office interior design edinburgh

office interior design edinburgh

choosing a home security systemto protect your family and property is an importantdecision. we visit one home to see what features are importantfor maximum effectiveness. is that wood deck looking drab anddungy? well maybe it's time to give it a diy makeover. we'llshow you how to give it a new life for ultimate backyardliving. would you like to enjoy your favorite music anywhere yougo in the house? we'll show you the latest in audio that willfill your house with your favorite sounds. this is theshow all about you and your

space. your home andsurroundings. we are designing spaces.(music) moving into a new home is alwaysan exciting time. choosing new appliances and furniture.looking for decorating ideas. but once of the most importantdecisions that needs to be made is choosing a home securitysystem to protect your family and property and provide peaceof mind. hi, i'm abigail cooper and onthis episode of designing spaces were in beautiful cape coral onflorida's gulf coast to show you

what a well protected and wellconnected home looks like in the 21st century. and what a fullfleet of security products can do for your home whenprofessionally installed and monitored and how easy it is touse. joining me today is tim myers from tyco securityproducts who will help guide us through the process. hi tim,thanks for joining us. thanks abigail. it's a pleasureto be here. so tim, what are the mostimportant things to consider when choosing a home securitysystem?

so first and most important wewould look at ease of use. second would be aestheticsfollow by reliability and then professional monitoring. andwe'll explain more about that as we walk thru the home.ok, great. so let's go inside and we'll meet the couple whojust moved in and we'll tell them all the great things thatthere new security system can do for them.sounds great. (music)so tim, i'd like you to meet margaret and benjamin jacob.nice to meet you.

pleasure.nice to meet you. so tim is from tyco securityproducts and he is going to introduce you to a fabulous dsesecurity system and tell you all about how it can protect whatmatters most. so tim, it's all yours.thanks abigail. as consumers when you're out shopping for asecurity system one of the most important things you should belooking for is reliability. the dse security systems have beenin the industry for over 35 years posting reliability as oneof the strongest features of

their systems. one of the keythings that you can't see in this building is that everythingis connected wirelessly. that insures that your protected,your family's protected and all of your possessions areprotected. now let's walk over to the interface and we'll showyou how to operate the system. (music)one of the things i liked to show you is how you turn on andoff your system. there's three key ways to doing this. one ofthem is through a remote feed that you can find on your keychain as your coming home you

can press the button to turn thesystem off. and as your leaving the home you can press thebutton to turn the system on. additionally we have a coolfeature called geo-fencing where with the location of your phone,we can find where you are in the world and when you get into acertain proximity of your home we can now turn the systemautomatically off for you. this is the connected lifestyle thatthis particular system can bring to you. now additionally as alast cause you want to have an interface at your door to allowyou to walk in, press some

buttons, and turn it on or turnit off. to turn it off, simply come in and enter your code. inthis case it's 1 2 3 4. and then if you wanted to arm the systemin leaving it's a one button press. you just press the stayarmed system. it's very quick and easy and that allows youtime to leave the home. so here we can see in this particularinstance a flood sensor, that allows us to detect leakingwater so that we don't have a huge insurance claim. though inaddition to flood or leak damage the dse security systems canalso protect other dangerous

concerns. one is carbonmonoxide. so here we've mounted a co detector close to a sourceof carbon monoxide just like your garage and additionallywe've installed over here a smoke detector so that we canprevent any insurance claims from fire.that's great. so of course another great feature are thevideo cameras that you can monitor thru your smart phone ortablet from where ever you are. so could you show us where thoseare mounted? for sure.(music)

so here we are at anotherinterface within your home. it's an ipad mounted to your wall ina protective casing that features video monitoring.locally or remotely. so we're gonna zoom in here on the videoportion of this app and here we can see a camera that we'vemounted looking specifically at your pool so that you can knowat all times what's going on out there. you can monitor this fromyour smart phone, your tablet or a computer from anywhere in theworld. in this instance we're showing you locally within thehome. since they are portable

you can put them anywhere withinyour house so if you want to check in on your baby sitterwhile your out on date night on friday you can look in and feelsafe that everything's going on's amazing. so it's really important to have this systemprofessionally monitored right? for sure, there's alot ofproducts out there today that are do it yourself and use selfmonitoring so if you're in mexico you can rely on your app.but you don't have the police response that you need to insureyour home is safe when you're

not here. so as you can see youhave an incredibly sophisticated system that is full automatedyet still simple to use and well definitely provide protectionfor you and your property for years to come.that's perfect. that's exactly what i waslooking for. i'd like to thank tim myers'from tyco security products for joining us on designing spacesas well as margaret and benjamin for inviting us into their newhome to show off their dse security system. from beautifulcape coral, florida i'm abigail

cooper. see you next time.coming up next on designing spaces, we're going to bring newlife to a wood deck as a diy project and it's alot easierthen it looks or sounds. wait until you see the final result.(music) if your wood deck is lookingdrab and worn, it's time for a cleaning, staining and sealing.sounds like a lot of work? well, it's not as much as youwould think. check out this diy project that will have yousmiling. (music).meet jack thompson, a happy home

owner who enjoys spending timeon his wood deck. after some consideration, jackdecided to re-finish the deck himself, taking on a diy projectthat not only restores the beauty of the wood, but giveshim the self-satisfaction of a caring homeowner.i'm going to learn how to probably do a little sprayingand a little rolling, i have no idea what i'm getting into, buti'm going to figure it out as i, we hooked up jack with don malden from ready-seal to givehim tips and suggestions for a

re-finished deck that will havemaximum impact. jack is probably one of theleast qualified people i ever met. uh, he is not ado-it-yourselfer, but today jack is going to do this deck. thisproduct makes up for his inexperience.with ready-seal, jack is getting a professional grade oil basedsemi-transparent stain and sealer in one.we're going to put it on the deck as the deck is today, it'sgot leaves on it, it's got deposits on it, it's got a dogthat runs across it, so

therefore we've got every hazardthat possibly could happen to applying product to a deck.(music) time to get started. before thestain can be applied, it's most important to clean and prep thedeck before hand. just come over and take a lookand see what i did here, and i hope you can save me. i drippeda whole bunch in one spot, is that going to bother anything?jack, that looks terrible, but, believe it or not, that will notshow. with ready seal there's no worryabout leaving a noticeable

stain.oh, here's another leaf, you've got to busy here.go ahead and spray it. okay, spray it first? i'm sorry.spray it first. now go the other way, spray, am i spraying enough of it on?put a liberal coat on. one of the unique qualities ofready-seal, is that you can actually walk on the deck asit's being applied, and not do any harm to the stain.ready-seal can be applied with a brush, roller or sprayer,depending on what works best for

the project. no matter how youapply, ready-seal will have no lapse, runs or streaks.ready-seal is the only goof-proof stain.(music). the stuff that we've done sofar, the flat surface back here is actually the biggest part ofthe decking. couldn't ask for it to go smoother.ready-seal stain and sealer comes in seven natural woodtones. so you can choose from lightoak, golden pine, mahogany, redwood, pecan, natural cedar,or dark walnut.

it's totally environmentallysafe, and we put the emphasis on the environment and safe becausewe feel like we need to protect our earth and save it's time to apply the ready-seal on the edges wherethe wood meets the house wall. what we're going to do, we'llcut into the wall without getting any on the wall.notice i'm holding a wand real close to the deck, that keepsany spray getting in to the air. once i get it on we take, erget, here like this and we push this thing almost to the wall.once i get it up almost to the

wall, i can turn this rolleraround and we're going to do this right here.okay, gotcha. we're going to push that rightup to the wall real slowly. if there's a mishap, no problem.a little soap and water goes a long way.and let me show you how to make that go away.the secret, i heard, is that you have to do it while it's wet,that you have to make sure you get right on the mistakes if youmake one. i'm really impressed with thework jack has done.

time to prep the front wall.we've got the same problem, just vertical to the horizontal.okay. we treat the same way.(music). go ahead, go ahead and strikethat agitate again, this is good.yep. (music).just go ahead and spray it. now, i won't bother roll this becausethis is a vertical surface so it won't leave any there's no reason to roll the puddles out, so just spray away,spray it down, don't spray it in

the air, we don't want itdrifting out on the house. there you go, let it cascade down.very easy, there's nothing to it, actually, it's probablyeasier to do the wall than it is to do the deck, and neither oneof them is hard. (music).hey don, as i look back here i'm pretty much in amazement, i haveto be candid with you, the whole project has gone a lot quickerthan i thought, i thought i'd be out here for a week, and i'm outhere for a couple of hours at the most. it's the integrity ofthe product that's come through.

glad you made the trip over tohelp me. i appreciate it very much.well, it's been a pleasure, it has really been a pleasure.i know. uhhh, let's go fishing. yeah, let's do that, i'm readyto go. (laughs). home owners or do-it-yourselfersalways have questions about how to apply products. thoseinstructions are available on our website at two decks and a finished wall injust one day. no matter how big your job, you can count onready-seal for a professional

finish every time. ready-sealwill protect, beautify, and prolong the life of all of youroutdoor projects. to see this portion of designing spacesagain, visit and click on the ready-sealvideo. you'll also find a link to the ready-seal website there.wifi streaming technology is opening doors for musicalenjoyment. literally from the bedroom, the living room, thekitchen, outside on the deck you have the freedom to send musicfrom any of your devices to anywhere you want in the house.coming up next her on designing

music gives meaning to our livesand experiences with so many ways to consume music these dayspeople are looking for a simple way to enjoy and share theseexperiences, enter dts play-fi, and open wifi streamingtechnology that gives you freedom to send music from anydevice, to any speaker, to any room. hi i'm linda kruse fromdesigning spaces and we decided to check out dts play-fi for ourselves. hi. come on in, nice to meetyou. nice to meet you too.what a pretty house.

oh thank you.this is lovely. yah, where should we go?this way. ok.come on in and i'll put some music the cool thing is that this speaker and all the speakers inthe house are connected up to my wifi network so i can just usemy phone and access any of them anytime i want. s, if i justpush this button here, you'll see that the kitchen isconnected, i go back and choose my song and we're off to go.(music)

wait, so you just did all thatfrom your phone? that's the magic of wifi.that's so cool. yeah, so the cool thing is thatif i'm in here making dinner, when i'm done and want to gosomewhere else, the music can come with me. i'll show you,let's go this way. so this is our listening room.and in here, we get to enjoy one of my husbands favorite featuresof play-fi, which was the abilityto stream wirelessly andin stereo, so what we've been able to do using the app is setthese speakers up as left and

rightand we can stream to themand you can with the synchronization being so tight,sub one millisecond that you really can't hear that there'swireless streaming going on. so, were these wireless to beginwith? no, and that's the cool thing,so, in here what we were able to do is take my husbands existingset up and just by adding the definitive technologies with adock, make the entire system, including these beautifulspeakers wireless. so, here in our bedroom we actually use thissound bar as our speaker and you

can see it here on the list asmaster bedroom. so what if i want to play a songor different music in the bedroom than the rest of thehouse but still have the rest of the house playing?so, very easy, you can actually set up multiple zones right fromthe app, so i swipe here, i can choose zone two, master bedroomand then i can actually choose a different song from a differentsource. so here we'll choose this one.(song) and there you, that's great sound quality.

now id that coming from thesound bar? it is, and it's pretty much likehaving a surround sound movie theatre right here in the room.excellent. so here in our bathroom, we havethis great little speaker which is perfect for listening to thenews or when you're getting ready in the morning. and ofcourse i can control the volume right from here, not just fromthis speaker but i can actually and individually control thevolume of all the different volumes in the house right fromhere.

wow that's really sure is. let's go.(music) so here's my daughter's room,and she listens to entirely different music than i do. alotof pandora actually. here's her tablet streaming a completelydifferent song than what we're listening to, to her speakerright here. um, that's how she can do she can play whatever she wants wirelessly from thistablet and the rest of this house,yah, she can play it here, there

anywhere she wants. anyone canuse their own phone, tablet and connect to anything. now, goodthing is that if i don't want to listen to that in particular, ican actually take over her speaker using my app.(laughs) and now it's playing the goodstuff we have going on the rest of the house.and you can turn it down too, right?absolutely. let's do that. so, i've shown you using playfyfrom my phone, and my daughter's tablet, but when i'm here in myoffice, what i really love to do

is use my pc and the reason is isee the same list as speakers from my playfy, but, what i cando here is choose from any audio source i want, even xbox music.unlimited choices and i can't get this on my phone or mytablet. i love using this when we're having a party. so what ican do is set up a playlist on the computer, leave it here andthe music plays all through the house inside and next is scrolldown here, outside. this is amazing, truly.well, it's even better with a little music.(music)

oh my gosh, having a party outhere must be unbelievable. it really really is. we love it,love it. and the sound, it's like crystalclear, even in the backyard, that's amazing.yeah, that because we're streaming with wifi so we canstreaming it long distance and with super high quality so thesound is perfect. it is perfect.a great end to a perfect day. thank you for having me to yourbeautiful music filled home. there's so many ways foreveryone to enjoy music their

own way, it seems like a nobrainer for all music lovers. and, it's the perfect choice forbringing music home. ok, so one last question, do youhave a website where viewers can learn more.yah, sure do, it's, and we'll have links to that website where you can see this portion of the showagain by simply clicking on the appropriate video. join in theconversation at forward slash dspacestv. fordesigning spaces i'm linda kruse

we'll see you next time.(music) your personal living spaces areimportant and creating the right environment in those spacescontributes to living better for both you and your family.presenting you with options that improve those spaces, wellthat's what we're all about. we are designing spaces.for more information about anything you've seen on today'sshow or to find out how to be part of the show log follow us on twitter or friend

us on facebook. type in thewords designing spaces. connect with us on pinterest to followall of our design ideas and share yours with us. you canvisit these websites to learn more about the participants onthis edition of designing

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