london residence a stunning black and white sectional at the
side of the house with a fireplace – i can’tsay for sure of this fireplace is functional or decorative but it sure is a great additionto this outdoor space. prayer meetings or small get togethers aregreat for this place. 8.grasping graffiti this is space is one fascinating space to be in. the graffiti on the wall – with all thatcolors, it surely attracts attention and i think it’s always a great thing right? both for the home owners and the visitorswho would be coming over every now and then. home
now i know that the location of this furniture set is not too ideal – no covers for onebit and all that, but since it seems like the material of the chairs are created towithstand sun and rain so adding them in there is okay. the color of the cushion is in white, so itsurely looks great – maintenance is a different thing. 10.hampton patio productions has a couple of furniture design that i think are really nice and quitefashionable.
i know that it might seem like a stretch forme to say that they are fashionable but i think that you would agree that their designsare actually pretty and people loves them. the designs may even seem simple, but believeme, they sure are stunning. 11.high style family retreat if you wanted a beautiful hedge like this one – well, go get one! i know that there are a couple of professionalswho can actually help you do them for your house. i like how the wooden hedge and the sectionalbase and the wooden flooring are just really
lovely. i mean, i can totally live with it! 12.jane street townhouse talk about a fun and quite festive roof deck! the colors in here may just be green, blueand white but this space sure looks fascinating and really pretty. although the view doesn’t really shout perfect,but i think that is still something worth the look. 13.leona
this outdoor seating set sure looks comfortable and pretty. the colors are simple and pretty much ordinarywhen you think about it; but they surely go well for any space – the colors are neutral,the design is comfortable and if you can notice, the colors of its surroundings quite makeit complementary with each other. 14.petite pad the color of the sky is just as ravishing as the color of the cushions in the sectionalin this rooftop. the tables in here sure are a lot; i got confusedfor one bit but notice that the table closest
to the sectional is a fire pit. pretty cool right? having things that are multi-purpose thingsfor the house is just fun and cool. 15.shiflett residence what do think about having a simple-looking sectional by your swimming pool? i know that i mentioned a couple of timesthat adding cushioned chairs or sofas by the swimming pool is not a great idea unless thematerial of the said cushions are waterproof or at least water-resistance.
16.revelry at the penthouse the awesome umbrellas paired with this beautiful seating in here. the fire pits in here sure looks stunningand ideal for the nights when you just want to invite friends over for long talks andwine. did i mention that this space also has a spectacularview? oh because, it sure has. 17.soto house a beautiful and comfortable-looking sectional
in the rooftop. what more can a homeowner ask for, right? preparing for parties in here will be no problem,but for homeowners who spends the night alone, this rooftop could be a great place for solacewhen you just want to have that me time. 18.roscoe village i know that we are talking about seating available in the market for our outdoors, but i thinkthat we should also take notice at the wonderful fire pit seen above the coffee table. what do you think about it?
fancy this one? i know i do. 19.ten residence the sectional in this outdoor space is quite a pretty sight. the color is just exquisite; it’s easy tomanage and maintain. if you ask me, i think that the added fireplacein the center that serves as a coffee table is an added treat for this place. i love the fact that this space has lanternstoo.
20.wicker park rooftop getaway i know that this last photo has the sofa a bit farther than i hoped it should have been;but i wanted for you guys to see that there is another set of sofa and chairs that isavailable in this area for more seating. i would guess that this area is used for smallgatherings like barbecues wednesdays or wine night.