office interior design kent

my day usually begins around 6.30,so it's always an early start. the job is pretty physical but ilike it that way. it keeps me fit. i left school in year 10 and did apre-apprenticeship course in solid plastering. i'm now in my final year of afour-year apprenticeship. ok, guys, following on fromyesterday's class, we're going to be setting the walls today that we'vepreviously floated, all right? the first three years include tafe studiesand the last year is all practical training. most of your experienceis gained on the job. that's where you really develop your skills,learning from people who work in the trade.
i enjoy the work. thepay's pretty good. and when you have anapprenticeship, you're really being paid to learnso that's a bonus too. ok, jason. let'smeasure up this wall. a little bit further, jason. 1.5. just write thatdown then, jason. there are various types ofmixes used for plastering or 'mud' as they call itin the building industry. for walls, it's cementrender with a skim coat
of white set made fromlime putty and plaster. before rendering a wall,it's important to clean up. the walls are sprayed down just to makesure everything is nice and clean. it looks easy applying mix to a wall but ittakes a lot of practice to get it right. you work as a team. the labourer mixes themud while the plasterer spreads it on. i guess i would cover about two rooms.that's about 80 square metres, whichis a pretty full-on day. i also render concrete ceilings and applysand finishes to the exterior of buildings. most of my work is on high-riseapartments but there
is also the occasionalhouse or wall to render. working as a solid plastereris practical work. you need to be fit but also notafraid of working at heights. i think the best part of the job is to seeyour work transformed into a building. it's pretty satisfying toknow you had a hand in it. the best way into the industry is to doa pre-apprenticeship course at tafe. this gives you some skills to get anapprenticeship and become qualified in the trade. in the future, i wouldn't mind having myown business or even teaching my trade, but for now, i want to learn as much asi can and get the experience i need.
one of the good things aboutbeing a solid plasterer is that i finish workin the early afternoon, so that gives me plenty of time to get outon the bike and make a little mud of my own.