office interior design in dubai

office interior design in dubai

hi! i'm denny kurien and i'm going toshow you how to design a logo for interior design firm. metford design consulting is an interior design firm that specializes in work place and office-space design here in canada they've been in business for 30 years howevertheir logo hasn't changed much since then. they wanted a branding that wasmore contemporary. under new management it became metford design consulting. wethen decided to substitute the papyrus font for a sans-serif font that was alittle bit more contemporary. we then enclosed the logo type withina boundary to resemble that of an interior design floor plan. this is thefirst logo option we came in with, which

we call the plan. for the next logooption we started with a 3d perspective, out of that, we formed this logo mark.which when deconstructed, formed the letters m, d, c - metford design consulting. for the next logo option we wentstraight for the acronym m.d.c. we then combine these letters to form shapesusing different colors. for the final option, i was inspired by thiscontemporary looking work desk. the three-dimensional perpendicular shapesform that of an m which would symbolize metford thank younow if you would like to get your logo

designed be sure to check out thelink below. hope you enjoyed watching my video. i'd love to get your feedback ofwhat you think of my work in the comment section below. don't forget to like andif you enjoyed watching such creative tutorials be sure to check out some ofmy other videos and subscribe to my channel.

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