office interior design brisbane

office interior design brisbane

the idea of the partnership with the universityof indonesia actually has a long gestation. it actually goes back to when i was a fulbright teaching there back in 1989-90 but more recently we’ve hosted, we’ve hada session of our alums at the ambassador’s house in jakarta and there we talked moreseriously about trying to create a long-term partnership between their faculty of architectureand our college of design, construction and planning. the process is going to involve at least their,particularly their interior design students finishing up their third and fourth year hereso it’s going to be a double degree program and their students will actually get whatthey call the sarjana satu, or the s1 degree

from the university of indonesia and they’llget our bachelor of design and interior design here. it’s important for florida to have theseties because we really are operating in a global context. our students need to understand,and their students need to understand how the issues and challenges operate on a globalscale. it brings prestige to their program it brings prestige to our program. every studentthat we have involved with our international program sees this as a life changing experiencefor them. it’s very rare that they’re disappointed. in fact, usually they’re betterable to get jobs, they’re better able to be confident, and again it’s just a tremendousexperience for them.

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