office interior design egypt

i think the future office design is going follow the future on thisplanet in general. if you look at the office that we had a hundred years ago and what we got today it has improved immensely. there is a fair temperature, there is light, there is running water so everything gets better and of course that also happens in office environments. we treat each other more and more decent,
we treat each other with more respectdespite all the conflicts there still are in this world. so i'm absolutely certain that also office space and office design would talk tothe individual. it will talk up to you in a respectful way. because i know as the owner of acompany or whatever if i treat you well you treat me well. and that's how we gonna keep our competitive edge and that's how we're going to have a great life by the way. so, office space in an office environment
will constantly be improved.of course very differently in this world if you look at americanoffices, chinese offices, russian offices, scandinavian, dutch they are very different but they're all moving in onedirection. that is to improve the working environment for the individual who's working there.