images home decorating ideas
hi, i'm ann myrick, and today i'm going toshow you how to create a faux head board. this is my sons bed, and it doesn't have ahead board. and a lot of times it's nice not to have a head board because when you havea head board and a foot board, it takes up more space. so if you have a small room, it'sgood to do what i'm getting ready to show you. you can use anything, you can use tomake a head board, you can use, if the child is talented, you can get a big canvas andthey can do their own. you can have them create their own head board on a canvas and thenjust either screw the canvas in to the wall, or nail it up. you could use, you could reallyturn anything in to head board. taking three identical grate bird cages that are just kindof plain wooden, and having them right side
by side, which make a line. you could usethose. you could use a mirror. you could use a big picture. today i'm going to show youtwo different things. this is kind of a wood ladder, old kind of rustic looking, and youcan toggle bolt it, or just hook it in to the wall, and you can just create. you couldgo down low, or up higher, and just create kind of a line that has the feel and lookof a head board. this is cute because you could also get some cute hooks, and the childcan hook things on it. whether it's like their ipod, their phone, pictures, but this canbe fun and used also. and then i, another example is this old shutter, and i've usedshutters a lot like this. let's see, i'm going to hold this one up because it's a littlebit rickety, but then you can put saw blade
hooks on the back of this, on each end, andthen put it just on a nail, or you could actually toggle bolt it or screw it in to the this creates another look of a head board, and again, you can go as low or as high asyou want. other things you can use is, you could get a bullitean board and put it goinghorizontal, and then get a piece of fabric and just glue the fabric on it, and then youcan change it out. so there's many ways to work with a faux head board. this is ann myrick.