office interior design concepts in india

when you first walk into a space like thisyou'll realize it's very clean and attractive and it's a beautiful work environment, butwhat's going on sort of behind the scenes in the light fixtures and in the controlsis really a digital network working to make sure everything works in harmony.i'm kayln rothaus. and that's me at my first building project. and my first power lunch.for as long as i can remember i've wanted to be a designer. and now here i am creatingfunctional and fabulous spaces. this is my client mark alfieri. founder and chairmanof brandstar. and that's carmen, his chief operating officer. they've asked me to takethis building and turn it into a modern and efficient workspace. it's going to be a challenge,but in the end the new space will be functional
and of course, it will most definitely befabulous. (music).the new building mark's purchased for his company brandstar has its challenges. he needsto move a hundred and thirty five employees out of the old building that was 20,000 squarefeet into the new building that's only 11,000 square feet. and keep everyone in the newsmaller space comfortable and more productive. at the moment we are 30 days into construction.the building we're renovating needed to be totally gutted. i wanted to retain the originalconcrete slab but it was damaged so it all needed to be treated. we also added a decorativeoverlay of super krete to the bathroom walls. part of my design concept is to create anopen collaborative workspace so i've added
glass partitions from carvart that are bothfunctional and also add a fabulous look to the space. lacava created all the custom vanitiesin the bathrooms and karndean designed flooring, completed the luxury vinyl tile throughoutthe workspace. everything seems to be going well but i'm still worried about the constructiondeadline. our contractor is saying that it's going to take 120 days to complete the jobbut my client, mark, the owner, needs the building completed in 90 days. at the momenti'm about a week behind and that week means everything to my deadline. i'm not sure howwe are going to make up time but we need to get things moving. now with all the constructionissues and all these moving parts happening at the same time it's always important tokeep thinking about the big picture. we're
moving 20 thousand square feet and a largenumber of employees into a much smaller workspace, but the end result needs to be more productivity,a comfortable work environment and happy employees. building owner mark alferi shares my visionand he couldn't agree with me more. what i visualized for the space is to havean open and collaborative work environment, but really a space that feels like home becausewe spend more time at work than we do at any other environment so i wanted people thatcome to work to feel really comfortable in the everyday job that they the right design for lighting will be a big part of that vision, so that is whatwe are doing today. designing perfect lighting for a collaborative workspace.i think lighting as part of the vision is
really, really important because it sets theambiance for the space it really creates the feeling in the environment and so having theproper lighting to do the work is important. but first things first, it all starts withthe ceiling grid because that's where the light fixtures are hung and the sound issuesare addressed. so in designing this ceiling my thought was noise reduction first and thenhow do i light this space? i definitely want to use led linear lightfixtures for uniform brightness and energy savings as well as fun elements of designlike decorative cloud formations and drop ceilings to address sound and ascetics. theemployees who will be working here are coming from a space that was poorly lit with florescentlighting, so i think bringing in a lot of
daylight and mixing that with led and moreefficient lighting systems will make for more productive employees.i met with sean brown from armstrong today, their principal scientist. he put me at easefor the design decisions i've already made. it's really a kind of situation where formmeets function in such a beautiful way because i really wanted to utilize these armstrongdecorative products. at armstrong we work closely with architecturalleaders, designers, facility managers, building owners, occupants, all people that touch thebuilt environment so we're constantly hearing about design challenges. so if an architectsays that they have a need for a certain type of lighting integration than we will turnthat into product development for our ceiling
tile products, our suspension systems. wehave suspension systems that allow for easy lighting integration, we have cloud constructionthat comes in a kit. you can't see the hanger wires it literally looks like a suspendedabsorptive ceiling cloud. after talking with sean, we are going to gowith the armstrong's tech zone ceiling. it will allow us to integrate the lighting aswell as all the other service elements we are going to need for the building. with armstrongceilings underway, i'm now ready to turn to the specific challenge that awaits us in lighting.the people i've found to help me bring state of the art products that definitely shed lighton the challenge. for now we are turning our attention to the interior building challenge is to create lighting within
the building that will improve both the qualityof the workspace and be energy efficient. one of the biggest challenges presented tome by my client was that he needs to fit 54 employees into one bullpen area. to properlylight that space is a challenge! so, you know, i really need to find the right product tolight the space properly. there's a lot to consider, and i wanted to bring in the rightpeople with the expertise to make sure i was creating an environment that will not onlybe well lit but will promote productivity. so i've brought in lighting designer alejandrovargas from miami lighting design associates and tom shumaker from acuity lighting, sothat i can outline the design concept and the lighting challenges.i have a couple areas that i want to talk
to you guys about. we have the bullpen area,which is going to seat 54 employees in cubicles. i also have private offices. each office hasa window, so there is a lot of natural daylight that comes in. the offices have glass frontsto allow that natural daylight to come into the bullpen, but these bullpen areas are goingto be a little bit darker. so, we need to address and be careful abouthow we light these spaces so employees can have a more efficient and productive workspace.the other area of concern for me are these meetings areas and boardrooms. in these spaces,you know, they're a little bit more formal. we'll have clients from other companies comingto see us, and so these spaces we need to light and make sure that they don't interferewith our technology. we have a lot of projection
screens and things that could interfere, thelight could interfere with the technology. when i saw kalyn's design, it was a completelyopen ceiling and she had the idea of putting this drop square ceiling in different areasof the open office areas. so we have to work around the lighting around those drop areas.when you have challenges like this it brings you unique the product that we're going to recommend, that i recommend, is going to be from markarchitectural. it's a slot fixture. it's designed to go into many armstrong ceilings, includingthe tech zone ceiling that you have on this project.i needed a light fixture that worked with the ceiling grid, it needed to be linear,led, and of course energy efficient. so seeing
how the grid application worked with the lightfixture from acuity brands, i could see it was a match made for a designer. so this isan led linear fixture that sits inside of our grid system?yes, it's all led. i mean we have a couple different areas, likein our flex space here, which is going to be our social digital room. we have sort ofa different flexible, modular moveable seating arrangement for these employees. so what doyou suggest for these areas? well in these open areas there is a recessround product called the magellan and it's also from mark lighting. it's available inled as well. the advantage that we have is it's a round fixture so it kind of gives theimpression that you have a sky light in there
and you're letting the outside light in andwe can control the intensity depending on what type of functions that you're tryingto hold in that room. ok very cool. and what about, what kind ofoptions do you have for the coves? because alejandro is talking about changing the lightingmechanism in the corridor. the cove would be something similar to theother products. in fact going led you don't have maintenance; you don't have to changelight bulbs in the cove it would very difficult. so we want to put a high efficiency, highperformance led cove fixture that's going to give you ambient light and indirect lightin there, again addressing non-glare and a path of walk way for people to navigate theirenvironment.
three different lighting requirements forthree different areas. i'm really happy with the plan we've come up with. now if we canget everything installed without any hitches, i will be completely satisfied.these products here will dim down to zero, dim to dark, and it provides you another layerof saving energy for your customers. (music). (music).it's always very satisfying when multiple pieces of this puzzle come together like thecontractors with are now working with acuity light fixtures and the armstronggrid ceiling is coming together. and it's fun to see all of the different disciplinesworking together and making everything a reality.
what we have going in here in the executiveoffices is the armstrong system, the ceiling grid system which is made specifically forthe acuity lights that are going in here. you have these eight foot long t's and thetwenty two inch t's that create a four inch by eight foot slot for the lights to comedown into. it's a great system i guess devised by acuity and armstrong to accommodate thelights. it's an awesome system. it's got a custom finish to it and it's the first i'veseen of it, it's really nice. this system will be throughout the buildingand in your larger bullpen areas. you have your 12 foot high ceiling grid and then theclouds will drop below to help with the acoustics and sound deadening and again the acuity lightsare throughout and so it's a great system
to have going in here.i think the acuity products; especially the mark lighting fixtures, actually enhancedmy vision for the space. it made it so much more beautiful and clean and the way thatthese fixtures attach to the ceiling it's just beautiful and seamless. now the wausauwindows that we've installed have helped a lot in keeping our outer office spaces cooland filled with natural daylight…. but these high tech gadgets in the acuity brands ledlighting fixtures include cutting edge technology known as daylight harvesting, which basicallymeans a sensor measures the amount of daylight coming into the space and automatically adjustsitself. so it's an energy-efficient way to keep the proper amount of light in a spaceso that workers can be productive.
these products here will dim down to zero,dim to dark is what we call it, and allow a lot of flexibility and also incorporateday light harvesting which is something else that you talked about with a lot of windowson these office areas here. so the daylight harvesting is kind of a set-it-and-forget-itand it provides you with another layer of saving energy for your because energy efficiency is so important tell me a little bit about these daylightharvesting sensors. so basically what we want to do is we wantto bring in the natural light and we want the natural light to be able to control theamount of light so we don't have too much glare. i don't need my led light fixturesto be on full power and full brightness when
i have a lot of daylight coming through thewindows. we've matched all of our chips and all ofthe different products so from fixture to fixture, from family to family they're allgoing to be identical in the color temp and that's going to be really important as youstart walking through the space and you want the productivity from your employees and youwant to make sure that we're capitalizing on saving energy without having to do's going to be all automatic. nobody has to touch anything for that.when we went to acuity and looked at all of the options they had for lighting i was blownaway by the fact that they do things that you would never even think about. so fromthe daylight harvesting, as an example, where
as the light gets brighter during the daythe lights automatically adjust to account for that light and when it gets darker ifyou happen to have a rainy day, then all of the sudden the lights come up to try and createthat uniform environment. which is really neat i never thought that something like thatexisted. audey cash from acuity brands lighting alsopaid us a visit and gave a lot of good insight into how this whole lighting system reallyworks. when you first walk into a space like thisyou'll realize that it's very clean and attractive sure everything works in harmony. throughoutthe space there are a myriad of controls used. we have occupancy sensors to detect peopleand motion. we have daylight sensors to detect
available sunlight. as the sunlight increasesthe lights will dim. and manual controls on the walls to allow occupants to dim and controlthe lights as they see fit. we said that this was going to be a high techbuilding and it starts from the top down. we've only started to install the technologythat i've designed for the building. having a light shelf with a roller shade integrated,built into one system, is very unique. it doesn't exist anywhere else.(music). it's been said that you can actually predicthow happy people are going to be in a workspace by the amount of sunlight they get. if youare near a window, it seems you're going to be happier, more engaged, and in the end moreproductive. in designing this building, i've
taken a great deal of care to try and getthe lighting right, both with the fixtures we've installed and by utilizing, wheneverpossible, the natural lighting from the windows. we have 31 windows throughout the building.that includes the private offices around the exterior of the building and the small conferencerooms. i needed to find shades that would block the glare for the employees but at thesame time, i didn't want to lose the daylight harvesting. that's when i found a companycalled indoor sky. they suggested to me a simple and innovative window treatment thatwould provide shade and still let us have the energy-saving, daylight harvesting. theheart of their system is a light shelf that's designed to extend daylight deeper into thebuilding. in other words these shades maximize
the amount of daylight within the space whilestill blocking the sun's glare on the occupants. we are working with matt moulton from indoorsky; matt spent an afternoon with us installing the new office shades.having a light shelf with a roller shade integrated built into one system it's very unique, itdoesn't exist anywhere else. so you have the shading and daylighting aspect in one system.this system is very much like everything we've installed in our renovation. it's all aboutcomfort and individual option for the employees. people like to have control over their environment,over the heat and the amount of light that they have. so with our system if there's toomuch light coming in, they can close the roller shade. they can also close the light shelfto darken the room and then if they want to
open it up and have lots of daylight theycan pull up the roller shades and open the light shelf and really bring in that researching all of this, i found that the idea of light shelves was not new. they'vebeen around for years. now with indoor skys system we are using the light shelves effectivelyfor day light harvesting. so kalyn's design incorporated beautiful newwindows to really maximize the daylight, which is wonderful, but daylight comes with somenegative side effects. you have heat and glare which can be very troublesome. so with oursystem you take away that glare and the heat and you maximize that day light at the sametime so we're shading the occupants and harvesting the daylight at the same time.the high tech equipment we're installing here
will no doubt give mark a much more effectivework force. for me the unsung heroes behind the installation of all this technology isjohn colodny and his team from they were the first on the scene and theywill be the last to leave. we could not have installed all of the lighting without the design challenges that we're seeing today and into the near future are reallybased upon the principles of reduced cost. both from initial installation stand pointand long term operating costs, the ability to have a much better work environment andagain a better work environment is a more productive work environment and to go green.whether it's for lead certification points or just to help the earth out in general.being a production company, lighting plays
a critical role in the filming of our productions.but i never thought that lighting would play such a large role in our office environment.(music). we are at that stage of construction wheneverything we do is very visible and really making a visible difference. we're startingto see how all the design is starting to come together. the armstrong ceiling suspensionsystem is installed throughout the building along with all the acuity brands lighting.we turned the lights on and they look fantastic. the acuity brands lighting led linears inthe bullpen area and the office spaces are really going to make a difference for theemployees. being a production company lighting playsa critical role in the filming of our production,
but i never thought that lighting would playsuch a large role in our office environment and with acuity lighting, the unbelievabletechnology, the cutting edge technology that they have in their lights and the look andfeel of the lights in the new office environment was something i never expected to achieve.we expect to achieve it on the set, but not in the office and they really went well beyondour expectations. i have to admit it was a complicated took a lot of coordination…. a lot of communication and a lot of site meetings betweenme, armstrong, acuity brands lighting, and i think the end result looks really clean, really modern, and the aesthetic lines areperfect!
you know when people walk into a space andit just feels good? and they don't know why? that's because of great design! and i thinkthis ceiling just feels good and it does so many other things than just look good. itcreates symmetry, it provides intelligent lighting, and it saves energy!now it's time to move on and get to the next phase of construction. we are going to startpainting the offices and adding the furniture. just as lighting is important for everyone,so is the style of the office furniture they will use. productivity and comfort for employeesextends beyond the brick and mortar. at each step along the way we make a little more progressin getting all of mark's employees in here on time. at least that's what i'm planningfor.