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these are the never before seen photos ofapple’s "spaceship" headquarters the tech company is building in california. the 2.8million square foot corporate campus will be completed in 2016. lead architect normanfoster - with the help of steve jobs, of course - wanted to make it one of the most environmentallysustainable projects of its scale in the world, even going as far as contracting senior arboristdavid muffy, who plans to add thousands of trees to the already beautiful landscape ofcupertino, bringing the total number to 7,000. this image shows the plans for different fruittrees across the campus: you have purple for plum, orange for apricots, brown for olivetrees, red for persimmons, pink for cherry, and yes, that cluster of yellow dots in thecenter of the "spaceship", are apple trees.
the campus will completely run on renewableenergy by utilizing one of the largest arrays of solar panels in the world. overseeing thecampus’s green initiatives is lisa jackson, whose name might sound familiar as she leadpresident obama’s environmental protection agency from 2009 to 2013. in an effort limitthe net increase of greenhouse gasses to 0 - that's right, 0 - jackson says the campuswill rely on a natural ventilation system that will heat and cool the building for 75%of the year using only cupertino’s temperate climate. apple’s spaceship campus will raisethe bar in design as everyone expected. but the seamless integration of nature and respectfor the environment is what i think will make this building a beacon for other corporationsin the future.