office interior design gurgaon
we are officially kicking off theinterior restoration project for our magnificent state capitol building. we'recalling this, what we're starting with, the prerequisite phase of work. we know wewant to start in areas of the basement in the springtime and so we haveidentified this prerequisite phase of doing some work in some legislativeoffice space so that we can begin moving staff out of the basement and up intothe upper floors of the building. we've got an extremely aggressive schedule over thenext basically five months to get us through february when session starts toget these spaces back online for these legislative support staff members toactually function through the legislation...
legislative session next year. one of thebiggest challenges we've had are, you've seen some of the exposed cabling, it's aspaghetti mess above ceiling. this ceiling actually has all of theabandoned cabling already taken out of it. so identifying what's abandoned and cancome out and what feeds other areas within the capitol, is still live, it's amajor effort that we're undergoing right now. all of the black adhesive thatyou see on the ceilings where the tiles were physically glued to the plaster? allof that has asbestos. we've taken the wood paneling off but all the adhesive on thewalls has all tested hot. there's also vinyl tile, there's vct on top of vat ontop of some of the original concrete and
then the marble floors as well. here aresome samples of what time has done to the marble and you can see the cleaned up version of the marblelooks completely different than the brown mess we have now. each one of those tapings shows the differentcleaners that we've tested on it. this piece of steel that is rolled was the originalcurvature of the barrel ceiling. so that is some of the historic fabric. of coursethe plaster in this location has been taken out, but that framing component isstill there. everywhere you look you can just see years of deferred maintenanceand neglect and bad decisions over the decades. so, the historic fabric is stillthere but, by and large, it has been neglected and overlooked. at some point it needsto be fixed, and i think now is absolutely the right time.