office interior design newcastle

office interior design newcastle

a cafe is a type of restaurant serving variousrefreshments. however, its role has been changing in recentyears as more people are choosing to study and work there. let’s zoom in on this trend and how today’scafes are satisfying the changing demands of customers. myeongdong in the heart of seoul... is oneof the most crowded areas in the capital with streets full of cafes. jeong hyeon-wook is a university student inhis final year, but he frequents cafes more often than his school library.

he goes to a cafe at least three to four timesa week on his own to study. (korean, )"i feel a little claustrophobic in my school library, but coffee shops have a freer atmospherethat allows me to study with a group of friends or answer phone calls among other benefits. these convenient elements attract me to studyat coffee shops." ( . , , , .) this cafe franchise introduced quiet-studyseating in its cafes last april. just like a library, each seat has a partitionand power outlet, making it the perfect place to concentrate.

plus, beverages and snacks are readily availablefor students and workers as light meals and refreshments. then what makes cafe franchises try to attractmore of this particular group of customers? (korean, )"customers usually start their work and studies with coffee or other beverages. after focusing on their work for a while,they consume some sandwiches and cakes additionally, which really increase our sales." (1 . 2 .) with a growing number of people working andstudying, cafes are now being called “coffice,”

a combination" of cafe” and “office.” (korean, )"i study for about three to five hours every time i come to a coffee shop." ( ( ) .) according to one survey, 4 out of 5 adultsanswered they have studied or worked at cafes before, have you ever studied or worked at cafe? * survey of 361 adultsyes: 79% no: 21% source: incruit, 2016

while 2 out of 5 university students saidthat they go to cafes regularly to study. why do some prefer to study and work at acoffee house rather than the library or office? (korean, )"cafes are much more open than ordinary office spaces while offering a sense of connectivityat the same time. therefore, coffee shops are becoming multi-functionalspaces where people can enjoy not only good coffee but work and have meetings." ( , . .) some small-sizes cafes are have ongoing conflictwith coffee shop studiers and workers. because they study and work in cafes for longperiods of time, sales can suffer.

to minimize their losses, some cafe ownersadopted the “no study zone” rule or “laptop-free zone” rule. efforts have been made to ease the conflicts,and hourly-based cafes are the result. it charges customers based on time spent,so that both parties can be happy. the first hourly-based cafe was opened inapril 2016. within a year and a half, there are now 21hourly-based cafes, which is a testament to the efficacy of the system. (korean, )"the number of coffee-shop studiers keeps on growing, yet they feel uncomfortable studyingat cafes because they know that they are unwelcomed.

this phenomenon naturally created a demandfor space that students and workers can freely rent. libraries and study rooms aren’t preferreddue to the restricted environment, so this kind of study caf? offers a perfect option to meet the complexneeds of customers." ( . , . . .) what makes these hourly-based cafes specialis the focus on the space itself rather than service of beverages or snacks. also, customers are not allowed to talk inperson or on the phone in the cafes to ensure

the perfect study and work atmosphere. cafes are evolving to meet the demands oftheir customers. (korea, )"i feel like i can stay for about three hours at a normal coffee shop,otherwise, i have to order more food and drinks. however, this place is very good in the sensethat i can stay as long as i want." ( , .) (korean, )"these days, consumers see coffee shops not only as a place to get coffee, but also acultural complex where they can sit down, relax, socialize, study and read.

this trend is expected to create an increasingdemand for cafes with a variety of concepts, ranging from small-sized, cozy cafes thatare perfect for sns to hourly-based cafes to library and book cafes among others." ( . , , , , , .) in tune with the needs of customers, cafesare becoming increasingly versatile, shaping new lifestyle traditions and social dynamics.

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