office interior design ebook

office interior design ebook

hi there, it's kristy malone ofrefining design inc. today, i want to talk to you about transitioning back to yourinterior space and really focusing on how we're going to start our design for thewinter and the new year. we've been outside enjoying this beautiful fallweather lately, but soon enough, we will start focusing on more of the internalspace where we're going to spend most of our time. so, this one is for all thegentlemen out there, who would like to do a new design in their master bedroom andthey don't know where to start. so basically, i think a good jumping-offpoint is start to think about some of the hotels you've traveled in and stayedat and think about why you like them. is

it the simple lines? is it the detailednature of the furniture? certain built-ins? is it the color scheme? is itdark wood versus light wood? and think about how you felt overall, and actuallybreak it down that way to see where you can actually start your design schemeand then that'll help you get some ideas to get started. so, thanks for watchingtoday, and don't forget to subscribe to my free ebook at thanks for

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