office interior design hertfordshire

office interior design hertfordshire

gary: there's three things i’d say thatmake us the best and they would be: we focus on business objectives, long term relationshipsand we like to have fun! zoe: my name is zoe keech and i am businessmanager for pineapplefish group. adrian: my name is adrian cormack and i'ma managing partner at coles miller solicitors. sally: i'm sally papworth; i work for craftwoodinteriors limited. martin: i'm martin hancock and i’m chiefexecutive of bcha which is a specialist housing and social care provider.sally: adido are our web provider. zoe: and i’ve worked with adido for abouttwo years. martin: we've worked with adido for a numberof years now.

adrian: i've been working with adido for abouteighteen months and i thoroughly enjoyed the experience.zoe: adido have been instrumental in the help that they have given us in terms of buildingour business. they have a website system which i think is fantastic. being within the travelsector most people, probably about 80% of people will investigate their travel needsand where they want to go online, so we recognised very early that in order to build our businesswe had to have a very strong online presence and adido have been significant in developingour online presence for pineapplefish. adrian: at coles miller we needed a websitereally it's peoples first view of the firm, so it needed to be professional but it neededto have points of interest and that's where

adido were really helpful because they helpedus direct traffic onto the site and more importantly keep people interested.sally: we all know that yes you need a website and what have you, but in addition to a websiteyou get things like seo - search engine optimisation, and adido demystify the whole process. it'swonderful, i say look i think we ought to be doing this or they come up with a suggestion,we take it forward and it's explained in simple terms.gary: a lot of agencies focus on the technical side and the detail whereas we like to reallystart from the client's point of view, the client's objective, the client's businessand work it from that point of view. martin: so they will be challenging us tosay you know who is the website aimed at?

or whether it's the intranet, what are youtrying -messages you're trying to get across to staff or to customers and trying to makesure that we don’t just concentrate on the first page of the website but also how easyit is to get to the real meat of it without too many clicks.adrian: we're constantly learning how much more we can do, an example i would give isthe social media network; there's a whole marketing tool behind our website now thatwas never there before. gary: it's really our job to understand yourbusiness and see what we do fits in with you, because not everything we do is actually alwayssuitable. zoe: the other thing is the google rankings,i mean obviously that is important so we see

the keyword strategy that the guys put togetherfor us in the first instance and the elements of an overall strategic campaign have allcome together to see us, you know, first page most of the time where we need to be.gary: what we can show to other clients is how we can improve their bottom line whenit comes to sales, genuine sales for the business, increasing product sales or more enquiriesor doing more business for their current customers. [instrumental]gary: what we're there to do is understand their business in such a way that we can fitwhat we do to suit them and if they have more success from what we do they'll carry on usingus and that's hence why our long term relationships work very well.zoe: the team is great, it feels like an extension

of my office so i know i can give them a calland they deal with any panic that i might have immediately.martin: they spend time on the relationship, not just let’s quickly get the order anddeliver the website and then move on to the next one.zoe: they've really adapted with us and they pick up the phone and tell me that they'vegot some great ideas and because they’re so good i listen.[instrumental] adrian: it has been fun which is perhaps anodd thing to say with a business relationship, but it has been.mischa: hi i’m mischa! gary: so we enjoy what we do and we like tohave fun and we share that with our clients.

beyond all that it's to make sure it's workingon a professional level, it’s combining the two and i think that's key. there's a reason why we do website design, there's areason why we go and market our clients websites; so how do we make a difference to their bottomline. zoe: we have seen some fantastic success inthe first quarter of this year versus last year. we've seen our enquiries triple. we'veseen a 40 percent increase for the uk alone which has attributed to about 12 percent salesincrease globally, so fantastic. martin: the base of the relationship is suchthat their top of the list to go back to. sally: great guys to work with.adrian: i would recommend adido, i think they

give very good technical support and they'vebeen fun to work with. zoe: i couldn't recommend them highly enoughto anyone.

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