office interior design in jaipur

hello this is rm wraps my name is randymiller and what you seen right here is actually a wall wrap and we're usingphoto text fabric material and it would i just love the photo tex materialbecause it doesn't damage the walls and it's easy to apply on there i'm actuallymaking a bit i made a video i'm gonna apply the video do some editing and theni'll upload it pretty soon but i just want to show you what the looks likethere's 1 2 3 4 5 6 strips right here and you're gonna give a close-up rehearso it's overlap right there what i can actually do is i can do a double cut andhave it over take the overlapping part over but to me it right now is no bigdeal
but you can see the quality i even putmy wife and i down there in photoshop on you put that in there just to have alittle fun and but the material see it's better than wallpaper right no becauseyou can actually pull it up see it's not in it it has a perfect tack to ityou just fit it right back down and make mistake you can actually lift it up andput it back down and several several several several times i mean lots oftimes but you can see actually the quality of the print and i could kickout of it so if you wanted a if you want something like this email me at our teamwraps at tell me how big your wall is going to be and i'm not going togive you lots of ideas for images or
ideas and stuff like that but it's it'sa great great great product i'll show you one more time i'll doing this righthere see just pull it up if you mess up you just put it right back down watchthe video i'm going to have coming up next this is the photo text fabricmaterial thanks for watching you