office interior design company

office interior design company

as a company that started eight years ago in a basement with just two people, we could not be more excited to be in this larger, better space that is going to give much more opportunities to our clients and our team. one of the things our team really loves are the treadmill desks it is nice just to grab your computer and go work in a different space and get a few extra steps in the day. i love that there are multiple areas to work, especially being in the creative field just mixing up your surroundings and getting inspiration from elsewhere in the office is very helpful. we're such a team focused company that it is nice people can break up into smaller teams or groups and be able to collaborate with each other and work on client projects.

the one thing that i am most excited about is the natural light. it gives a whole new aspect to the day when you come in and the sun is shining on you. another one of my favorite things is the opportunity we have for big collaborative meetings. so we can get large groups of twenty-five to thirty people in our biggest room to sit down and do education and training and it is really awesome to be able to get everyone together in one room.

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